The Temple of The Presence Presents:

The Harvest Conclave

Torch Bearers of The Temple and Lightbearers of the World!
The Ascended Masters invite you to the forthcoming Harvest Conclave and Acropolis Sophia where you may open the petals of the Heart and climb the ladder of Hierarchy all the way to the Great Central Sun. Just as the twelve Mighty Elohim stepped forth during the Freedom Conclave, during our forthcoming Harvest Conclave, the twelve Chohans will come in their full regalia, and during the New Year's Conclave, the Archangels! We hope you will join us for these glorious events. 
The Pharos of Hierarchy, Harvest Conference, October 7-11, 2015. The Lighthouse of Pharos stood as a Beacon of Light, as the doorway to Truth and Wisdom, and in like manner the Lighthouse of Hierarchy stands upon the planes of the earth raising its Torch on high, shedding the Light of Truth and Momentums of God Good across the planet. You are cordially invited to our Harvest Conclave as the Brotherhood anchors their Light and Good through the Beloved Chohans of the Seven Rays.
When I AM Calling You...Love's Duet with the Limitless Sea, Acropolis Sophia, October 12-18, 2015. During the Acropolis that follows, Lady Master Venus and our Blessed Goddess of Liberty will conduct a seven-day symphony of love and creation. You may participate in this glorious duet as you learn how the Individualities of God harmonize with the Limitless Universal Sea of Light to bring forth every perfect creation desired by God. You will want to be present during this Acropolis as the Five Chohans of the Pranic Breaths usher the students into the Perfect Realms of God Life as the key to bringing forth creation.  
Look for our formal mailing brochure that will be winging its way to you soon. Click on the poster below to view a larger version and click on the registration form to register for the Conference and Acropolis.
In the Light of Hierarchy,
The Temple of The Presence
Click on the poster to view a high resolution image.
There are so many Ascended Ones who stand waiting for you to awaken to who you are in your Presence so you might call forth their assistance and register through your own Heart Flame sufficient Love for God that the Momentum of the Hierarchy of Light can release the magnitude of their assistance through your lifestream to fulfill whatever may be the need of the hour at any time.
 ~ Lord Matireya - August 8, 2015


If you wish to register in advance,  you may download a printable version of the registration form .


Existing Torch Bearers only: Be sure you are active! Existing Torch Bearers need to maintain active Torch Bearer status to participate in both the Conference and Acropolis Sophia, in person or via video streaming. An active Torch Bearer is one who has tithed for 4 out of the last 6 months, or 8 out of the last 12 months. If you need to renew your active status, please contact us at 520-751-2039.



The Temple of The Presence has arranged a special group rate at the Hilton Tucson East, located only 15 minutes from Coeur de Lion. Click here for more information.

For information on travel to Tucson and Coeur de Lion, please click here .

Streaming Video

Can't attend the Conference or Acropolis in person? You are invited to register for our streaming video broadcast program, live and in real-time from The Temple of The Presence!


The Temple of The Presence

PO Box 17839
Tucson, AZ 85731 USA
Copyright © 2015 The Temple of The Presence, Inc.