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Impact Newsletter
U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit
Dear Friends,

Earlier this month, nearly 50 African heads of state and their delegations�along with some of America's top CEOs�came to town for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. It was an unprecedented opportunity to strengthen ties between our nation and the world's fastest-growing region.

From promoting trade to investing in health, our Agency's work was consistently held up as a great example of how the U.S. and Africa can partner together to advance mutual interests and achieve big goals. In particular, President Obama spoke about the importance of applying Power Africa's unique model of development and finance to other areas.

The Summit featured landmark announcements for development. We launched a $100 million partnership focused on building resilience in poorest communities of the Sahel, the Horn, and South and Southeast Asia. President Obama announced we are tripling our goal for Power Africa in order to bring electricity to more than 60 million African homes and businesses. And we announced brand new commitments from 39 African-based companies and 9 international companies towards the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition�an incredible sign of the power that agriculture has to build the markets of the future.

Every day, our Agency works to end extreme poverty for the world�s most vulnerable people. By continuing to create new partnerships and investment opportunities, this Summit proved we can lay the foundation for enduring prosperity in every corner of the globe.


Raj Shah
Raj Shah
USAID Administrator


Link to New Announcements New Commitments for Africa
Link to New Alliance Progress 

Report Progress Report: New Alliance
Link to Power Africa Annual Report Annual Report: Power Africa
Link to Photos: USAID & The Africa 

Leaders Summit Photos: USAID & The Africa Leaders Summit
Link to Newsletter: Power Africa Newsletter: Power Africa
Link to Blog: Youth Empowerment is 

Key to President Obama's Vision for Africa's Future Blog: President Obama's Vision for Africa's Future
Link to Blog: Investing in Africa's 

Future Blog: Investing in Africa's Future
Link to Blog: Empowering Africa's 

Next Generation Through Education Blog: Empowering Africa Through Education
Link to Video: U.S. - Africa 

Leaders Summit: Resilience and Food Security in a Changing Climate Video: U.S. - Africa Leaders Summit
Faith Works: Honoring the 

Contributions of the Faith Community to Peace and Prosperity in Africa Video: Faith Works

USAID In the News

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Powering sub-Saharan Africa

Obama said the Power Africa initiative, coordinated by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and other agencies, could lead to a doubling of electricity access in the six nations that signed into the program when it was launched in July 2013. (MSNBC)
Credit: Getty Images
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Trade, rather than aid, marks the future of US-Africa relationship

Obama told The Economist that the United States can be a �central� force in Africa's advancement, based on the idea that �American traditions of transparency, accountability, rule of law, [and] property rights are ingredients that are critical to unlocking Africa's future.� The Department of Commerce plans to announce nearly $1 billion in new business deals at the summit, and the US Agency for International Development says US companies are promising to devote billions more to Obama's Power Africa program of electrification. (BOSTON GLOBE)
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Rajiv Shah's War On Global Hunger

"If religious leaders had a favorite government office, it just might be the The United States Agency for International Development--the USAID. Since its creation in the early 1960s, the office has worked to help the world's poorest of the poor, giving government aid to countries dealing with major disasters, hunger, disease and more." (INTERFAITH VOICES)
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Billions of dollars in deals and funding to be announced at Africa summit

This article reviewed announcements of new public-private partnerships committing billions of dollars to trade and development projects in Africa like the Power Africa program and the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition (REUTERS)
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USAID to send team to Ebola-impacted countries

On her segment �Andrea Mitchell Reports,� Mitchell interviews Administrator Shah about the African Leaders Summit, observing that �there's a lot of excitement� about the �$14 billion in business commitments announced by the administration today.� (MSNBC)
Credit: MSNBC
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Africa Leaders Summit: What to expect

In the series Open Mike, Politico reporter Mike Allen interviews Administrator Shah about the African Leaders Summit. Highlights include efforts in partnering with the private equity sector in order to end extreme poverty and engaging with the fast-growing African economies. Dr. Shah elaborates: �...the idea is to really help American businesses, universities student groups see Africa and the potential of what could be the world's largest common integrated market as a place where we should be doing business and engaging in trade and investment, while also tackling some of the existing challenges of poverty, conflict, and governance.� (POLITICO)
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Preparing for Climate Disasters to Get $100 Million Fund

�We've come to the view that all of these recurring problems are solvable problems. We can stop destruction from becoming disaster. We think the partnership itself can produce a paradigm shift.� -Rockefeller Foundation President Judith Rodin (BLOOMBERG)
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When Donor Driven Programs Work

For years, programs funded by USAID, ranging from rule of law to market reform, have been required to demonstrate how these groups benefit from their respective activities. As a result, there has been a marked improvement in social attitudes toward and government programs for women, youth and minorities in many emerging democracies. (HUFFINGTON POST)
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Federal international venture fund helps yield clean drinking water in Uganda, Kenya

A profile of Jill Boezwinkle, SAMMY award winner and senior program manager at USAID�s Development Innovation Ventures, described the team�s help launching a clean water-dispenser project. The team�s work can be described best as a mix between the brainstorming and energy of a start-up and the data focus of a science lab. It�s the federal government version of a venture-capital fund, this one seeking to help end extreme poverty. (THE WASHINGTON POST)
Credit: Marlon Correa/The 

Washington Post
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Jars of Clay Twitter 


Jars of Clay


We are warming up in DC and humbled to play at the US-African Leaders Summit! #USAfrica #AfricanLeaders @USAID

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CBS Evening NewsTwitter 


CBS Evening News


RT @margbrennan: US to send $5m in funds to fight #ebola & a team of 60 @CDCgov & @USAID experts to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria & Guinea

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Twitter Link: Carolyn 


Carolyn Miles


At Investing in Health event #DC - announcement by #ebola & a team of 60 @rajshah on a focus on child survival, new innovative financing w key #African countries.

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CDC Global Health 

Twitter link

CDC Global Health


Thanks to @CDCgov, @USAID, & others, child deaths reduced 50% since 1990�from 190 deaths/1,000 people in 1990 to 96 today! #USAfrica

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Intel Singapore Twitter 


Intel Singapore


1 step toward digital gender equality: @Intel & @USAID announce alliance to connect 600K African women #WomenSucceed

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Mike Allen Twitter 


Mike Allen


Africa Leaders Summit: What to expect from @rajshah of @USAID:

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Walmart Newsroom link

Walmart Newsroom


Our Foundation funds agricultural & biz training for 135,000 African farmers via 3 @USAID programmes" style="-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;color: #214866;font-family: Arial;text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold;" target="_blank">#USAfricaSummit