We finally got ahead of the Red Data Girl stock problem this week, and even though I think I exacerbated the issue by mentioning it in last weeks newsletter (there was another surge of orders for it after that), we've now got plenty of copies in stock after our latest shipment from Funimation and all hold orders and backorders for RDG have now shipped out. I even had to give up my personal copy last week to a customer, but I'm taking home another one today so I can finish watching the rest of it this weekend! Yeah!
Couple of product delays to pass on this week. Sentai announced that both the DVD and BLURAY versions of
Gatchaman Crowds are being moved back from July to Sept 2nd. Funimation also backed up a July release, kicking
Ben To off the July schedule and putting it back on TBA status with a new release date to be determined. In an official statement they said regarding Ben To:
"We have realized that there are inconsistencies associated with the materials used to create the release. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause fans who are eager to see this series, but we want to ensure that the product we are releasing is to the highest standard that our fans expect. We will provide a new release date once it becomes available." Don't blame me folks, I'm just the messenger. As always, if you have an order in with us for any of these titles and you want to make a change, just
drop us a line.
Funimation sent over their September 2014 release schedule this week and we now have them all up on the store site for pre-order!
Here's what's coming:
HAL the Movie DVD/BD Combo Set - Sep 2
Baka and Test Season 1 Collection DVD/BLURAY Combo Set (S.A.V.E. Edition) - Sep 2
Baka and Test Season 2 + OVA Collection DVD/BLURAY Combo Set (S.A.V.E. Edition) - Sep 2
Dragon Ball Z Season 7 (BLURAY) - Sep 16
Attack on Titan Collection #2 DVD/BD Combo Set (Limited Edition) - Sep 23
Attack on Titan Collection #2 DVD/BD Combo Set (Standard Edition) - Sep 23
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Complete Collection DVD/BD Combo Set (Classic) - Sep 23
One Piece Film Z DVD/BD Combo Set - Sep 30
SteinsGate Complete Collection DVD/BD Combo Set (Eps #1-24) (Classic) - Sep 30
For a short period of time we're going to offer Attack on Titan Part #2 sets for a VERY special pass through pre-order price, so get your order in today before I change my mind!
I can't even solve the three sided ones... |
In other new release announcements, Viz has picked up the Blood Lad series and plans to release it in September. We're going to be bringing in the DVD/BD combo set, and now have it up for pre-order here:
Blood Lad Complete Series DVD/BD Combo Set (Premium Edition) (Eps 1-10+OVA)This version contains episodes 1-10 and the OVA episode plus a 96-page booklet. It will be packaged in a premium chipboard artbox.
We're down to the last ones of several more figurines this week, including:
I'd have a much longer list but several others like the Margit Suzuki Chemistry, the 7th Dragon 2020 Hatsune Miku, and the Valhellio: Iris Hartley figures have already sold out. While I'm on it we also sold out of the
Seraphim: Bunny Version figurine but we managed to lay our hands on another case of them so she'll be back in stock shortly - until she isn't again. -_^
We've got lots of new arrivals for you this past week, including the early arrival of the first half of Season 2 of
Railgun ,
To Love Ru Darkness, and
Naruto Shippuden Set #19. No need to wait to get your copy - we're shipping them now!
A whole stack of Certain Scientific goodness! |
From time to time people ask me how we can ship new releases to customers prior to the street dates, but my simple answer is that as soon as the studios start the count down on our invoice due dates from the street date rather than the ship date, we'll start waiting to ship stuff until that time. In other words, as long as we have to pay for it based on when it arrives here, we'll keep shipping new stuff to our customers as soon as it arrives at our warehouse. :-)
I wanted to mention that our first shipment of the new
Shiki S.A.V.E. edition was just the old Part #1 LE and Part #2 boxes put together with a S.A.V.E. sticker slapped on. I guess Funi had a lot of those left over. We later got a second shipment of these that came in proper S.A.V.E. economy packaging, so what we are going to do is ship the ones with the nicer old version packaging first, and only start shipping the proper S.A.V.E. version once those runs out - which I imagine will be in short order now that I've put it out there. :-)
In our customer corner this week, Christopher writes in to let us know how we did on his last order:
"RACS,Thanks for being the place I go to satisfy my Anime and Manga cravings. Thanks for having the stuff I'm looking for in stock and at better prices. Thanks for acknowledging your customers as human beings that want to be as in the know as much as anyone. In other words, thanks for being awesome!-Christopher"
Thanks Chris! You never have to talk some drone who is "a member of our friendly customer service team" here - you get to talk directly to me. No canned answers. No passing the buck.
Marty sent in a few pictures of his excellent figurine collection that he has sourced from RACS over the years, and I thought we would share them with you:
I think both Marty and I will need bigger houses soon. Joseph also sent over a few pictures of some of his Anime collection that he has amassed from RACS:
Awesome! Thanks to both Marty and Joseph for sharing! If you'd like to see your collection revealed to the world on a future RACS newsletter, just
send us some pics!
And finally, for the record, due to the large amount of inquiries we've been getting about it - I'd just like to clarify that Sentai's release of Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat is not actually a Hentai title. Please stop asking us that!
Not a Hentai - just hilarious and definitely NSFW... -_^ |
Robert's Random Thoughts
"I never wanted to be well-rounded, and I do not admire well-rounded people. So far as I can see, nothing really good in the world is done by well-rounded people. The good work is done by people with jagged, broken edges, because those edges cut things and leave an imprint."
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