San Francisco Interfaith Council Condemns
Vicious Anti-Muslim Bus Ads
October 16, 2014
Today, vicious anti-Islam advertisements will appear on 100 San Francisco MUNI buses. The advertisements suggest that to be a devout Muslim, one must be violent. This broad-sweeping defamation of Islam has no place in our City.
These advertisements are being paid for by an entity based in New York, which duels with anti-Israel activists in this and other metropolitan cities to fuel intolerance through advertisements on public transportation. In this instance, they are attempting to confuse the murderous persecution of people of faith in the Middle East by ISIS with the virtuous teachings of the Koran.
The San Francisco Interfaith Council, whose mission is Celebrating our diverse faiths and spiritual traditions; Bringing people together to build understanding and; Serving our community, stands in solidarity with the Muslim community, the Jewish community, and all people of faith in condemning such inflammatory messages. The Interfaith Council encourages congregation leaders to join us in this endeavor, and to utilize the pulpit to preach a message of understanding and respect.
For additional information, please contact Michael G. Pappas at (415) 425-9631.