A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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Daily Lesson 215
Review VI
Sarah's Reflections
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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
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A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.

In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...


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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


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Great Wings of Truth
V. "Obstacles to Peace"
a. "The First Obstacle: The Desire to Get Rid of It"  

48 How mighty can a little feather be before the great wings of truth? Can it oppose an eagle's flight or hinder the advance of summer? Can it interfere with the effects of summer's sun upon a garden covered by the snow? See but how easily this little wisp is lifted up and carried away, never to return, and part with it in gladness, not regret. For it is nothing in itself and stood for nothing when you had greater faith in its protection. Would you not rather greet the summer sun than fix your gaze upon a disappearing snowflake and shiver in remembrance of the winter's cold?           


SonShip Workbook  

L e s s o n  215

 Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.

    [195] Love is the way I walk in gratitude.   


The Holy Spirit is my only Guide.   
He walks with me in love. And I give thanks
can only be for good. And I accept
to Him for showing me the way to go.   

I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.


~ Original Handscript of ACIM

ACIM Review VI  
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radi
What is 'Iambic Pentameter'?

   With this review, we take but one idea

   each day, and practice it as often as

   is possible. Besides the time we give

   morning and evening, which should not be less

   than fifteen minutes, and the hourly

   remembrances we make throughout the day,

   use the idea as often as you can

   between them. Each of these ideas alone

   would be sufficient for salvation, if

   it is learned truly. Each would be enough

   to give release to you and to the world

   from every form of bondage, and invite

   the memory of God to come again.


   With this in mind, we start our practicing

   in which we carefully review the thoughts

   the Holy Spirit has bestowed on us

   in our last twenty lessons. Each contains

   the whole curriculum, if understood,

   practiced, accepted and applied to all

   the seeming happenings throughout the day.

   One is enough. But for that one there must

   be no exceptions made. And so we need

   to use them all, and let them blend as one

   as each contributes to the whole we learn.


   These practice lessons, like our last review,

   are centered round a central theme with which

   we start and end each lesson. It is this:


   "I am not a body. I am free.

    For I am still as God created me."


   The day begins and ends with this. And we

   repeat it every time the hour strikes,

   or we remember, in between, we have

   a function that transcends the world we see.

   Beyond this and a repetition of

   the special thought we practice for the day,

   no form of exercise is urged, except

   a deep relinquishing of everything

   that clutters up your mind, and makes it deaf

   to reason, sanity and simple truth.


   We will attempt to get beyond all words

   and special forms of practicing for this

   review. For we attempt this time to reach

   a quickened pace along a shorter path

   to the serenity and peace of God.

   We merely close our eyes, and then forget

   all that we thought we saw and understood.

   For thus is freedom given us from all

   we did not know and failed to understand.


   There is but one exception to this lack

   of structuring. Permit no idle thought

   to go unchallenged. If you notice one,

   deny its hold and hasten to assure

   your mind that this is not what it would have.

   Then gently let the thought which you denied

   be given up in sure and quick exchange

   for the idea we practice for the day.


   When you are tempted, hasten to proclaim

   your freedom from temptation, as you say:


   "This thought I do not want. I choose instead..."


   And then repeat the idea for the day,

   and let it take the place of what you thought.

   Beyond such special applications of

   each day's idea, we will add but few

   formal expressions for specific thoughts

   to aid your practicing. Instead we give

   these times of quiet to the Teacher Who

   instructs in quiet, speaks of peace, and gives

   our thoughts whatever meaning they may have.


   To Him I offer this review for you.

   I place you in His charge, and let Him teach

   you what to do and say and think each time

   you turn to Him. He will not fail to be

   available to you each time you call

   to Him to help you. Let us offer Him

   the whole review we now begin, and let

   us also not forget to Whom it has

   been given, as we practice, day by day,

   advancing toward the goal He set for us;

   allowing Him to teach us how to go,

   and trusting Him completely for the way

   each practice period can best become

   a loving gift of freedom to the world. 


  ~ Original Handscript ~ September 1, 1970


ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Lesson 215
Review VI
[195] Love is the way I walk in gratitude. 

*Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php 
[Use 'Advanced Search' and 'Exact Phrase' option]

Sarah's Commentary:

We continue today with the importance of building on a foundation of trust which means that we don't rely on our own past experience to guide us because it is a very poor guide. Relying on our own past experience means that we can never discern, with any certainty, what is best for everyone in every situation. Only the Holy Spirit can know that so we need to turn to Him. He can show us the way to be helpful in any and every situation.

 "I am here only to be truly helpful.
 I am here to represent Him who sent me.
 I do not have to worry about what to say or what
 to do because He Who sent me will direct me.
 I am content to be wherever He wishes knowing
 He goes there with me.
 I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal." (T.2.V.18.(8) 2-6)

When a brother shows up for me and offers me difficult lessons, my job is to look at my own mind rather than try to change his. "Only the self-accused condemn. As you prepare to make a choice that will result in different outcomes, there is first one thing that must be overlearned. It must become a habit of response so typical of everything you do that it becomes your first response to all temptation, and to every situation that occurs. Learn this, and learn it well, for it is here delay of happiness is shortened by a span of time you cannot realize." (T.31.III.1.1-4) What is so important that Jesus says we must over-learn it? It is, "You never hate your brother for his sins, but only for your own." (T.31.III.1.5) We believe that his sins are actually ours and we hate ourselves for them so much that we want to get rid of them by seeing them in our brother. Now we can be grateful for the opportunity to see our sins so they can be forgiven.

This is a process. What the process involves is surrender. We can't wake up from this dream unless we surrender. How does this happen? It happens moment by moment, and it take a lot of practice. What are we surrendering? We surrender the temptation to make up a story about a situation. We surrender our opinions and our need to be right. We surrender our need to speak when there is nothing that needs to be said. We surrender our need to blame, to attack, to justify and to explain. We surrender our need to accomplish and achieve, and so much more. How does this look? Perhaps you want to yell at someone and then you choose not to. You step back and look within at what you want to accuse your brother of. Perhaps you already have yelled at your brother, but in a saner moment you step back. You look within to see what you are accusing your brother of, which is a projection from your own mind. As you take responsibility for it, without judgment of yourself, you ask for help for healing your misperceptions. This can take great willingness. It is a process and it takes discipline. The ego does not give up easily, but with each moment that we take to step back and willingly surrender our way, our views, our thoughts and our opinions, the ego is slowly being undone. This journey is not about keeping our spiritual journey going so that we can take up a new role of spiritual seeker. It is to examine how much we want to wake up. And if we do, then we need to apply this discipline daily. No teacher, no guru, no book can accomplish for us what we need to do for ourselves, and we do it by our willingness to listen to the inner Voice of Truth that is always guiding us. We will hear Him, when we set our ego aside.

Today I am grateful for these teachings. I am grateful that I can use every situation for learning, for release, for the miracle, and for the correction of my self-condemning thoughts. I am learning to be increasingly willing to undo the thought system of the ego that has kept me from knowing my true reality. I am even willing to look at where I am unwilling to let go of grievances and ask for help. There is a better way. I am learning to see my own secret wishes for specialness. Don't we all want everyone in our lives to serve that wish and that need? It can be painful initially to recognize it, but it is in the recognition that the release can come. We truly don't know our own best interests. In following the ego program, we only bring more pain as we pursue that which we think will bring pleasure.

We have a Guide we can trust. Our past experiences, no matter how much they have helped us to manage in the world, are still not sufficient to give us perfect judgment. We simply can never know all of the variables, but when guidance is sought and we put the future in the Hands of God, we can walk in perfect trust. Recognizing that we don't know, is an important step. How do I know what experience is right for me or for you? How can I judge what is good or what is bad? How can I determine what is the best action to take that will benefit everyone?

This morning I was reading Chapter 5.III, "The Guide to Salvation", which again was a reminder to me that there is a call for Love and a call for understanding in all seeming attacks from anyone. Everyone I am seeing is myself reflected back to me. It is my own guilt that I put on others and judge it there when I choose not to take responsibility for it in myself. "See him through the Holy Spirit in his mind, and you will recognize Him in yours. What you acknowledge in your brother you are acknowledging in yourself, and what you share you strengthen."       (T.5.III.3.4-5)

The reason we need to share it, is to strengthen the Voice of the Holy Spirit in us. It is not something we do alone. "It is impossible to hear It [the Voice] in yourself while It is so weak in your mind. It is not weak in Itself, but It is limited by your unwillingness to hear It." (T.5.III.4.4-5) So, if we want to strengthen our ability to hear guidance we need to see all seeming attack as a call for love. All guidance comes from the right mind. When we only hear one Voice, we will naturally be coming from a place of love. We affirm the truth of who we are, as love, by seeing the Christ Self in our brother. "If you make the mistake of looking for the Holy Spirit in yourself alone your thoughts will frighten you because, by adopting the ego's viewpoint, you are undertaking an ego-alien journey with the ego as guide. This is bound to produce fear." (T.5.III.4.6-7)
So if I give my thoughts to the Holy Spirit, He will reinterpret them and bring me out of the guilt of the past and the fear of the future. I just need to be willing to offer my thoughts to Him. "His ability to deal with symbols enables Him to work with the ego's beliefs in its own language." (T.5.III.7.2) And He takes us beyond these symbols to show us the light in us. He reminds us of the Self we are so that we can truly walk the path of love in gratitude for His presence in us.

No matter how I am feeling, no matter what mistakes I have made, they can all be undone by bringing them to His healing light which is in us now. As I do, I increasingly trust that "I need do nothing" (T.18.VII.6.7)  but get out of the way and allow His guidance to take me where I need to be, who I need to be with, what to say, and what to do and to release all investment in the outcome.

Today we affirm "The Holy Spirit is my only Guide. He walks with me in love. And I give thanks to Him for showing me the way to go." (W.215.1.2-4)


Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]


Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php    

[Use 'Advanced Search' and Exact Phrase' option]
TEXT Paused for Weekend

A Course in Miracles   

Chapter Nineteen

Beyond the Body

V. Obstacles to Peace

 a. The First Obstacle:
     The Desire to Get Rid of It        

40 The first obstacle that peace must flow across is your desire to get rid of it. For it cannot extend unless you keep it. You are the center from which it radiates outward to call the others in. You are its home, its tranquil dwelling-place from which it gently reaches out but never leaving you. If you would make it homeless, how can it abide within the Son of God? If it would spread across the whole creation, it must begin with you and from you reach to everyone who calls and bring him rest by joining you.


41 Why would you want peace homeless? What do you think that it must dispossess to dwell with you? What seems to be the cost you are so unwilling to pay? The little barrier of sand still stands between you. Would you reinforce it now? You are not asked to let it go for yourselves alone. Christ asks it of you for Himself. He would bring peace to everyone, and how can He do this except through you? Would you let a little bank of sand, a wall of dust, a tiny seeming barrier, stand between your brothers and salvation? And yet, it is this little remnant of attack you cherish still against each other that is the first obstacle the peace in you encounters in its going forth. This little wall of hatred would still oppose the Will of God and keep it limited.


42 The Holy Spirit's purpose rests in peace within you. Yet you are still unwilling to let it join you wholly. You still oppose the Will of God, just by a little. And that little is a limit you would place upon the whole. God's Will is One, not many. It has no opposition, for there is none beside it. What you would still contain behind your little barrier and keep separate from each other seems mightier than the universe, for it would hold back the universe and its Creator. This little wall would hide the purpose of Heaven and keep it from Heaven.


43 Would you thrust salvation away from the giver of salvation? For such have you become. Peace could no more depart from you than from God. Fear not this little obstacle. It cannot contain the Will of God. Peace will flow across it and join you without hindrance. Salvation cannot be withheld from you. It is your purpose. You cannot will apart from this. You have no purpose apart from each other nor apart from the one you asked the Holy Spirit to share with you. The little wall will fall away so quietly beneath the wings of peace! For peace will send its messengers from you to all the world. And barriers will fall away before their coming as easily as those which you would interpose will be surmounted.


44 To overcome the world is no more difficult than to surmount your little wall. For in the miracle of your relationship, without this barrier, is every miracle contained. There is no order of difficulty in miracles, for they are all the same. Each is a gentle winning over from the appeal of guilt to the appeal of love. How can this fail to be accomplished, wherever it is undertaken? Guilt can raise no real barriers against it. And all that seems to stand between you must fall away because of the appeal you answered. For from you who answered, He Who answered you would call. His home is in your holy relationship. Do not attempt to stand between Him and His holy purpose, for it is yours. But let Him quietly extend the miracle of your relationship to everyone contained in it, as it was given.


45 There is a hush in Heaven, a happy expectancy, a little pause of gladness in acknowledgment of the journey's end. For Heaven knows you well, as you know Heaven. No illusions stand between you now. Look not upon the little wall of shadows. The sun has risen over it. How can a shadow keep you from the sun? No more can you be kept by shadows from the light in which illusions end. Every miracle is but the end of an illusion. Such was the journey; such its ending. And in the goal of truth which you accepted must all illusions end.


46 The little insane wish to get rid of Him Who you invited in and push Him out must produce conflict. As you look upon the world, this little wish, uprooted and floating aimlessly, can land and settle briefly upon anything, for it has no purpose now. Before the Holy Spirit entered to abide with you, it seemed to have a mighty purpose; the fixed and unchangeable dedication to sin and its results. Now it is aimless, wandering pointlessly, causing no more than tiny interruptions in love's appeal.


47 This feather of a wish, this tiny illusion, this microscopic remnant of the belief in sin, is all that remains of what once seemed to be the world. It is no longer an unrelenting barrier to peace. Its pointless wandering makes its results appear to be more erratic and unpredictable than before. Yet what could be more unstable than a tightly-organized delusional system? Its seeming stability is its pervasive weakness, which extends to everything. The variability which the little remnant induces merely indicates its limited results.


48 How mighty can a little feather be before the great wings of truth? Can it oppose an eagle's flight or hinder the advance of summer? Can it interfere with the effects of summer's sun upon a garden covered by the snow? See but how easily this little wisp is lifted up and carried away, never to return, and part with it in gladness, not regret. For it is nothing in itself and stood for nothing when you had greater faith in its protection. Would you not rather greet the summer sun than fix your gaze upon a disappearing snowflake and shiver in remembrance of the winter's cold?




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To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth. Lesson 108


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