There is a new, exciting update coming soon to the children's ministry at Grace Fellowship! JourNeyLaNd Worship begins Sunday, August 10, at 9AM in the Worship Center. JourNeyLaNd Worship will be a 15 minute mini-worship time with our 1st through 6th graders. It will include games, singing, scripture readings, videos, and corporate times of prayer. It will last ONLY 15 minutes before the children are off to their Sunday School class, so don't be late!


We believe that JourNeyLaNd Worship will provide a big start to each Sunday! We ask that our parents help us in regard to participation and support. For the sake of one another and our guests it is important to be present and on time.


Regarding the Adult Bible Study class, if you are not currently attending our study in Revelation we encourage you to become involved as well. That class begins at 9AM in the Community Center.