Great Things are Happening - Starting Strong! Op
11:15  Registration
11:30  Lunch served
12:00  Program starts
12:50  Green your IQ

Wed Feb 10, 2016
Top of the Market
32 Webster Street
Dayton, OH 45402

1 GBCI /AIA Learning Unit

10 points for BYG Participants

Join us for our first 2016 sustainability luncheon as Dayton Regional Green Action Teams report on their goals, progress, and all the great things they are working on under the three pillars of sustainability; including establishing PACE financing to fund your energy upgrades, increasing bike paths and recycling rates, mapping out our green spaces, and so much more!

Special Invitation for Your Organization's Young Professionals:

DRG and UpDayton invite you to bring your young professionals along to the luncheon! As you look to develop your next generation of leaders, a DRG action team is a great way for them to develop their leadership skills and connect with the community.

UpDayton has offered to sponsor the lunches for up to two of each organization's young professionals! UpDayton will also be at the luncheon to share a brief overview of their work and connect with you and your young colleagues.

Email Lamees Mubaslat at [email protected] with the names of your young professionals and  we'll take care of their registration!

You don't want to miss this one; more than 50 organizations will be represented at this luncheon!  A great networking opportunity for you and your young colleagues.