      Weekly e-news       12/17/15
 + worship

Starting Over:  Rejoice
Rev. Tim Canniff-Kuhn

REJOICE - The coming of our Lord fills our lives with Joy, again and again.  The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth illustrates how this joy explodes into a exaltation that can not be contained within ourselves.  Rejoicing produces an energy that fuels our ability to serve without fear, proclaiming the goodness of God and reaching out to others with the incarnate love of God.   

Christmas Eve Services are:

5:00 Child friendly worship 
9:30  Christmas Preludes
10:00 Festival Candlelight Service

Sunday December 27th
(1 service)

10:30 am

+ learn

The children in our Sunday School classes have been learning about their faith through stories, activities, songs and conversations. We feel very blessed to have amazing teachers in our classes! Thank you to all of the teachers and helpers that
are sharing God's love with our children and youth every Sunday: Natalie Campbell,
Linda Fisher, Gina Benardo, Emily Propst, Jennie Gillette, Carolyn Anderson, Sarah
Anderson, Caroline Ward, Patrick Trull, Brian Propst, Colleen Dieterly, Laura Baylor,
Sarah Asbill, Kathryn Johnson, Pastor Mark and Candace Trull. We are very thankful

for your dedication and love for our children at Nativity!

There will be no Sunday School on December 27th and January 3rd. Classes will resume on January 10th. Have a very Merry Christmas!

+ care
Meet the Dahlberg family.  They recently moved to Fletcher from Colorado.  Bradley and Carrie along with their children, Erik (is in 8th grade at Cane Creek), Jack (is in 4th grade at Glen Arden) and Claire (is in 2nd grade at Glen Arden).  Please give them a warm welcome!
See who's celebrating!!
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  Click  for Nativity's
2015 End Well

2 Sundays
25 days


+  give

  So, the question is:  "How do we respond?"  How do we respond to the changes in our midst?  How do we respond to the challenges and opportunities in our community?  How do we respond to the call of discipleship that our Lord puts in front of us each and every day?  How do we respond to the gifts that were first given to us by God? 

2016 Commitments....We have received 45% of household commitments for 2016. Please turn in yours as soon as possible. Your ministry staff looks forward to planning the 2016 year and these commitments are a tool that helps guide them in those decisions.

2016 Offering envelopes  are available for you to pick up after each service on Sunday.  If you have any questions, please contact Jen Loizzo in the church office. 828-684-0352.
Click here to view Nativity's Children's Musical performed on Wednesday.  

Great Job kids and all those who helped support the evening.
Nativity member, Beth Roberts, will have a book signing of her recently-published The Christmas Spider  at the Barnes & Noble in Biltmore Park,  Saturday December 19 at 11:00 AM .  On  Sunday December 27  Beth will share her story at Nativity during Children's Word Time.

signup is located at the welcome desk  
Keep the following dates in mind when you open your new calendar for 2016. More information will appear in the January Weekly e-news.
Women's meeting:  Thursday, January 14, at  11:00 a.m. in the fellowship hall. (Second  Thursday of each month)

The Card Ministry:   Thursday, January 14, at  12:30 p.m. also in the fellowship hall.  (Second Thursday of each month)

The Lunch Bunch:  Thursday, January 28 at 1:00 p.m. (Fourth  Thursday of the month, Jan - Oct.)

The One Day Retreat will be  Saturday, February 13 at Grace Lutheran Church.