There is Another Way ... 
A Personal Note from Robin Duncan

If you're feeling worried, stressed, frustrated, or overwhelmed about what's going on in terms of your income, relationships, health, career or in the world, these audios will help. You will learn what's going on, why it's happening, and more importantly, what you can do to bring about a radical shift and change.  I'm including a couple of the audios (from the two series on the right) to help you get things moving today.

Miracle Mondays Series
1 of 10 Live Audios from our Miracle Mondays Series

Manifesting Wealth Series
1 of 10 Audios for Restoring Abundance Consciousness
Includes Training, Prayer and a Guided Meditation Exercise

Reg. Price: $79.50 per set 
Sale Price: $37 (Sale ends today at 5pm PST)

I have a sign in my home that says,

"When opportunity knocks, open the door."

This is a gentle reminder to keep the door open to receive the solutions we are asking for.  One of the quickest ways out of fear and frustration is to learn how to respond to your thoughts and your situation differently. 
These audios will show you how with easy step-by-step examples at our lowest price ever.

With love,
Robin Duncan

These products are based on the  
Spiritual Principles of A Course in Miracles