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 Hilchos Kriyas Shema 66 (page 200)
 מסעיף ד עד סעיף ו

Getting an Aliya During Birchos K'riyas Shema
Kohanim and Leviim - Specific Rules Regarding Aliyos During Birchos K'riyas Shema
The P'rakim Of K'riyas Shema In The Morning, At Night, And When Reciting Shema Separately From The Blessings

Getting an aliya during Birchos K'riyas Shema
Some poskim permit one who was called to the Torah for an aliya to interrupt even b'emtza haperek because of kavod haTorah; others prohibit it because complying with the laws of hefsek (interruption) is kavod haTorah. The Mechaber rules that one should not interrupt for the aliya, but the custom is to follow the ruling of the Rama who permits it (except during the verses of Shema and Boruch Sheim). It is preferable for him to first complete the section he is reciting (or at least to the end of the topic) before interrupting. During the aliya, he should not read along with the ba'al korei. Where the custom is that the maftir (the one who received the last aliya) reads the haftorah aloud, some permit him to read the haftorah even during K'riyas Shema.
( סעיף ד וס"ק כד-כו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 17 ו-19)

Kohanim and Leviim- specific rules regarding aliyos during Birchos K'riyas Shema
Lechat'chila, one should not be called to the Torah during Birchos K'riyas Shema. If there is no other Kohen or Levi present, there is a dispute among the poskim whether he should be called so as not to cause a suspicion regarding his lineage; the halachah is that during bein hap'rakim he may be called. To avoid this issue it is preferable that he leave the shul until another person is called up. If there is no other Kohen present, he should interrupt even b'emtza haperek to say Birchas Kohanim; according to some he should do so even if there are other Kohanim present.
( סעיף ד, ס"ק כו, ושעה"צ ס"ק מד; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 18)
The p'rakim of K'riyas Shema in the morning, at night, and when reciting Shema separately from the blessings
The p'rakim of Birchos K'riyas Shema are as follows: the first blessing, the second blessing, the parsha of Shema, the parsha of V'haya im shamoa, and the parsha of Vayomer to the end of the blessing Goal Yisroel. Since it is completely forbidden to interrupt (even with a pause of silence) between the words Elokeichem (at the end of the parsha Vayomer) and the word emes (beginning the following blessing), the blessing emes v'yatziv (in the morning) and emes v'emunah (at night) are not considered separate p'rakim. At night, the additional blessing Hashkiveinu is a separate perek. When reciting K'riyas Shema to fulfill one's obligation without the blessings (e. g. when shacharis will be later than the halachic time for Shema), laws of interruption during the p'rakim apply. In such a case, there is dispute among the poskim whether the laws of p'rakim will apply to the K'riyas Shema recited for the second time with the blessings.
( סעיף ה, ס"ק כז ו-כט, וביה"ל ד"ה ואלו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 37)

  • B'emtza haperek one is only permitted to respond Amen to Hokeil Hakadosh, Shomeya Tefilla, Birchos Kohanim, and according to some, the blessings of K'riyas HaTorah.
  • Bein hap'rakim one is permitted to respond to dvarim sheb'kdusha: Amen yehei shmei raba, Amen of d'amiran b'ulma, Bar'chu, the verses Kadosh and Boruch of kedusha, and the first three words of Modim D'rabanan.
  • If one was unable to don tefillin until Birchos K'riyas Shema, according to the Mechaber he should don them with a blessing only bein hap'rakim; according to the Rama, even during the p'rakim of K'riyas Shema he should don them with a blessing.

  • Single permissible interruption between Ge'ula and Tefilla

  • Amen after the blessing Goal Yisroel

  • Goal yisroel vs. goeil yisroel



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.