"The House That Love Built"    Vol. 9, Issue 1                         Jan. 2016
           The New Year is always a time of reflection and renewal, and getting energized for the year ahead. As I think back, I can't help but think of how far we have come in what seems like a very short time. It was 15 years ago, in January 2001, that I approached then Town Administrator Jon Oster about plans to open this town resource to the public.  Thankfully, he was quite willing to listen to my ideas and gave a green light to "go for it."  There was great response right from the beginning, a clear sign that we were on the right track.  We sure were a courageous group, starting with nearly an empty house...only a few pieces of furnishings left in the house by the last owners, the Mowbray family...and $0.  It's really hard to remember now just how empty that house was back then!  With years of opening to the public, we've been able to build our resources and have received donations of all sorts to transform Hearthside into the house museum that it is today.  Of course, being a house museum is an important role that we fill, but we do so in an effort to meet the most important part of our mission, and that is to preserve this beautiful home and its rich history along the Great Road. Fortunately, from that ground zero base, we have been able to consistently raise funds each year to address many serious building restoration needs.

           So 2016 is a noteworthy year as we celebrate our 15th Anniversary!  Not only to celebrate all our accomplishments during this time, but to look forward and prepare for our next chapter.  Our volunteers have been giving a good deal of thought to our presentations for this year, and the excitement is growing.  In just a few weeks, we'll have a Calendar ready to publish so that you'll be able to plan ahead for your return visits. 

           Some of our mainstays of course will surely be included, such as our Tea, Victorian funeral program, American Girl events, and old-fashioned Christmas, but we promise to have a surprise or two thrown in to keep everything fresh.  It's important for us to have a continuous flow of new volunteers to bring a renewed sense of energy and creativity that inspires everyone to reach for new goals
           I hope 2016 proves to be a happy and healthy one for you, and that you'll count Hearthside in among the many pleasures you treat yourself to!
In This Issue


     Event Schedule

Sat., Jan. 16th  Volunteer   
Hearthside is closed during Jan.-Feb. and scheduled to re-open in March for tours. Watch for schedule of upcoming events in next newsletter.
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Calling all volunteers!  Now is the time to be involved in setting the agenda for the coming year.  While there are some events that are mainstays, there is still opportunity to shape new program offerings.  The first meeting of the new year is coming up this week on Saturday, Jan. 16th from 10-12 noon at Hearthside.  Whether you've been around awhile or just starting out, we welcome all to join in the discussion.  Not into events, but just want to help out in some way, then you're welcome to come as well.  This is a perfect time to join us as we gear up for the year.  Just respond by emailing me here so I'll know numbers to prepare for!  Hope you'll be part of this exciting 15th year at Hearthside!


Just before the holiday, we announced our Annual Appeal.  This campaign is seeking your donation, above and beyond Membership, but a "gift from the heart."  If you have a passion for history (which I believe our readership of this newsletter does), then please help us continue to work to preserve this beautiful home and inspire a love of history for thousands of others who come to discover Hearthside each year.


Because Friends of Hearthside is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, your contribution is totally tax deductible, and you have the satisfaction of knowing that 100% of funds donated go directly toward restoration. 


Please join members of our board who have pledged a gift of $50.  If you are not able to match that, or even make a larger donation, any amount would be greatly appreciated!  Some have had their charitable gift matched by their employer, doubling or even tripling their contributed amount.


Our goal is to raise $5,000.  We're just about half way there.  Please help us reach that goal by donating today.  You may pay through credit card through the link below, or mail a check made payable to Friends of Hearthside, 757 Great Road, Lincoln, RI  02865.  My heartfelt thanks to you for your support of our efforts!


At the award reception, I was presented with a large poster print of the photograph published in the Dec. issue of RI Monthly.

Rhode Island Monthly magazine launched a new award in December...."Rhode Islanders of the Year,"  and I was honored to be among the first honorees!  Fourteen awards were given out all around the state recognizing volunteer efforts "above and beyond." 


Reading through the magazine and seeing what great deeds others are doing and being recognized for was really a humbling experience for me...there I was along with Alison Bologna, anchor on Ch. 10, RI's finalist from The Voice, Sarah Potenza, the kids from Special Olympics who raised $70,000 to make the movie "Sam and Mattie Make a Zombie Move, and many others working in their communities to help make them a better place to live.  Naturally, I was thrilled to receive such a prestigious honor, but more importantly, it was such a wonderful way to get a ton of publicity for Hearthside.  One of our organizational goals for years has been to get into that magazine, and now it has happened! 


Besides getting a full page in the December issue of Rhode Island Monthly, we all were honored at a lovely reception at the Rhode Island Country Club where I received an award plaque with my picture as the cover of the magazine, and a citation from Governor Raimondo.  Truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience!


If you want to check it out, click here for the article:  Rhode Islander of the Year article  



These lucky visitors supported our raffle during the Christmas season and won some lovely prizes as a reminder of their Hearthside experience.  Congratulations, and thank you!


Emily Russo of Smithfield           Wine Basket 

Beth Bubier of Pawtucket            Winter Basket

Kim Horvath of Cumberland        Art Print

Jill Payette of North Smithfield    Family Basket


Visitors who signed in at the front desk over the past few months were also entered into a Membership Raffle, which was drawn at the end of the year.  Among our newest members are Bob & Mary Schmidt of Foster who won a Family Membership to Hearthside for 2016.  They visited during the Victorian Funeral Exhibit in October.


We truly appreciate the enthusiasm and support by all!

Danielle Cournoyer
There was something about her...our newest youth docent Dani Cournoyer, that seemed so familiar.  It was like I've known her from somewhere, but where I couldn't figure it out.  Then, it was her precociousness.  She is adorable and wise beyond her years, and it's always a delight to see what quip she will come out with next.  And she's so very likeable to all who meet her.  It kept nagging at me...why is she so familiar? Then, in the midst of our Christmas celebrations, it hit me.  She IS Natalie Wood as the character "Susan Walker," from the 1947 version of Miracle on 34th Street!  One look at the photo of Natalie from that movie convinced me that Dani has come to Hearthside right out of my favorite Christmas movie!  

  An Old-Fashioned Christmas Celebration took place during the month of December, featuring self-guided tours, guided candlelight tours, bus tourshome school tour, and even a wedding ceremony!  With our largest holiday turnout ever, visitors found their way to Lincoln from all over New England (thanks to some wonderful publicity in Yankee Magazine, Providence Journal, and several local papers), as well as many out-of-towners home for the holidays. Guests were treated to a warm welcome by traditional carols sung by young ladies in costume, or performed on the harp and on Hearthside's antique piano. Santa was on hand throughout the events prior to Christmas and heard many a wish, and helped make many family memories.  Home made cookies and hot cider were a treat in the kitchen, a favorite spot for all. Hearthside never looked lovelier for her guests, thanks to our hard-working volunteers who put in a tremendous effort to make everything look so beautiful, right down to every small detail.  If you missed out, be sure to put this on your calendar for next December!  


For a real treat, listen to the performance on our antique piano, played only at the holidays! 


Antique Piano at Christmas
Antique Piano at Christmas


Original 19th century dresses added to the elegant atmosphere in the bedrooms.                           Photo by David Cruz

Crowds came through continuously during the openings, snapping pictures to capture the beauty along the way.          Photo by David Cruz

    The parlor offers a cozy spot to sit by the fire.                              

                                               Photo by David Cruz

Volunteers Kate Grist and Michelle Scully at their first Christmas event at Hearthside.  Photo by David Cruz

The Dining Room festively decorated in red and the table set for dinner.  Photo by David Cruz

The back bedroom Photo by David Cruz


Volunteer docent Jean Southard waits for guests to arrive.

Photo by Justin Baro


A moment of anticipation at the American Girl Doll Party as these girls unwrap their cupcake to see if they were lucky enough to get the "Frozen Charlotte" doll baked into it and win a prize.

Photo by Susan Gonsalves

Santa enjoyed the Doll Party just as much as the girls did. Photo by Susan Gonsalves

Harpist Liz Ammerman provided beautiful sounds of the season in the Music Room.  Photo by David Cruz

Excited girls and their dolls arrive at door ready for a party. 

Photo by Susan Gonsalves

Volunteer Tatum Pelletier provided tours of the boy's room.  Photo by David Cruz

Volunteer docent Janet Hook with her husband Don, who played the piano at the American Girl Doll Party for caroling.  Photo by Susan Gonsalves

Volunteer Jaynice Barada explains some family history in the back bedroom.  Photo by Justin Baro

                        Visitors were greeted by traditional Christmas carols sung by performers from Kat's Dance Centre and Performing Arts Players.      Photo by Justin Baro

"Extraordinarily beautiful" was the compliment heard over and over from our visitors during the holiday season.  And so many were pleasantly surprised to learn that the decorating was done entirely by our volunteers. Sincerest gratitude goes out to these volunteers who generously shared their time and talents for over a month, and in most cases their own decorations, to bring to Hearthside the magic and wonder of a Christmas from long ago for everyone to enjoy.

Volunteers Jenna Alessandro and her mom Beverly are all smiles as they show off the dining room that they decorated so exquisitely.                                        Photo by David Cruz

Diane Adam                              Master bedroom, downstairs bath

Bev & Jenna Alessandro          Dining Room

Ray Emidy                                Front Hallway and staircase, upstairs hall, kitchen

Nadine Hancock                       Library, front bedroom and gift shop

Sue Legault                              Library and gift shop

Linda Lundgren                        Parlor

Christine Maino                        Music Room

Kevin Marchand                       Gazebo

Dennis Pryzbyla                       Music Room

Michelle Scully                         Boys Room and Attic

Kathy Simonsen                      Baby's Room

Jean Southard                         Back Bedroom

Barbara Stevenson                  Parlor


There's always something happening at Hearthside...come join us in 2016!
Kathy Hartley
Founder, President & CEO
Friends of Hearthside, Inc.
The mission of the Friends of Hearthside, Inc. is to preserve, protect, promote, and interpret the heritage of the Hearthside Homestead (b.1810) and the Great Road Historic District through living history programs and events.