Social Issues Readings | Sept. 2015 
Every Woman's Place for Support, Connections and Community.

What do the party leaders have to say about women's issues?
Come join us on Monday Sept. 21 at 5:00pm at the Women's Centre to watch a live stream of interviews with four of the five federal party leaders. Up for Debate's exclusive interviews focus on ending violence against women, ending women's economic inequality, and supporting women's leadership.

Social Issues Discussion Series: Violence Prevention
Please join us the first Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm for the Social Issues Discussion series to learn about bringing awareness to the many different issues that affect women's lives. The next session will be on October 7th where we will learn how domestic violence affects Calgarians and discover how we can all work together to put an end to domestic violence.

Women's Issues in the Federal Election 
Edmonton to issue free transit passes to vulnerable youth

If you have any comments or want to talk about any of the issues brought up in these articles, please contact Rhoda at [email protected].



Our Vision: Women Supporting Communities, Communities Supporting Women.