A Course in Miracles
Course in Miracles Society, Original Edition 
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Daily Text Quote
Lesson 114
Review III
Sarah's Reflections
TEXT CH 10, 16-30

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A Course in Miracles-Original Edition
5 of 5 stars
A Course in Miracles is a self-study course.

In the beginning it tells us, "This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean
you can establish the curric...


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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of A Course in Miracles.


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The Comforter is Love
IV. "From Darkness to Light"

23 When you are weary, remember you have hurt yourself. Your Comforter will rest you, but you cannot. You do not know how, for if you did you could never have grown weary. Unless you have hurt yourselves, you could never suffer in any way, for that is not God's Will for His Son. Pain is not of Him, for He knows no attack and His peace surrounds you silently. God is very quiet, for there is no conflict in Him. Conflict is the root of all evil, for being blind, it does not see whom it attacks. Yet it always attacks the Son of God, and the Son of God is you


Son ship Video  
L e s s o n  114
Review III
Lesson 97 and Lesson 98


 Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio



1For morning and evening review:

[97] I am Spirit.

2 I am the Son of God. No body can
  contain my spirit nor impose on me
  A limitation God created not


[98] I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

3 What can my function be but to accept
The Word of God, who has created me,
For what I am and will forever be? 

4 On the hour: 

5 I am Spirit.

6 On the half hour:

 7  I will accept my part in God's plan for


     ~ Original Handscript of ACIM


Circle Of Atonement ~ COMMENTARY on LESSON 114                                                                        





Son ship Video 


Voice & Music by CIMS SonShip Radio





   Our third review begins today. We will  
   review two of the last twenty ideas  
   each day, until we have reviewed them all.  
   We will observe a special format for  
   these practice periods, which you are urged  
   to follow just as closely as you can. 
   We understand, of course, that it may be  
   impossible for you to undertake  
   what is suggested here as optimal  
   each day and every hour of the day. 


   Learning will not be hampered when you miss
   a practice period because it is
   impossible at the appointed time.
   Nor is it necessary that you make
   excessive efforts to be sure that you
   catch up in terms of numbers. Rituals
   are not our aim, and would defeat our  goal.   

But learning will be hampered when you skip


   a practice period because you are
   unwilling to devote the time to it
   which you are asked to give. Do not deceive
   yourself in this. Unwillingness can be
   most carefully concealed behind a cloak
   of situations you cannot control.
   Learn to distinguish situations which
   are poorly suited to your practicing
   from those which you establish to uphold
   the camouflage for your unwillingness. 


   Those practice periods which you have lost
   because you did not want to do them for
   whatever reason should be done as soon
   as you have changed your mind about your goal.
   You are unwilling to cooperate
   in practicing salvation only if
   it interferes with goals you hold more dear.
   When you withdraw the value given them,
   allow your practice periods to be
   replacements for your litanies to them.
   They gave you nothing. But your practicing
   can offer everything to you. And so
   accept their offering, and be at peace. 


   The format you should use for these reviews
   is this: Devote five minutes twice a day,
   or longer if you would prefer, to
   considering the thoughts that are assigned.
   Read over the ideas and comments which
   are written first in each day's exercise.
   And then begin to think about them while
   letting your mind relate them to your needs,
   your seeming problems and all your concerns. 


   Place the ideas within your mind, and let
   it use them as it chooses. Give it faith
   that it will use them wisely, being helped
   in its decisions by the One Who gave
   the thoughts to you. What can you trust but what
   is in your mind? Have faith, in these reviews,
   the means the Holy Spirit uses will
   not fail. The wisdom of your mind will come
   to your assistance. Give direction at
   the start, and then lean back in quiet faith,
   and let the mind employ the thoughts you gave
   as they were given you for it to use. 


   You have been given them in perfect trust;
   in perfect confidence that you would use
   them well; in perfect faith that you would see
   their messages, and use them for yourself.
   Offer them to your mind in that same trust
   and confidence and faith. It will not fail.
   It is the Holy Spirit's chosen means
   for your salvation. Since it has His trust,
   His means must surely merit yours as well. 


   We emphasize the benefits to you
   if you devote the first five minutes of
   the day to your review and also give
   the last five minutes of your waking day
   to it. If this cannot be done, at least
   try to divide them so you undertake
   one in the morning, and the other in
   the hour just before you go to sleep. 


   The exercises to be done throughout
   the day are equally important, and
   perhaps of even greater value. You
   have been inclined to practice only at
   appointed times and then go on your way
   to other things, without applying what
   you learned to them. As a result, you have
   gained little reinforcement, and have not
   given it the opportunity to prove
   how great are its potential gifts to you. 


   Here is another chance to use it well.
   In these reviews we stress the need to let
   your learning not lie idly by between
   your longer practice periods. Attempt
   to give your daily two ideas a brief
   but serious review each hour. Use
   one on the hour, and the other one
   a half an hour later. You need not
   give more than just a moment to each one. 


   Repeat it, then allow your mind to rest
   a little time in silence and in peace.
   Then turn to other things, but try to keep
   the thought with you, and let it serve to help
   you keep your peace throughout the day as well.
   If you are shaken, think of it again.
   These practice periods are planned to help
   you form the habit of applying what
   you learn each day to everything you do. 


   Do not repeat it and then lay it down.
   Its usefulness is limitless to you.
   And it is meant to serve you in all ways,
   all times and places, and whenever you
   need help of any kind. Try, then, to take
   it with you in the business of the day,
   and make it holy, worthy of God's Son,
   acceptable to God and to your Self. 


   Each day's review assignment will conclude
   with a restatement of the thought to use
   each hour, and the one to be applied
   on each half hour as well. Forget them not.
   This second chance with each of these ideas
   will bring such large advances that we come
   from these reviews with learning gains so great
   that we begin again on solid ground
   with firmer footsteps and with stronger faith. 


   Do not forget how little you have learned.
   Do not forget how much you can learn now.
   Do not forget your Father's need of you,
   as you review these thoughts He gave to you.


   ~ Original Handscript of ACIM

Circle Of Atonement ~ COMMENTARY on REVIEW III                                                                      




ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 

ACIM Edmonton, CA

Review III
Lesson 97 and Lesson 98
Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php    
[Use 'Advanced Search' and 'Exact Phrase' option]

Sarah's Commentary:

"I am the Son of God. No body can contain my spirit, nor impose on me a limitation God created not." (1.3) I was writing this commentary a few years ago right after hearing news that my brother James had made his transition. These words registered deep in my mind. Clearly the reminder that the body simply can't contain the spirit tells me that in our creation that is all we are...Spirit. The body was made by the ego seemingly to bind us to the illusion, giving us the apparatus of the eyes, ears and brain to fool us into thinking what we see, hear and process with our brains shows us what is real. It is not. Now we know that we have a choice. We do not have to buy into this dream. We are not limited by what it shows us and says is true. In fact, what we see and think we know blocks the truth. It is not until we recognize that we don't know that we will be willing to be taught.

We think of ourselves as human beings, living in a body, contained by it and constrained by its limitations. We think that as human beings we can have spiritual experiences from time to time if we are fortunate. We are, in truth, spiritual beings who happen to be dreaming this human existence. In this human existence we have all kinds of fears all associated with the body and its vulnerabilities including the certainty of death. If we truly knew that we are spirit, what can we fear? What can limit us? What kind of boundaries could contain what we are?

Our spiritual reality is the only one that is true about us. There is nothing outside of God's power and therefore we are not outside of God. Even though we believe in the human experience, it can't alter the truth of our being as one Self united with our Creator. Right now, we do experience ourselves as these bodies. So how do we transcend these seeming limitations? What is our path to freedom? Jesus tells us that instead of using our bodies for our own (ego) purposes they can become a communication vehicle for extending love and when used for this purpose they become holy. Thus we learn about our true nature as love, as spirit, when we receive what we give. We become instruments for healing in the world. Thus we transcend our limitations. We learn about the magnificence of the power of His love working through us. That is the basis for what we call the supernatural, although Jesus reminds us that miracles are natural. They "occur naturally as expressions of love." (T.1.I.3.1) What is unnatural is the world of the ego. The miracle teaches us that we need not be limited by any kinds of laws of the world. Thus the miracle is not subject to limitations of space and time and neither are we.

When we accept this, we accept our part in God's plan for salvation. We become channels of His love and peace. We take His Word for what we are instead of our own beliefs in our self concepts and our self determined limitations. I am as God created me. He is the author of my life, not me. When I give up my authority over my own life, I will be ready to take His Word for what I am. That is all He is asking of us. He is asking us to accept His Word for who we are and will always be. Step back today from your definitions of yourself, all of your self-imposed limitations, and descriptions, all of your self-concepts, all the beliefs in your unworthiness and limitations and realize all of them are wrong. Why try to fix and improve what is not the truth about you? This is not a self improvement course. This is a course in having all of these self limiting thoughts removed by accepting God's Truth. I am spirit. The body can never contain me. I cannot be limited. God says so. That is what the Atonement Principle is all about.

In the Manual, Section 25, on psychic powers, we are told that psychic powers are not ends in themselves, but are there to help free us from limitation. What they do is they make the illusion of limitation less solid. Even if we don't currently claim to have psychic powers, we have probably all experienced that "communication is not limited to the small range of channels the world recognizes." (M. 25.3) We have many examples of this in our own lives when we think of someone and they call, when we forgive someone in our own thoughts by reclaiming our projections on them and releasing them and our relationship miraculously shifts in a dramatic way or when we are in the flow and everything comes easily without our intervention or planning. All of these kinds of events help us recognize that the limits of the world do not apply. We tend to have these experiences when we get out of our own way, when we "step back and let Him lead the way." As long as we think of ourselves as responsible for our lives and in control and rely on our tiny wings of the sparrow, we limit ourselves and bind ourselves to this illusion. As Jesus says "Who would attempt to fly with the tiny wings of a sparrow when the mighty power of an eagle has been given him?" (M.4.I.2.2)

Today, we remind ourselves that we are spirit and we have a part to play in God's plan for salvation. That part is just to accept the truth about ourselves, which means that I accept you as part of me and us together as One Self.

Again remember to bring the idea to any perceived needs, problems or concerns that have come up during the day. Whenever you are not at peace apply the idea to any upsets that come up. Look at any limitations that are in your mind today. If you are not feeling well, recognize that suffering is not part of you. This is a lesson that, when applied, truly can offer us a reprieve from what we are feeling.

Today, you might want to watch for times when you are missing the practices and deceiving yourself about the other activities and goals that you are finding more important, recognizing that this is resistance. This requires a lot of self reflection and great honesty. He says that the goals we serve with great attention in our lives offer us nothing, while practicing can offer us everything. How much do we buy this? Doing the lessons diligently can put us on "more solid ground, with firmer footsteps and with stronger faith." (12.3)

Love and blessings, Sarah 

[email protected]


Quotes in this article are from Foundation for Inner Peace edition; To locate the same quotes in the 'Original Edition', use this link:  http://www.jcim.net/acim_us/Acim.php    

[Use 'Advanced Search' and Exact Phrase' option]

A Course in Miracles   

Chapter Ten

God and the Ego

III. The Willingness For Healing           

16 If sickness is separation, the will to heal and be healed is the first step toward recognizing what you truly want. Every attack is a step away from this, and every healing thought brings it closer. The Son of God has both Father and Son because he is both Father and Son. To unite having and being is only to unite your will with His, for He wills you Himself. And you will yourself to Him because, in your perfect understanding of Him, you know there is but One Will. Yet when you attack any part of God and His Kingdom, your understanding is not perfect, and what you will is therefore lost to you.


17 Healing thus becomes a lesson in understanding, and the more you practice it, the better teacher and learner you become. If you have denied truth, what better witnesses to its reality could you have than those who have been healed by it? But be sure to count yourself among them, for in your willingness to join them is your healing accomplished. Every miracle which you accomplish speaks to you of the Fatherhood of God. Every healing thought which you accept, either from your brother or in your own mind, teaches you that you are God's Son. In every hurtful thought you hold, wherever you perceive it, lies the denial of God's Fatherhood and your Sonship.


18 And denial is as total as love. You cannot deny part of yourself because the remainder will seem to be unintegrated and therefore without meaning. And being without meaning to you, you will not understand it. To deny meaning must be to fail to understand. You can heal only yourself, for only God's Son needs healing. He needs it because he does not understand himself and therefore knows not what he does. Having forgotten his will, he does not know what he wants.


19 Healing is a sign that he wants to make whole. And this willingness opens his own ears to the Voice of the Holy Spirit, whose message is wholeness. He will enable you to go far beyond the healing you would undertake, for beside your small willingness to make whole, He will lay His own complete Will and make yours whole. What can the Son of God not accomplish with the Fatherhood of God in him? And yet the invitation must come from you, for you have surely learned that whom you invite as your guest will abide with you.


20 The Holy Spirit cannot speak to an unwelcoming host because He will not be heard. The Eternal Guest remains, but His Voice grows faint in alien company. He needs your protection, but only because your care is a sign that you want Him. Think like Him ever so slightly, and the little spark becomes a blazing light that fills your mind so that He becomes your only Guest. Whenever you ask the ego to enter, you lessen His welcome. He will remain, but you have allied yourself against Him. Whatever journey you choose to take, He will go with you, waiting. You can safely trust His patience, for He cannot leave a part of God. Yet you need far more than patience.


21 You will never rest until you know your function and fulfill it, for only in this can your will and your Father's be wholly joined. To have Him is to be like Him, and He has given Himself to you. You who have God must be as God, for His function became yours with His gift. Invite this knowledge back into your minds, and let nothing that will obscure it enter. The Guest whom God sent you will teach you how to do this if you but recognize the little spark and are willing to let it grow. Your willingness need not be perfect because His is. If you will merely offer Him a little place, He will lighten it so much that you will gladly extend it. And by this extending, you will begin to remember creation.


22 Would you be hostage to the ego or host to God? You will accept only whom you invite. You are free to determine who shall be your guest and how long he shall remain with you. Yet this is not real freedom, for it still depends on how you see it. The Holy Spirit is there, although He cannot help you without your invitation, and the ego is nothing whether you invite it in or not. Real freedom depends on welcoming reality, and of your guests, only He is real. Know, then, who abides with you merely by recognizing what is there already and do not be satisfied with imaginary comforters, for the Comforter of God is in you.


IV. From Darkness to Light   

23 When you are weary, remember you have hurt yourself. Your Comforter will rest you, but you cannot. You do not know how, for if you did you could never have grown weary. Unless you have hurt yourselves, you could never suffer in any way, for that is not God's Will for His Son. Pain is not of Him, for He knows no attack and His peace surrounds you silently. God is very quiet, for there is no conflict in Him. Conflict is the root of all evil, for being blind, it does not see whom it attacks. Yet it always attacks the Son of God, and the Son of God is you.


24 God's Son is indeed in need of comfort, for he knows not what he does, believing his will is not his own. The Kingdom is his, and yet he wanders homelessly. At home in God, he is lonely, and amid all his brothers, he is friendless. Would God let this be real if He did not will to be alone Himself? And if your will is His, it cannot be true of you because it is not true of Him. Oh, my children, if you knew what God wills for you, your joy would be complete! And what He wills has happened, for it was always true.


25 When the light comes and you have said, "God's Will is mine," you will see such beauty that you will know it is not of you. Out of your joy you will create beauty in His name, for your joy could no more be contained than His. The bleak little world will vanish into nothingness, and your heart will be so filled with joy that it will leap into Heaven and into the Presence of God. I cannot tell you what this will be like, for your hearts are not ready. Yet I can tell you and remind you often that what God wills for Himself He wills for you, and what He wills for you is yours.


26 The way is not hard, but it is very different. Yours is the way of pain, of which God knows nothing. That way is hard indeed and very lonely. Fear and grief are your guests, and they go with you and abide with you on the way. But the dark journey is not the way of God's Son. Walk in light, and do not see the dark companions, for they are not fit companions for the Son of God, who was created of light and in light. The Great Light always surrounds you and shines out from you. How can you see the dark companions in a light such as this? If you see them, it is only because you are denying the light. But deny them instead, for the light is here, and the way is clear.


27 God hides nothing from His Son, even though His Son would hide himself. Yet the Son of God cannot hide his glory, for God wills him to be glorious and gave him the light that shines in him. You will never lose your way, for God leads you. When you wander, you but undertake a journey which is not real. The dark companions, the dark way, are all illusions. Turn toward the light, for the little spark in you is part of a light so great that it can sweep you out of all darkness forever. For your Father is your Creator, and you are like Him.


28 The children of light cannot abide in darkness, for darkness is not in them. Do not be deceived by the dark comforters, and never let them enter the mind of God's Son, for they have no place in His temple. When you are tempted to deny Him, remember that there are no other gods that you can place before Him, and accept His Will for you in peace. For you cannot accept it otherwise.


29 Only God's Comforter can comfort you. In the quiet of His temple, He waits to give you the peace that is yours. Give His peace that you may enter the temple and find it waiting for you. But be holy in the Presence of God, or you will not know that you are there. For what is unlike God cannot enter His Mind because it was not His Thought and therefore does not belong to Him. And your minds must be as pure as His if you would know what belongs to you. Guard carefully His temple, for He Himself dwells there and abides in peace. You cannot enter God's Presence with the dark companions beside you, but you also cannot enter alone.


30All your brothers must enter with you, for until you have accepted them, you cannot enter. For you cannot understand Wholeness unless you are whole, and no part of the Son can be excluded if he would know the Wholeness of his Father. In your mind, you can accept the whole Sonship and bless it with the light your Father gave it. Then you will be worthy to dwell in the temple with Him because it is your will not to be alone. God blessed His Son forever. If you will bless him in time, you will be in eternity. Time cannot separate you from God if you use it on behalf of the eternal.



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Recording of Original EditionAudio Recording of


Kellie Love [considered the VOICE of ACIM] recorded the Original Edition.  


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Text only [4 cds, 38 hours] is
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To GIVE and to RECEIVE are One in Truth. Lesson 108


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