Dawson Builders Newsletter

December, 2015


As we approach the busy holiday season, w e would like to take a minute and thank you for your continued, repeat business and your referrals. Dawson is blessed to have such wonderful customers like you.  

We are pleased to see more and more walk-in traffic at our design center. We continue to expand and adjust our business model to meet current customer needs. We changed and updated our show room with new product selections. We have added new lines for cabinets, knobs, flooring, and granite.

We hope you have a special Holiday! We look forward to working with you in 2016.

This Month's Newsletter includes:

The 12 days of Holiday Home Safety 

The holidays are here. There is no greater gift you can give your family than a safe and happy holiday. 

D ay 1)  Make a Wish!!   
Be careful with open flames in your house from those sparkling holiday candles.  If you're leaving the house or going to sleep, blow out all the candles.  

Day 2)  What a shocker! 
Before you plug your holiday lights and extension cords in, check for frayed wires, damaged sockets and gaps in insulation. If you find an issue, throw the lights in the garbage. Shut off tree lights and other illuminated decorations when you leave the house. 

Day 3)  Don't Trip! 
Prevent trips and falls by keeping cords safely along the walls. No cords should run under rugs. 

Day 4)  Two is company, three is a crowd!
Do not overload  outlets with too many decorations or devices. 

Day 5)  Is it hot? 
If your wall outlet or switch is hot, have an electrician check them.

Day 6)  Little ones love snacks! 
Avoid putting lights, metal hooks, breakable ornaments and other small decorations within reach of young children and pets. Mistletoe, poinsettias, and holly berries are toxic. 

Day 7) Ouch! 
Climb ladders responsibly and properly. Always keep three body parts in contact with the ladder at all times. 

Day 8)  Nice and Warm!  
Keep space heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn---decorations, trees, gifts, towels, and curtains. 

Day 9)  What's the noise? 
Test your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. 

Day 10) T hirsty?
If you are using a real tree, make sure it stays watered to avoid a dry tree with hot tree lights. 

Day 11)  What's that snow piling up? 
Examine outside vents from your furnace and hot water heater.  They should be properly sealed and clear of obstruction to prevent carbon monoxide buildup in the house. Recheck during and after a snowstorm.

Day 12)  Pick the right wood! 
If you use a fireplace or a wood stove, use dry seasoned wood. Creosote from green wood can cause a chimney fire.

Dawson Can Meet Any Home Servicing Need 

We believe that you 
should be able to make 
ONE  phone call for your home construction and servicing needs.   Call us for anything.  

Just as a reminder, Dawson provides a one year warranty for all the work that is completed under the broad Dawson service umbrella .  

The Dawson Team Expands

Team and Family Outing at Arlington Race Track

We would like to welcome the following new members to the Dawson Builders team:  Bogus , Manny, Sean and Junior.


Congratulations to Manny and his wife who welcomed sweet Michael Anthony  to their family.