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We embody
Christ's presence
by reaching out
to receive
with open hands
and to share
with open heart
the Word of God
the Bread of Life.

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 Sunday Forecast
November 22, 2015 
John 18: 33-37
During these last weeks of Ordinary Time our gospel guides have told us the kingdom of God is open to all people.  We've heard this message in the readings about the rich man, the disciples jockeying for position, the blind man, the saints, the poor widow. 

Even Pilate in today's reading queries Jesus about being a king.  "My kingdom is not of this world."  "My kingdom is not won in battle."  Clearly the kingdom Jesus offers comes a very different way than we expected.  Jesus refuses violence. Instead he speaks the truth and waits for ordinary people to hear his voice and choose to follow him.
We don't have to pass an entrance exam; we are already in the kingdom.  Through all the changes that occur in our lives, what will not change is God's love for each of us.  The kingdom that Jesus is proclaiming is already here and yet is still to come -- the undercurrent of Advent, which is coming near.
Come to St. Timothy's on Sunday.   Let's lift our hearts and voices in praise and thanksgiving as together we celebrate the Reign of Christ the King.



8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite I 

9:15-10:15 AM - Christian Formation for Children and Youth

9:25-10:10 AM - Adult Christian Formation 

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist, Rite II
  10:30 AM Hymns

Entrance: #494   "Crown Him with many crowns"
Sequence: (bulletin)    "The King Shall Come"    
Anthem:                        Dixit
                             (W. A. Mozart) 

Communion: (bulletin) "He Is The Mighty God"
          Celebrate! #69 "You Are The Mighty King"

Dismissal: #544       "Jesus shall reign"

St. Timothy's Episcopal Church | 979.297.6003 | [email protected] | www.stimothy.org
200 Oyster Creek Drive
Lake Jackson, TX 77566