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 SPARC Lab January 15


 Wed, Jan 15th, 7-9pm 
Eleven8 ~ 1030 Mission St.

When was the last time you had a critique session about your work?  High School? Undergraduate school?  Graduate school?  Have you never had this opportunity to learn how other artists look at your work and what they perceive?


SPARC Lab, the bi-monthly gathering of artists will hold its next Lab session on Wednesday, January 15th, 7-9 pm at Eleven8, 1030 Mission Street, South Pasadena. 


This session is an opportunity for artists to share their work and participate in a group conversation/critique. Artists will make a short presentation about their current work and receive feedback and support for the group. It is also an opportunity to network with new artists or friends. Come, be social and learn!


Process:  Bring some of your work to the session and be prepared to talk for a few minutes about your work and your artistic ideas. Participants will respond to the presentation with comments and ideas for furthering your artistic practice and provide resources for you to consider moving forward with your career.


We'll look forward to seeing you at the Lab!

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About Us SPARC  is open to artists, actors, musicians, playwrights, directors, producers, set designers, costume designers, dancers, singers, storytellers, writers, art lovers, art patrons and all others who would like to help the arts survive and thrive in South Pasadena.


SPARC provides interactive art projects, visual, literary and performing arts programs, and collaborations with local businesses, the South Pasadena Unified School District and community organizations. SPARC advocates for and promotes the arts in order to recognize local artists as a rich resource within our city and build appreciation and understanding of the value of the arts within the community.


The South Pasadena Arts Council believes that the arts enrich our lives and are vital to the social, educational and economic wellbeing of South Pasadena. 


SPARC is a project of the Pasadena Arts Council's

EMERGE Fiscal Sponsorship Program.