Upcoming Partner Meetings - save the date!

There is an "All Partners" meeting scheduled for December 15 from 12 to 4 pm at the Otesaga Hotel in Cooperstown, New York. This is an opportunity to network with partners and hear about the state of the Performing Provider System (PPS). Please be on the lookout for more information on this meeting.
Visit from Peggy Chan

LCHP was pleased to welcome Ms. Peggy Chan from the New York State Department of Health on November 2nd.  Ms. Chan is the Director of the DSRIP program within the DOH.  The conversation focused on our PPS progress and successes to date, but was also an opportunity for key stakeholders to discuss any barriers and challenges that are making it difficult to achieve project goals.  Attendees included a variety of partner organizations who are actively involved in both clinical as well as organizational projects, as well as DSRIP administrative staff.
Update on Funds Flow

LCHP is in the process of distributing implementation funding to those partners who have been actively participating in clinical project teams.   Funding will be distributed to the executives identified as the "lead contact" for each partner organization. This funding is the first payment from the state and is meant to assist partners in starting to build the infrastructure needed to achieve project success.
LCHP has also been networking with other PPS's on the development of our future (post implementation funding) funds flow model. The model will take into account the degree to which partners have contributed to the success of clinical projects as well as contributions to organizational workstreams such as (governance, Finance, IT, etc... through the identification of such measures as:
  • Total reported "actively engaged" patients
  • "Citizenship" - attendance at meetings, timeliness of submission of requested/required data, completion of needed survey information, contribution toward the completion of project milestones.
Quarterly reporting process update - 1st and 2nd quarter

On a quarterly basis, PPS's are required to submit quarterly update reports to the state. Our Demonstration year 1 Quarter 2 (DY1Q2) report for the time period 7/1/15 through 9/30/15 was successfully submitted on October 30th. This report differed somewhat from the first quarterly report, which essentially just outlined the planned approach to the work, in that the PPS now has to report success in meeting various milestones including total "Actively Engaged" patients.   The amount of funding our PPS receives back from the state will be based on the degree to which we have been able to meet these milestones. 7 out of the 9 Domain 2 and 3 projects successfully met their Actively Engaged targets.

Community Engagement Plan in Development

The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) is in the process of creating a Community Engagement Plan. This plan outlines the types of community organizations that we plan to reach out to in order to start moving the projects forward, and educating the public on the goals of DSRIP. The PPS will be looking to partner with such community resources as law enforcement agencies (assistance with withdrawal management project), as well as food banks, job corps, and school nurses' associations. Do you have an idea for a community partner you feel could contribute to success? E-mail amy.vankampen@bassett.org with your ideas!
Performance Logic Update

LCHP has contracted with Performance Logic to provide DSRIP specific project management software to manage the workplans for the clinical and organizational workstreams. Although the day to day use of this software will be by DSRIP project managers, we anticipate rolling out some facets of the software to partners towards the end of 2015 and into 2016. Partners will be able to use web based forms to submit requested information to the lead agency, and in some cases will be able to update their progress as related to specific tasks and milestones. If you are involved in a project and would like to hear more about this software, speak to your DSRIP project manager.

Clinical measures

Or, "How is DSRIP success measured anyway?"  Are you aware that starting in demonstration year 3, the domain 2 and 3 projects will receive funding based on how well each project does with regard to a variety of clinical outcomes measures? Most of these are claims based measures using existing quality specification such as HEDIS or NQF; some example include "Adult Access to Care - ages 20-44" (used for all domain 2 projects); or "Adherence to Antipsychotic Medications for People with Schizophrenia" (used for project 3.a.i and 3.a.iv). Visit the LCHP website at (insert link here) to learn more about these measures and which ones apply to you your projects!
Welcome Dr. James Anderson!

LCHP "DSRIP Central" would like to introduce our partners to our newest team member, Dr. James Anderson. Dr. Anderson is joining LCHP as the Medical Director for the Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care. At a recent DSRIP presentation in Albany, another PPS discussed Behavioral Health as being a common thread that really united all of their clinical projects. To a large extent this is true for our PPS as well. Dr. Anderson will be partnering with leaders in our ambulatory primary care sites as well as behavioral health and substance abuse provider partners to move forward with projects such as Ambulatory Withdrawal Management, Tobacco Cessation, and the Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care. Welcome Dr. Anderson!

By now your organization should have received 3 surveys on behalf of the DSRIP Project: one which focused on general partner information including contact people are your organizations for specific work streams, one focusing on compliance, and one on your Information Technology infrastructure. If you have not yet completed these surveys, please do so as soon as possible as this information is required for success in various projects. Also, the future funds flow model will take into account the timeliness of survey completion.
Please note that we have heard your feedback! In order to avoid "survey fatigue", the PPS is working to limit surveys to 4 times per year. Also, we will limit "required" questions in order to allow the surveys to be more flexible for different types of organizations. If you have suggestions on how to improve the survey process, please e-mail swathi.gurjala@bassett.org


Our PPS hosted the 2nd workforce lead and workforce vendors meeting on November 12, 2015 at the Country Inn and Suites with sponsorship from the Area Health Education Center (AHEC), workforce consultants. Sue van der Sommen, Executive Director for Bassett Medical Center, welcomed representatives from North County Initiative, Adirondack Health Institute, Central New York Care Collaborative, Albany and Care Compass PPS's well as Iroquois Health Association, Center for Health Workforce Studies, The State University of New York, and Health Workforce New York.
Anita Merrill from Health Workforce New York has been representing central and upstate New York PPS's at the Workforce Stakeholders Meetings facilitated by NYSDOH . She provided an update on stakeholder discussions, and emphasized the request for DOH to move other milestones out in line with the compensation and benefits milestone that was extended to June 30, 2016.
A panel discussion was held with workforce leads from Central New York Care Collaborative, Bassett Medical Center, Adirondack Health Institute and the Center for Health Workforce Studies on the approach to defining the workforce gap analysis process for each PPS.
Heather Eichin, Director of Policy and Planning-Academic Affairs for The State University of New York, described SUNY's response to DSRIP and offered programs and assistance to PPS's for training and educational programs.
A discussion on development of the workforce transition road map aligned with independent assessor expectations led into how HWapps can assist the PPS with Workforce data collection and reporting. Our PPS will begin training partners on how to use HWapps to collect and report your workforce in line with DOH expectations.
The workforce team will be engaging a consultant to complete a compensation and benefits survey in January 2016. Additionally, the project teams will be depended on to provide the workforce team with their staffing and training needs. If you would like to familiarize yourself with the HWapps website prior to training, go to HWapps.org or contact spolnak@nahecnet.org to create an account.

To Contact a member of our team...


Jeffrey Woeppel
Interim Administrator for Bassett Healthcare Network Operations and DSRIP Activities
Sue van der Sommen
Executive Director, DSRIP
Amy VanKampen
Director of Performance Metrics, DSRIP Program
Tom Manion
Network Director, DSRIP Operations and Strategic Planning
Mallory Mattson
DSRIP Network Operations Manager
Elizabeth Reed
Executive Assistant for DSRIP
Wendy Kiuber
DSRIP Network Operations Manager
Swathi Gurjala
DSRIP Program Manager
Michael Sweet
Director DSRIP Finance
James Anderson, PhD
Medical Director

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