Indian Reformed Fellowship - Australia
May - June - July 2015
Best ever teacher inservice LEM Phonics Workshop at Faith Academy, Delhi
Best ever teacher inservice LEM Phonics Workshop at Faith Academy, Delhi.

IRFA News and Prayer Note
May- July 2015
Richard & Ann

With the decision of the IRFA Council to reduce my visits to India to 4 to 6 weeks per visit I have returned from the First Seasons of Ministry well without having to go to hospital.


We have been concerned that in the past two years my immune system has taken a serious hit and is virtually non-existent. The good news is that even though I contracted this infection very quickly after arriving in India it was effectively controlled through the antibiotics that were prescribed to me by my lung specialist. This infection seemed to subside giving me no more trouble throughout the trip.


Both Ann and I are preparing for a heavy period of church visitation from 23 May to 20 July. We are really looking forward to visiting many of you and if you would like us to visit your church please let us know and we will see if we can accommodate. I will be returning to India for the month of October 2015.


Yours in His all sufficient grace

Richard and Ann Wilson 
Rev Hiralal Solanki teaching at the reformed Bible College in Delhi under the auspices of PTS, Dehra Dun
Rev Hiralal Solanki teaching at the Reformed Bible College in Delhi under the auspices of 
PTS, Dehra Dun.

Orientation at Delhi - 4 March 2015


Reporting on my visit to India last March we had one clear day in Delhi with the Solanki's which I used to orientate myself for the next month.  We had set up an appointment with the Chartered Accountant and we made phone calls to confirm all our arrangements for next week


I also went to the modest church office of the RPCI in Delhi and had a chance to meet everyone who was doing their theological studies as church-planters concentrating on the work in Delhi.  There appear to be 10 to 15 men and women doing the lectures and I met the Coordinator of this work who was a Korean pastor and missionary.   (As a side comment, it is very encouraging to see the Korean pastor and missionary doing real work that is actually beneficial to the mission field.  This fellow seems to be really sincere, and he had the right spirit to do this work.)  

I was able to catch up with Pastor Anjan Jena who is one of the most senior pastors within the churches in Delhi and who in the last 12 years has raised a self-supporting church-planting ministry that is an example to everyone.  He has had a ministry with construction workers in a harsh area of the city of Delhi and the work continues to grow in every way.



  1. Give thanks to God that I was given good health throughout my trip to India.
  2. Continue to pray for the Reformed and Presbyterian Church of India along with its Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Dehra Dun and its subsidiary in Delhi, Reformed Bible College in their work in preparing church planters.
  3. Pray for Rev Anjun Jena who is the Moderator of the Reformed Bible Presbytery RPCI and Pastor of the self-supporting church plant called Shalom Bible Presbyterian Church - Delhi.
  4. Pray for Hiralal and Laxmi Solanki and for their monthly support as an IRFA Project. Who along as not been well and Laxmi has been in hospital for surgery. Pray for their good health.
  5. Continue to pray for protection for all the pastors that feel the effect of anti-Christian sentiment across every sector of society. In the year is described as a tinderbox and things could become extremely unsafe very quickly.
  6. Pray for Rev Dr Matthew Ebenezer the new principal of the Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Dehra Dun.


Pastor Moses of CRA in Ramachandrapuram boldly preaching the word of God to the poorest of the poor.

(Our dear friend Elizabeth Kendal ( RLPB) speaks of India as being like a tinderbox and has posted this summary for prayer)

Hindutva (militant Hindu nationalism) propaganda calls for Hindu solidarity  to ward off the threat posed by Christianity which is vilified as an  existential threat to Indian culture, social cohesion and national security.

Hindutva activists target tribal people for conversion into Hinduism,  pursuing religious conversion for political gain. To that end they also seek  to eliminate Christian witness and conversion. With Hindutva protagonists now  dominating power, it is little wonder that paranoia-inspired violence with  impunity is on the increase. If this does not change, it will only get worse.

While persecution is on the increase nationwide, the most volatile regions  are those with underlying ethnic-religious tensions, like Assam, and those  with large tribal populations, such as Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. Please  pray for the Church in India.

For more information visit Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin

  1. Whether by choice (a shift in conscience) or by virtue of increased international pressure, there will  be a commitment amongst local governments, business leaders and police in India to reject violence, uphold the law and promote civility and decency.
  2. I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.' (1 Timothy 2:1-4 ESV)
  3. God will raise up voices of peace and reason at every level throughout India, equipping them and blessing their advocacy for the sake of the Church.[See prophecy regarding Cyrus the Persian in Isaiah 45:1-7.]
  4. The Lord will refine and sanctify the Indian Church; may the Holy Spirit move powerfully in believers facing intensive pressure, so they will be assured in their hearts that Jesus will never leave or abandon them.
  5. The Lord Jesus Christ will continue to build his Church in India, and that 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against it' (Matthew 16:18 ESV); may 
  6. Many more Indians find peace, grace and dignity in Jesus as he adds to their number daily. (Acts 2:42-47)

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New boys dormitory further modernising the DHBS buildings
New boys dormitory further modernising the DHBS buildings.

DHBS Mirik, Darjeeling Hills, 6 March 2015


I arrived at the Darjeeling Hills Bible School and was immediately ushered to my normal room in the upstairs quarters of Dr and Mrs Rai.  We spent most of our time talking about the ministry at Mirik which is seeing a lot of our vision for the Bible School beginning to materialise with the additions to the Library/ Resource Centre to which PresAid made a substantial contribution.


Also there has now been a completely new two-storey Students' Accommodation Block built which has made a wonderful difference for the students attending the Bible School.  They have also managed to dig another well which has relieved the shortfall in freshwater.  The student intake seems to be about the same as previous years and may be a little larger.  The whole ministry at the Bible School is going very well and everyone is happy.


Rev. James and Mrs Katie Playford with their family of seven from the Broadford Presbyterian Church, Victoria is going to be part of the ministry at DHBS during their long-service leave, which they hope to take in October, November and December this year.  The plan would be that the Playford family would be stationed in rented accommodation near DHBS - which would mean that they could walk to the Bible School and the little Mount Zion School each day to participate in the various activities.






Prayer points: 

  1. Give thanks to God for His provision for the new boys dormitory (provided for by churches in Korea) Freshwater well (provided for by 'Compassion' who have a mission to the very poor and use DHBS as their centre of ministry.
  2. Pray for Rev Dr and Mrs Rai, Rev Kushal Rai, Rev Kingchar and Kadenla Namchu who are very faithful teachers.
  3. Pray for the political situation in India and that the Ministry of the Gospel will extend despite potential persecution from militant Hindu and Muslim political groups.
  4. Rev Dr Rai is praying that he may be able to visit Canada to encourage old supporters and missionaries of DHBS. This visit is very important so that continuing work at DHBS can be developed for the future
  5. Now that Rev James and Mrs Katie Playfoot (From Broadford Presbyterian Church, Victoria) with their family will be coming to India and concentrating their ministry at DHBS for three months please pray for a successful Visa Application And all their needs might be met.

The Targong Congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Sikkim
The Targong Congregation of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church Sikkim

Greendale School, Targong, Gangtok and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Sikkim, 

8 - 13 March 2015.


The patron of the Greendale School, Mr Gay Dhungel, has his own accommodation in the buildings of the school.  He has recently lost his wife, Sabeta to breast cancer.  She had been the Principal of the School and now his son, Alexus is acting in that role as Executive Principal.  Gay Dhungel is also an elder in the church just opposite his house.  The Christian Church in Sikkim is growing dramatically and is regarded as the fastest-growing Christian population in India at the moment.  It is reflected in the local church that has grown dramatically in terms of numbers, and they have added a balcony to house further numbers.


There are so few pastors in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church that the congregations do not expect to have a minister in their presence very often.  The best they can do is that, for Communion Season, they try to spread the 20 or so pastors to at least visit on those occasions.  Gay Dhungel, as an elder, led the service and translated for me as I preached on that occasion


I would have to say that I was genuinely lifted up in the worship which was pretty conservative, and the service was constructed in an extremely edifying manner.  The church was close to full with well over 300 people.  I was provided with very nice accommodation with the Dhungel's and it was very convenient for my work at the Greendale School where I was to conduct an LEM Phonics Seminar for all the primary school teachers.

Gay Dhungel was my host for the two/three days but, as the Principal Supervising Public Works Engineer for Sikkim he had to go to Delhi for several days on business.  Initially his son Alexis, who had become Principal, was not in attendance for some reason or other and I had to take quite a bit of initiative to get all the bits and pieces together to conduct the seminar.  The teachers who were already at the actual setting-up of the classrooms were not well organised.  I felt that I was on my own, driving the seminar.  After the first day we got into the rhythm, and things picked up; and I think the teachers were very keen to implement the system into the school.  I was assured by Alexis that there was a real agenda for the phonics program to be implemented.  With the passing away of Mrs Sabeta Dhungel the school had lost something like a hundred students and there was a very real challenge in front of the school.  I had noticed that the teachers, who were all new appointees, were of a better quality than previously employed at the school.  It seemed that there had been a major turning-over of the staff.  I had to conduct myself carefully by not asking too many questions; but there was an evident 'change of guard'.  When the examination was held on the Friday, all the teachers did extremely well - which indicates that there has been some good recruitment going on.



Prayer points:

  1. Pray for the rapidly growing Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Sikkim and the ongoing training for new pastors through PTS in Dehra Dun.Thank the Lord for raising up sound elders who fill in the gaps that the pastors have to leave in the Lord's hands.
  2. Pray for the staff at Greendale School and PNG School That they might be given real wisdom in getting the phonics program introduced at their schools In the same way that Faith Academy in Delhi has achieved.Teachers from Faith Academy to visit the schools which has given strong incentive for them to proceed in like manner..
  3. Pray for these Nepali speaking regions in the light of the awful earthquakes that they have endured in past days. 


Teachers from Faith Academy, Delhi attending the Phonics Workshop
Teachers from Faith Academy, Delhi 
attending the Phonics Workshop

Faith Academy, Delhi and Presbyterian Reformed Churches of India, 15 - 20 March 2015.


I arrived at the Solanki's for dinner on Saturday, and I put my thoughts together for taking the worship service both morning and evening on the Lord's Day.  These messages were well received and I felt a sense of liberty on both occasions.

Faith Academy was well and truly organised as I arrived at the school about half an hour before I had to start on the LEM Phonics Seminar.  This whole event was by far the most significant highlight of this season of ministry; and it will be remembered as a highlight in our Ministry generally since I have been returning to India since 2004.


Last year's seminar has proved to have been extremely successful and the whole school is buzzing with LEM Phonics as their literacy program for the School.  Mrs Elizabeth Robert, the Vice-Principal of the School, is proving to be the driving force in the School, and she is a sheer delight.  Her husband is the Manager of the School, and there is a genuine movement forward in the School, as it is expanding rapidly.  With 3000 students at the moment there are buildings being built to house a further 1500 students by the time the year is finished.


Also, their new Pre-school program called 'Little Flock' is being franchised, and has now four centres - two in Delhi and two in Goa and Tamil Nadu.  There were several teachers from the 'Little Flock' Preschools participating at the LEM Phonics Seminar.  It is intended to use the phonics system as a primary signature to the 'Little Flock' Pre-schools.  The extraordinary thing about Faith Academy and these 'Little Flock' Pre-schools is that all the teachers are genuine Christians - in that they profess faith in Christ and attend a Protestant church.  It is clear that my visits to prepare the teachers in the discipline of intensive phonics is being received as being a signature feature of the School, and they will be dependent very much on continued involvement of LEM Phonics.  They treated me as an honoured guest and assumed that I was really part of the School as an honoured consultant coming amongst them.  Where this will lead us I don't know, but I am obviously very excited about it.


When I arrived in the conference room there were more than 70 teachers ready to take a 26-hour workshop.  The greater body of these teachers had not done Module A, and I had to give them the full course.  However, all the teachers who were at last year's workshop were there with wonderful stories on how the students had improved as the School introduced LEM Phonics.  They were set to do Module B of the Introductory Course for teachers.  I was able to then develop the course for both modules, and it worked extremely successfully as all the older teachers appreciated a full dose of revision and the new teachers appreciated being 'pushed into' the new work of Module B and did not have to sit the exam for Module B.  The enthusiasm in the room as I conducted the workshop was inspiring and infectious.  It was by far the best seminar that I have ever conducted.


Hard at work for five days.
Hard at work for five days.

On the second day a group of 12 students visited the seminar room, participated in the seminar for half an hour, and then gave a presentation on what they had learned.  These were teachers of kindergarten to early-childhood, and it was evident that a lot of work had gone on into the background to implement the intensive phonics discipline, with lots of work in the data projector which I was dazzled by.  Then they perfectly pronounced the phonograms - including the Successes 17.  They then began reading texts that they had never been given before.  They did it individually and as a group, and then the students were asked to read a small section from the day's newspaper; and they did it with remarkable skill!  The executive staff was absolutely astounded at the improvement in these children.  Elizabeth Robert said that even the standard of English amongst the teachers had improved dramatically, and the general pronunciation of words was far above any previous year.


The final day with the examination was thoroughly prepared for, and the largest percentage I've ever known to get over 90% was found in this cohort.  A few got above 55% which showed that they were not the best at phonics.  Indeed, they were encouraged in the classroom because many of them were the more experienced teachers who were struggling with a new system that required a totally new mindset.  However, they all passed above 55%, and the whole school-staff body was rejoicing with them.  Apart from a few teachers all achieved above the 70% pass mark.


One evening I was invited to the official signing of papers for two new 'Little Flock' Preschool franchises where all the executive staff was in attendance and I was invited as a guest.  Apparently, it is a prerequisite for those who work in these 'Little Flock' Preschools that they are to undertake an LEM Phonics course.  I thought to myself, 'How about that!'  I was also impressed by the quality of the facilities that they had rented and decorated very tastefully - with kitchen, proper bathroom and several rooms.  This looked to me to be a very upmarket type of setup.  I asked Mr Robert, the Manager, whether the 'Little Flock' Preschools were making good margins financially and whether they were a safe investment.  'As a business proposition,' he said, 'they are doing extremely well,' and they were able to have excess funds to invest further into the Preschool.


Hiralal Solanki very wisely felt that such a project would not help them in the Delhi situation.  He said that when a Pastor is divided in his attention, often the business aspect of this kind of ministry can take over the pastors' real job as a Preacher of the Gospel and the setting up of the church fellowship. I couldn't agree with him more as I have found that when we start an educational work this work really has to be handled separately to the work of the church; although one can supplement the other.



Prayer points. 

  1. Please give thanks to the Lord for this wonderful breakthrough in teacher in-servicing in the LEM phonics method of teaching English Literacy.
  2. Pray that as teachers in the Little Flock program seek to apply the LEM phonics method will be given wisdom on how best to do that in this particular context.


New Mission College at which I delivered my lectures on the kingdom of God
New Mission College at which I delivered my lectures on the kingdom of God

Nepal Campus Church, Kathmandu, Nepal, 22 - 24 March 2015


Pastor Uma Sharma met me at the airport, and had arranged for me to stay with Uma's family at their house on the rural outskirts of Kathmandu.  Uma, with his family, have been wonderfully provided for through his mother who apparently softened her stance against her Christian son whilst she was looking after Uma for a full month when he had a motorcycle accident with me as his pillion.  You will remember that he had to have an operation on his knee and there has been a very slow healing process.  He is walking quite confidently now, but he has to be careful.  Uma's mother, who is now widowed, had an opportunity to see his ministry - particularly to the little children at the Playschool that is operating out of the rented buildings that the Nepal Campus Church is using.  Uma's family life is quite affectionate; and it was standing as a testimony to Uma's living faith.  As a result, she arranged to sell land in their ancestral family area and use the money to buy a simple but very comfortable house for the family to live in.  She purchased this house that I am presently staying in, in her own name.  The family has now got a permanent place to live rent-free.  So the goodness of God was expressed in the motorcycle accident!


The purpose for my visit this time is simply to come and talk with Uma and get a first-hand perspective of the ministry he has conducted.  Uma's mother has chosen to take up residence alongside the family as her choice of accommodation; and it seems to work very well.


For two hours every morning I have been delivering a series of lectures on the 'Kingdom of God' to a small Bible school for Nepali-speaking people who are involved in Christian work.  It's hard to know whether the material that you are using to teach these biblical truths is actually entering into the mental framework of the students; but Uma seems to think that they are well and truly engaged as he translates for me.


In my conversations with Uma we have covered an enormous amount of material - particularly in the area of the distinctives of the Reformed Faith as they apply in his practical situation as pastor of a relatively small group of people.  Uma is a particularly strong evangelist, and it appears his preaching is very effective.  He is resisting the 'entertainment game' that almost every other church in Kathmandu is involved in - with electrified music and a lot of singing with very little in the way of preaching (if anything).  The difficulties that he has had are with those who have become settled opponents to his ministry, and who believe that he should be subject to them, and who would rejoice if there was a failure in his ministry.


Uma and Santosh Sharma with their family
Uma and Santosh Sharma with their family

Thankfully this ministry has been supported to some measure by IRFA and also by a Reformed man who is a ministerial licentiate in Holland.  Reuben J. Jansen's Dutch Reformed Church, Tholen, Initiating Group, has sought to find support for the ministry here in Nepal, particularly in assistance toward the rent of the church buildings.  Reuben has been a great support ever since the work began.  He apparently met Uma whilst he was studying at the London Theological Seminary (LTS), and I met him at the Banner of Truth Conference in Leicester.  Uma has been church-planting the Nepal Campus Church for now just over four years, and there are about 29 settled people who come together for worship.  There are others who attend, but he does not count those as settled people in the congregation, as he is constantly evangelising.  He adopts expository preaching as he was taught at LTS, and his Reformed Faith is settled and robust.  When people are converted he then baptises them; and I have noticed that he does use immersion baptism which is the only common practice used in Nepal.  There is quite a long way to go to try and establish a Presbyterian system of government, but he does prepare eldership candidates with the hope of establishing a Council of Elders.  So, to that extent, there is a deliberate plan to move toward a Presbyterian system of government.


Of course at this stage, there doesn't seem to be any opportunity to consider the multiplicity of churches where a denomination can be formed.  Because of the difficulties he has had with people who are jealous of his ministry and seek to destroy his work, he is being sensible in making sure that the congregation is pastorally secure under his ministry in these foundation years.  As time goes on, these issues will begin to emerge as something that needs to be reformed. There have been no difficulties thus far.


Then there is the particular missionary work that Uma is now developing.  The Christianity Explored translation and publication work was funded via IRFA, and we received all the necessary documentation to verify that this money has been spent for the purpose that it was given.  Now the missionary journeys of Uma to the remote parts of Nepal come as a special feature in his developing ministry.  IRFA has sought to fundthese missionary journeys in the past two years.  Further materials such as the purchase of Nepali Bibles are being purchased with funds that have been sent through IRFA.


Prayer points:

  1. Give thanks to God that the congregation of Nepal campus church is safe after the earthquake.
  2. Give thanks to God also for the permanent place of residence that remained untouched by the earthquake in which Uma and Santosh Sharma are now living with Uma's mother
  3. Please pray for the various IRFA Projects that are now needing funds:
  • The republication of 'Christianity Explored' material that was translated and published first two years ago and is now needing republication. 
  • Pray for funds to come in so that Pastor Uma Sharma can continue his missionary visitation work into the remote parts of Nepal. 
  • Pray for continuing finances Through the Dutch brethren that are paying for the rent for the buildings used for ministry.
CRA Pastor and Elders with their wives
CRA Pastor and Elders with their wives at 
the seminar on Kingdom of God

Covenant Reformed Assemblies, Ramachandrapuram, Andhra Pradesh 27 March - 2 April 2015


As it happened there was an American theological teacher, the Rev. Alan Vander Pole from the MINTS Seminary in Florida who has been developing and teaching MDiv to some of our pastors (mainly on a correspondence basis) where Pastor Moses has been doing his MDiv.  Alan is a member of the United Reformed Churches NA, which is the same group of churches as Cornerstone URC in Grand Rapids that supports the work here in Ramachandrapuram.  So it was a nice coincidence that we were able to meet each other and even work together for a few days.  Actually, Alan had arrived in Rajamundry an hour earlier than I had and so therefore they did wait around for me at the airport and we were able to travel together to Ramachandrapuram.  Unbeknown to me this was all working out in the background and, although Pastor Moses knew about it, he did not let me in on the details.


We all met at the Rajamundry airport; and it was a wonderful reunion.  This was the first time we had been able to meet since I was so sick this time last year.  There was a sense of real thanksgiving that we expressed to one another.  Our sense of this has only strengthened as a result of this experience.


Pastor Moses was able to have us booked in to a newly-built hotel that is so much better than those I had used in previous years.  This new hotel was slightly more suave, but in every way was really very nice.  It was cleaned and properly furnished with air-conditioning.  The showers actually worked, and the plumbing did not leak!  On top of that, we received hot water in the tap for our morning shower!  This was an enormous improvement on the previous arrangement that was dirty and very uncomfortable.


Forty Days of Lent Evangelical Ministry


Pastor Moses preaching each evening of 40 days of Lent
Pastor Moses preaching each evening of the 
40 days of Lent

I took my lessons on the Kingdom of God with the CRA pastors and elders for two hours in the morning and Alan Vander Pole took his three students who are doing his MDiv studies in the afternoon - which worked out very well.  Each evening we had evangelistic house meetings at various points around the congregation. 


They used the Lent period as a special outreach to the community.  For the 40 days of Lent each evening these evangelistic events were conducted where there was some singing of hymns, preaching of the Word of God for some 45 minutes to an hour, and then prayer.  There would have to have been at least 50 or 60 people gathered at these meetings which are normally held in the streets-cape in front of a believer's house.  They set up the area with a waterproof mat laid out and lights to illuminate the area, and with a table and microphone system to communicate with the gathered congregation.  This seems to be a very effective way to evangelise this community, and it is well received (generally speaking) across the community.  We got home around 10 to 10:30 pm each night after these meetings.  It is just as well that Pastor Moses had his motorbike along with Hepsibar on her new scooter which meant that I could be carried on the back of Moses' motorbike and Hepsibar could take one of the girls or a grandma.


The elders and deacons in each area are the ones who manage the venue.  One thing I did notice was that in these meetings and also in the worship service, when Pastor Moses preaches, there is an amazing sense of attentiveness in the faces of those who are listening.  I believe Pastor Moses has become a far more effective preacher, as the years have developed his maturity as a pastor.  It really is quite noticeable when you start to see the faces that seem to be full of life and vigour as he preaches.  To me, of course, he was preaching 'in tongues', as I have no idea of the language of Telugu.  But the liveliness in the people who were hearing him was very evident.


Those that are hearing the Word of God.
Those that are hearing the Word of God.

The pastors' seminar on the Kingdom of God was well attended and I think all the pastors of the CRA were in attendance, along with several elders.  It must be remembered that the elders and deacons are normally working and, for them to attend these seminars is a pretty big sacrifice.  Nonetheless, there was a good showing of the elders and deacons as well.  I noticed that there were several men from other churches in attendance, but, for the most part, there were only those who were part of the CRA group of churches.


Hepsibar, along with very often two or three ladies from the church, prepared meals for us who were visiting the house each night, as well as for those who attended for breakfast and for lunch.  It is my policy to give a reasonable amount of money to cover some of these costs.  It means that Pastor Moses is not out of pocket because we are visiting.  This time around I have noticed that there was a real sense of community within the CRA church fellowship and everyone seemed to be busy playing their part in the general ministry of the church.


CRA Rural Church Building Project


The new temporary building for worship, which has been placed on the vacant land belonging to the Poelmans, is a great addition for the work at Ramachandrapuram.  Pastor Moses and his family have been living there for many years on a rent-free basis; and the building is now comfortably full when worship services are held each Lord's Day.


We must regard the building of the Christ CRA buildings as a major priority in the coming years.  At the moment, my organisation, 'IRFA', in Australia has raised only AU$10,000 but we are looking for other ways of raising money for this project.  My strategy is that we should buy, through CR Society, held in trust for CCRA Congregation, a rice-paddy that can pay back any monies expended on this project.  If this could become a project for Cornerstone URC, I think we would be in a 'bull's roar' of getting this project underway.  I believe the time is right in terms of CRA's development and the particular needs of CCRA.



Prayer points:

  1. Give thanks to God for the foundation support from PresAid PCA (Australia) for the 'Rural Church Building Fund' for Covenant Reformed Assemblies in Andhra Pradesh.  Pray that further funds will be given to this foundation support so that building can commence with supporting paddy fields' production, and therefore these funds can be repaid progressively for others to use in the future.
  2. Pray for Pastor Moses and Hepisaba's preparation for their first visit ever to their supporting church, Cornerstone URCNA in Grand Rapids, USA.
  3. The difficulty of obtaining a visitor's visa to the USA is proving to be quite difficult. Pray that the Lord will open the doors for this visit.


Church Visitation Programme


Plans for my Church Visitation Programme are well advanced for 2015.  I will be leaving Brisbane on Saturday 23 May after the IRFA- AGM on Friday evening (22 May) at 7:30 PM at St John's Presbyterian Church, Annerley. It would be great to have you if you are living in Brisbane and are able to attend. I will be giving a PowerPoint IRFA Report on that occasion. After flying to Melbourne we are very grateful that we have the use of a car that James and Kate Playfoot whilst in Victoria. I will be in Victoria until 25 June. Both Ann and I will be flying to Tasmania for two weeks after which we will be flying from Hobart to Sydney. Ann will be returning home to Brisbane. I will be staying in Sydney for a further two weeks.


The program is very full but if there are churches or groups of people that would like to have a visit and hear about the work of IRFA please do not hesitate to contact me. I trust that we will be able to arrange something.


I am planning to return back to India for the month of October at least.


Contact Information

Richard Wilson
Enchiridion Education Services Pvt Ltd
Darjeeling Hills Bible School, Deosey Dara, Mirik (India)
PO: DS, Mirik, Darjeeling, West Bengal  16 Cassatt Place, Forest Lake Qld 4078, Australia
Phone:       +61 7 3271 4119 H/W     
Mobile:      0411 090 398 (Australia) 
                  +91 97 4921 4046 (West Bengal & North-east India)
                  +91 99 7184 8624 (Delhi & North-west India)
Skype:        richard.wilson76
E-mail:         [email protected]   
alt:                [email protected]