Purdue Wine Grape Team Newsletter

IHS Summer Field Day - June 23
Bruce Bordelon at TJ Haase Winery


Grape growers are invited to attend the Indiana Horticultural Society summer field day June 23 in Lafayette. A complete description of the meeting with registration information is available in the latest issue of our Facts for Fancy Fruit newsletter


The IHS summer meeting will be held at the Meigs Horticulture Research Farm south of Lafayette. Topics of particular interest to grape growers include the sprayer calibration and water quality demonstrations, and tours of the grape variety trials. This will be a great opportunity to see which grape varieties survived the Polar Vortex of 2014, and which ones didn't do so well. Plus you can see how retraining vines is progressing and how to balance the crop for this season. 


There are many other research projects that should be of interest to all growers. Plus, this is a great opportunity to socialize with other fruit growers. For those interested in staying overnight, we have tours of campus planned for the following day. 


You don't have to be a member of the Indiana Horticultural Society to attend, but you do need to pre-register so we can plan meals. 


Registration is $10 per person, lunch is $10 per person and the evening dinner is $15 per person. Both registration and meal costs will be collected on site. However we ask that those planning to attend RSVP to assist with our planning for meals and other arrangements. To register, visit

or contact Lori Jolly-Brown 765-494-1296.


I hope you will all attend.


Best regards,


Bruce Bordelon

Jeanette Merritt

Christian Butzke

Jill Blume