October 28 2015 

This month I have traveled to our Wellman and Kalona sites often. It has been fun meeting more members and watching the programs flourish. As I have driven down the road I have watched the crops get harvested and reflected on how much Washington gives back to the country in corn, beans and hog farming. It has been enlightening to learn more about the new farming techniques from the staff who have spouses that farm. Planning and preparing for the future is key to their success. This is the same at the YMCA.
I continually want to learn and plan for success. Balancing the budget and keeping cash positive is very important but another important aspect is "how can the YMCA make an impact in the lives of others". The YMCA's national slogan is "For a Better Us". This fits perfectly into what we do at the YMCA of Washington County. We all work together to provide a safe place for kids, provide emotional health to adults and build healthy relationships. This is accomplished through programs and membership. 
The following four pictures I am particularly fond of.

The first one is of Elliot and Lenora Dunbar. They are my newest friends that I have met at the Wellman and Kalona sites. They go to the Wellman YMCA on Wednesdays after school and our Kalona site on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Elliot likes playing basketball the best.

The second picture is a group picture of our Mighty Mites sports program for 3-5 year olds. This program is offered in Kalona.

The third picture is a group shot of the Wellman early out program.  Approximately 70 kids go to the Wellman YMCA every other Wednesday at 1:30p.m. And this is a free program for every participant!

And the final picture is of our future YMCA CEO.
Her name is Rebecca Mae Mae (alias: Georgia Riffel).

These pictures are just one example where the YMCA is providing a positive, safe and fun environment for each child to learn, grow and share with others.


Becky Harkema
Our Mission

To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.


Our Cause

At the Y, strengthening community is our cause. We believe that lasting personal and social change can only come about when we all work together to invest in our kids, our health and our neighbors. That's why we focus our work in three areas: youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.