Wishing you happy holidays and much joy in 2016. If you share my faith, Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy these holiday stories (please scroll down to listen to me read from them). And here's a FREE Bailey School Kids' holiday story, Zombies Don't Bake Christmas Candy, for you to share with your children. And here's my Christmas book greeting card to you, Debbie
Thankful author!
As part of my Thankful Author program, I visited Jones Cove School in Cosby, TN., a school with limited resources. The kids were energetic to say the least and I enjoyed doing an author talk and donating books to some of the kids and their library. Nothing like giving away a book to make you feel good!
Some of my favorite Facebook pictures from this month:
I found these pictures of classrooms around the world quite interesting. Thisone from Burundi reminds me of one of my first years of teaching when I had 34 first graders! Did you know that reading rewires your brain? Check out this article about reading.
I had fun at the Kentucky Book Fair and the Etowah Arts Council's Young Author's
A mermaid in KY
Conference! It's always exciting to meet other authors and readers.
Liz Crowe, Gail Nall, Debbie, and Marcia Thornton Jones
Heather Montgomery, Debbie, Robert J. Blake, and Susan Kite
Nancy Carlson and friends
Hope I'll get to meet you in 2016!
If you live anywhere near Sevierville, TN. or plan to visit the area over the holidays, hope you'll stop into the Books-a-Million at 190 Collier Dr, Sevierville, TN . I will be autographing there on December 19th from 1-3:00. They'll even have my newest Mermaid Tales book #13, The Crook and The Crown. It is a mermaid mystery where Shelly's mother's beautiful tiara goes missing at Neptune's Castle. Will Shelly and her mermaid friends be able to solve the mystery before it's too late? If they let me, I'll leave some autographed copies behind. Ho, ho, ho!