Grace Notes  
your look into the month ahead...
May 2014
Important Dates this Month:
5/6 Last GPA meeting of the year

5/6 Music & Arts Night

5/7 AR Donut  Breakfast

5/7 Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day 

5/9 8th Grade Grad Night

5/14 Teacher/Staff Recognition Chapel

5/21 Preschool/K Field Day

5/22 8th Grade Graduation @ 10am

5/23 Kindergarten Graduation @ 9am

Convocation for 1st-7th @10:30am

*Dismissal from classrooms following service
Audrey 7th

Kayla 7th

Faith 3's

Finn 3's

View from the corner office:


In our busy lives we so often do not pause and reflect on the true value of those things that have become incorporated into our daily routine.  As I sit in the early hours of the morning listening to the birds singing their sweet song and Mr. Jack's blower in the distance tidying up the campus for the days' activities, I wonder how many people really know what happens within these walls each day.  Yes academic subjects are taught and I might add with expert instruction and high expectations. However, that is only a small essence of what each child is afforded daily.


Each child at Grace Episcopal Day School is known by name not just by their own teacher but by all.  We know their individual personalities and work hard to help them grow into themselves as responsible and productive individuals.  Each child here knows that they are a child of God and in that simple fact their self-worth is established.   Their days are enriched by Christian values and guidance in living successfully as a responsible member in community with others.


Growing up is hard work.  At Grace Episcopal Day School work is planned with care and supported in a structured but loving and nurturing environment.  As a seasoned educator I do not hesitate to say that I have never worked with a more child focused staff.  Decisions are made on the impact that it will have on the children and the GEDS community as a whole.  The curriculum is solid with emphasis on a solid foundation that encourages an inquisitive mind that understands how to gather, synthesize and apply pertinent information.   The faculty is not restrained by a "program" or "text" but seeks out the materials that will make the concept meaningful and understandable to the individual student.   Feedback from those that have moved on from Grace indicated that they are well prepared and successful to their ability levels.

Yes, as I sit here this morning it is with mixed emotions that I embraced the month of May.   It has been a blessing to be a part of this school.  I cannot walk this campus without thinking of the lyrics of one my favorite hymns, "There's a sweet, sweet spirit in this place..."  That spirit has made my life richer and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful place for children in their most formative years. As May becomes the past we look toward the future and the exciting vision it promises for GEDS as new leadership prepares to take the reins. Please welcome Stephanie Kowald as you have welcomed me and support your Board of Trustees as they continue the mission of this school.  Remember: "Happiness is Grace Episcopal Day School!"



Sharon Chapman

A special tribute to our retiring teachers. We will miss you Mrs. Waters, Ms. Johnson, and Mrs. Winters!
Tribute 2014
Thank you

The Photos are in! Check them out!
Thank you to everyone that volunteered, supported and attended our GEDS Annual Auction, Grace & Gatsby! Please click on the link below to see all of the guys and dolls dressed to impress!