August 2015
Lake Norman
Community Sailing Newsletter

In This Issue
Center Director's Report
Center Administrator's Report


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Center Director's Report

The Summer youth sailing season is over, and of course it's now time to shift our focus to Fall sailing. Just saying the words "Fall sailing" makes me think of cooler weather and increased wind speeds. The days of 90+ heat and light winds will give way to crisp air and consistent 10-12 mph winds...and best of all minimal power boat traffic.

SHALLOW WATER - The water levels around the dock are low. When using a stand-up paddleboard, make sure you do not try to stand up until you are well clear of the shallow water. If you were to fall, it is possible to hit your body or head on rocks that are just below the surface of the water. In fact, the best place to launch an SUP is from the plastic dock for these reasons. You still should push yourself away from the dock to make sure you don't hit your head on the dock if you were to fall.

NEW QUIZ - We have a new quiz that we will be administering to sailors who come to LNCS already  knowing how to sail and for graduates of our own learn-to-sail program. It is an excellent test of basic yet essential sailing skills. Anyone wishing to become a skipper/check out boats will need to pass the test, which should be no problem. If you are already a skipper checking out boats, I encourage you to come by and take the test, perhaps 10 minutes before a social sail.

PEBBLE PATH - The 4 x 4's holding the pebble pathway together have come loose. Anyone wishing to spend a couple volunteer hours at the Center can help me rake the pebbles back, re-dig a little trench, and replace the 4 x 4's into the ground.

We appreciate you buying your passes and telling friends about us. See you at the Center.


Sean O'Donnell

(704) 947-7245 Office

(704) 909-8929 Cell/text  

Report needed boat repairs to: [email protected]  

Center Administrator Report

2015 Staff Dinner
2015 Summer Staff Dinner
at Galway Hooker


Alas, we must bid farewell to the lazy days of summer...okay maybe not so lazy. At least not for us here at LNCS. It has been a hot one but breezy with lots of good sailing days! Now, we are looking forward to a great fall.


Thank you to our talented and hard working summer staff. They worked through a brutally hot summer out on the water with the youth and adult classes.  Have a great school year guys and come back to us next summer!





Fall youth classes begin September 1st. We have changed things up a little bit to hopefully accommodate hectic fall schedules. We are offering two classes differentiated by age and type of boat. Each class is one day a week for six weeks. We have two instructors so students will be broken up by skill level.


420 Sailing - Advanced & Beginner:  $200

Dates:  September 1 - October 6, 2015

Day/Times:  Tuesdays, 4:30-7:30pm

Ages 12 - 18

Prerequisites:  None

If you were on the 420 Race Team or in the Skills Development class this is where you belong.


Opti Sailing - Advanced & Beginner:  $200

Dates:  September 3 - October 8, 2015

Day/Times:  Thursdays, 4:30-7:30pm

Ages 8 - 14

Prerequisites:  None

If you were in the Advanced Opti or Opti Learn to Sail class this is where you belong. If you are eligible, you may move up to the 420 class.


CLICK HERE to view to register online.



September 12-13, Flying Scot Learn to Sail:  $250 
Days: Saturday & Sunday
Time:  8:30am-1:00pm each day  

September 12-13, Sunfish Learn to Sail:  $150
Days:  Monday & Tuesday
Time:  3:00-7:30pm each day

September 19-20, Flying Scot Learn to Sail:  $250
Days:  Saturday & Sunday
Time:  8:30am-1:00pm each day

Click HERE  to Register or give us a call at the office.


Come by and see us soon!



Christy Lux

[email protected] 

(704) 947-7245 



Pass Holder Spotlight

Patrick Burnside

"Having interviewed around the US for work about 7 years ago, I was truly enticed by the community sailing centers in Boston MA and Newport RI.  For some time I had a small dinghy on Lake Norman but living 30 minutes away was taking a toll on the hull.  When my little brother (who was living much farther away) discovered Lake Norman Community Sailing I was beyond excited.  This was a solution to all things for me-wonderful people passionate about bringing sailing to all the masses, taking care of all the little things so others can maximize time and enjoyment on the water.
Having been former racing crew on a J24 for about a decade, I can say that my only current void at the center is that I haven't yet merged my schedule with the vibrant racing group (which accommodates all levels of skill and interest).  I predominantly have random weekdays free and I spend picturesque days on the lake when the traffic is down.  Having a pass has allowed me to recruit friends to join and also show my guests the occasional wonderful day on the lake in the perfect teaching yet agile Flying Scots.  The Flying Scot hull is perfect for cruising with the uninitiated yet a nimble boat that gets on it's feet quickly..not as tippy as a 420 but more comfortable yet as challenging as you might ever need. 

I have been continuously grateful and overwhelmed with all the core personnel of the Center....Sean's tireless efforts towards improvement, the bright smile of Christy who keeps things glued together and Larry who's been a pillar from the beginning. They are selfless folk geared towards giving to others.

As many of my friends have realized, sailing is completely achievable when you can simply sign out a boat, walk down the dock and pull up the rags and the adventure begins.  It is an unbelievable value and an amazing resource for us to have here in the community (I challenge you to find a better value for your extracurricular needs).  I encourage you all to share with all those who might enjoy time on the water no matter what your level of experience.  A great place for adults to enjoy, an amazing place for kids to learn the fundamentals and rewards of sailing. And I realize that I've barely scratched the surface of all the amenities and experiences of the center!"

Patrick Burnside
Charlotte, NC