This is an official notice of the National Council of Investigation & Security Services representing the investigative and security professions for 39 years


Regulatory  ALERT
October 22, 2014
FAA Announces Development of Drone Registry
FTC Investigation of Unfair State Licencsing Requirements

 -- FAA Taskforce to Develop Drone Registry

The Department of Transportation has composed a task force of industry groups that it hopes will draw up recommendations for drone registration in time for Christmas.

Though the task force has yet develop the program, recent statements from Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx indicate that it will be voluntary, and its effectiveness dependent on whether consumers actually register.

"If UAS operators break the rules, clearly there should be consequences. But in fact there can be no accountability if a person breaking the rules can't be identified," Foxx said.

The Administration believes most drone operators will comply. Secretary Foxx noted that penalties will be associated with using drones without registration, even recreationally.

Foxx didn't say how the new requirements will be implemented, but it would naturally fall within the FAA's existing safety authorities. He also said the ongoing commercial drone rule won't be affected, suggesting it won't be included in that process. The rule should be finalized by June 2016.

It is expected that the task force's recommendations, due by Nov. 20, will include provisions for retroactive registration.

We'll keep you posed as this develops.

Questions regarding federal bills, regulatory actions or any other legislative issue for the NCISS Legislation / Security Committee, please contact Brad Duffy

For issues or questions regarding NCISS Legislation / Investigation Committee, please contact Francie Koehler.
Brad Duffy                                                                          Francie Koehler
Legislation / Security Chair                                              Legislation  / Investigation                            

7501 Sparrows Point Boulevard
Baltimore, Maryland 21219-1927
T-(800) 445-8408  F-(410) 388-9746

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