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Washing to remove dirt and rinsing out one's mouth
When washing to remove dirt only the dirty spot may be washed. If the dirt is scattered in many places and it is too difficult to clean each spot individually then the whole area (or body) may be rinsed. A care giver for the sick may wash his hands for hygiene. It is forbidden to rinse one's mouth with water or other liquids (e.g. mouth wash) because of the possibility of swallowing some liquid.
( סעיף א ו־ד וס"ק א, ט ו־יא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3 ו־22 )

Washing hands for davening or for food
The prohibition is against washing for pleasure. Netilas yadaim which removes the ruach ra from the hands is permitted in the morning. Likewise, after using the restroom it is permissible to wash soiled hands. If the hands were not soiled they can be washed in honor of davening. In these instances, only the fingers should be washed, not the palms or back of the hand. A kohen before birkas kohanim or infirm person before eating may wash their hands normally.
( סעיף ב-ג וס"ק ג-ו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 17 )

Hilchos Tefillin 40 (page 139)
מתחילת סימן מא עד תחילת סימן מב

Carrying a Load on One's Head While Wearing Tefillin
A Large or Unbefitting Load
Holding Items on the Arm While Wearing Tefillin

Carrying a load on the head while wearing tefillin
It is considered a disgrace to hold a package or even a small object on one's head while wearing tefillin. Hats, caps, and other items that are normally worn on the head are permitted. According to the Rama, items typically worn on the head can be forbidden if their weight is more than four kav and they press against the tefillin. Any item that pushes the tefillin away from their spot is certainly forbidden.
( סעיף א, ס"ק ו, וביה"ל ד"ה ואפילו)

A large or unbefitting load
There is a machlokes as to whether an item worn on the head that does not press on the tefillin may be worn together with the tefillin. According to one opinion, it is permissible to bear small loads on the head if the tefillin are covered. An over-sized (more than four kav) or disgusting load may never be on the head with tefillin, even if the tefillin are covered and the item does not touch them.
( ס"ק ג ו־ה, וביה"ל ד"ה חולץ; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3)
Holding items on the arm while wearing tefillin
It is permissible to hold a load on the arm while wearing tefillin, since the shel yad is typically covered (see Mishna Berura 27:47). If the shel yad is not covered, the rules are the same as for the shel rosh. Unbefitting items (e.g. garbage) may not be carried by hand even if the shel yad is covered.
( ס"ק ב ו־ג; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 3)

  • The poskim debate whether it is permissible to sit on a bench that has storage for kisvei kodesh beneath the seat. If there is a space equal to a tefach between the tops of the sefarim and the seat, all agree that it is permissible to sit on the bench.
  • Chazal forbade eating a meal while wearing tefillin out of concern that the person eating could become intoxicated and behave disrespectfully towards the tefillin.
  • The halacha defines a snack as less than an egg's worth of bread or any amount of fruit, meat, fish and dairy.

  • When is it preferable to place tashmishei kedusha in storage rather than use them for something else?
  • When is it permissible to use tashmishei kedusha for a mundane purpose?
  • The kedusha of the shel rosh as vs. the shel yad

