In the News
Research shows the longer someone is away from work due to an injury, the less likely they will ever return to their job. To help injured workers get speedier access to the surgical care they need so they can return to work, the Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia (WCB) is partnering with Annapolis Valley Health (AVH).
"The Nova Scotia WCB has posted on its website the (new) policy regarding workplace stress: Psychological Injury. Policy 1.3.9 was posted on March 31, 2014." "Employers of federal employees should reference Policy 1.3.6"
Consultation on Draft Revisions to Policy 1.2.5AR Occupational Hearing Loss - Injuries on or after January 1, 2000
The WCB is consulting with Nova Scotians on compensation for occupational noise induced hearing loss. The consultation documents will be available on-line until July 31, 2014, and all Nova Scotians are invited to provide feedback to the WCB on this topic.
The adjudication of occupational noise induced hearing loss is a complex issue in Nova Scotia. The changes the WCB is proposing to the existing policy are intended to clarify the WCB's approach to compensating for these injuries, resulting in consistent claims adjudication and a reduction in the burden on the appeal system.
Please review the consultation paper and draft policy revisions, and provide your feedback on the proposed policy changes. The consultation period is March 27 until July 31, 2014.
By email: send comments to Kevin Foster at
By Mail: Kevin Foster,Manager of Strategy Support and Planning
Workers' Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
PO Box 1150,Halifax, N.S.
B3J 2Y2
NAOSH Week Symposium 2014, May 5th
Join us for the launch of NAOSH week where we present a new opportunity to help you make a difference; to drive workplace injuries and deaths down toward the only acceptable number there is: ZERO
On May 5, 2014, come join us to hear more about leading-edge concepts, new thinking and easy-to-understand workplace culture change strategies to help us achieve this goal! These sessions apply to all workers.