Terrance Coley, Sr., 2014 Maine Games National Anthem Vocalist
Photo by R. Steven Sharp. � 2014 Maine Games.
Terrance Coley, Sr. is the new Maine Games National Anthem Vocalist
LEWISTON, MAINE; May 5, 2014 - If at first you don't succeed, wait seven more years and try again. That's just how Terrance Coley, of Winslow, wowed the judges at the eighth annual Maine Games National Anthem Audition, held at the Kora Shrine on April 19. " I auditioned the very first year they were held and made it through to the second round, but could not finish. I told myself that I would return, and have a better outcome," said Coley, who regularly performs at sporting events at Lawrence High School, where he is known as "The Singing Custodian." Coley acknowledges that he was extremely nervous at his first audition, in 2007, where he made to the final round, but couldn't quite hit the right note with the judges. "Singing the anthem for the school has helped me find my comfort zone." Music courses through Coley's veins, and growing up in New York City, just a few blocks from Yankee Stadium, in the Bronx, he played the trumpet and the piano while attending the High School for the Performing Arts, otherwise know as "The Fame School," named after the movie and the Broadway play.
Coley, 38, who lives in Winslow, has been looking for his "big break" for many years, but has enjoyed the ride so far. "I have been singing and writing music for a long time waiting for my time to come and make an album." He was part of a group called The 207 Boyz. and they performed together for four years; mostly Hip-Hop and Rhythm and Blues. Today, he is working with Chosen Few Records in Skowhegan. "The time is here for me to share my gift and music with everyone," said Coley. "I thank God for my blessing, my wife Kimberly for her love and support, my family, and my true fans here at Lawrence High School and Middle School."
Lawrence High School athletic director, Bill Macmanus, knows that Coley is an asset to any event at which he performs. "[The Maine Games] has selected an outstanding individual. "The "Singing Custodian" of the Lawrence High School Bulldogs will make you proud as we are every time he sings at our athletic events."
Macmanus supports the annual Maine Shrine Lobster Bowl Classic, each year in July as an announcer and spotter in the press box where Coley is scheduled to perform the Star Spangled Banner at this year's 25th anniversary game. "I'll be a very proud Lawrence High School Bulldog when he sings there in July." Already, as the 2014 Maine Games National Anthem Vocalist, Coley has performed at the Maine Shrine Circus in Lewiston and Augusta, as well as at a Portland Seadogs home game at Hadlock Field. He will also sing at the Lobster Bowl, in Biddeford, on July 19, as well as other events throughout the state. To invite Terrance Coley, Sr. to perform at your event, please contact the Maine Games at: jeff@mainegames.org. See and hear Coley's winning performance on the Maine Games' National Anthem Audition Facebook page:
Jeff Scully; Executive Director, Maine Games jeff@mainegames.org | 207-807-5959 | mainegames.org |
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