Newsletter - June, 2014

Etched Light Rebates in Granite Blocks.
Hardscape are in the business of creating visionary urban spaces and being a source of creativity and inspiration for Landscape Architects and Local Authorities who are designing public realm places and specifying hard landscaping materials for the present and future generations. 
So when we were approached by Hardscape to come up with a solution to cut light rebates into these 750kg Granite blocks we knew we were in for a challenge!
At 650mm thick there was no way that they could be cut from front to back! The pockets could only be achieved by creating a CAD file that would allow the Water Jet to Etch a pocket into the surface of the blocks 100mm deep. The machine's tank needed to be emptied before we carefully lowered each of the 15 blocks into position beneath the cutting head. The Jet then followed the program we created making hundreds of passes across the surface of the material until the correct shape and depth was achieved for each of the light fittings. Each block was then removed from the machine before we diamond drilled cable runs 50mm in diameter and 120mm deep from the base of the blocks to the void we had created.
Below are some pictures of the finished blocks in situ at the brand new Filaments Development in Wandsworth London.

Etched Granite Block Etched Granite Blocks  
Etched Granite Block

Read our Editorial Feature in May's Issue of Engineering Subcontractor!
We were delighted to be approached by Engineering Subcontractor Magazine in April to have a feature editorial on our business in their May Issue. Click on the images below and check out what they had to say about us... 
Aqua Dynamics Ltd
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Unit B2
156 St Albans Road Industrial Estate
St Albans
01727 844077

A Subcontract Water Jet Cutting Service

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