Dear Street's Hope Supporter,


Happy April! We are thankful for this spring season and all that is represents for fresh starts and growth! This month, we want to share the success of a current resident, *Jessica, who is expected to graduate this summer 2014! Jessica has endured many hardships in the past including abusive relationships, addictions, various womens' health concerns, and involvement in the commercial sex industry. Despite all of this, Jessica has been growing in leaps and bounds while at Street's Hope! She has greatly increased involvement with her children and she loves knowing that they are proud of her and the woman she is becoming! She is doing great with sobriety and has been very successful in trauma therapy. She is excited to begin her GED program soon and to begin her Parenting Skills training with her case manager.


As a result of the maturity and responsibility Jessica has displayed, she has earned the role of Peer Mentor in the house. This means she assists staff with things such as the following: client issues as a person of trust in the community, she verbally supports peers during difficult experiences, and acts as Chore Captain to ensure that all daily chores are completed in a timely manner.


We are so encouraged to see Jessica's hard work and commitment to our program paying off in huge ways. If you are interested in hearing more about our ladies' successes, please join us for our upcoming Client Celebration & Graduation event! You can RSVP via our evite by clicking here. If you have any questions regarding this event, feel free to email Peg Theobald, our Program Manager, at We hope to see new faces and long-time Street's Hope supporters there!




Street's Hope Staff & Board of Directors        


*name changed for confidentiality purposes

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Amazon donates a percentage of all eligible items purchased! 
Every dollar counts
so we thank you in advance for your support!

For detailed information about Amazon Smile go here. Be sure to check out our Amazon Wish List as well! 

Happy (online) shopping!
Get Involved: 
Current Needs List
We heavily rely on donated items at Street's Hope, so please consider donating items from our current needs list! You can now purchase "current needs" items for us from our Amazon Wish List! Thank you!
A blog post from a non-residential client is coming soon! Check out a past resident blog post here.
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