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        Take A Step...Experience the Difference
                   A Newsletter to Empower You to Create Positive Change

    Week  39                                                                                                               September 29, 2013          


                              Thought POWER


Do you know the power of thought? Do you recognize the power of the thinking that you engage in day by day? Our thoughts are more powerful than we generally recognize them to be. They are constantly shaping our experience whether we are aware of it or not. When we think positive thoughts we usually have positive feelings that go along with these thoughts. We may even get positive results from the action that we take based on the positive thought. Conversely, when we think negative thoughts, we usually have negative feelings that go along with the thoughts. Many times our negative thought results in a negative action or reaction. The trouble is that we often are not aware of the effect our thinking is having in our life. We are simply not paying attention to the nature of our thoughts more often than we care to admit. 


If we do not direct our thoughts they will in time start to take their own course and will be affected by every event and every encounter of the day.  As long as every event of the day is going our way, then we think life is good. But the minute we are delayed in traffic, or we find out our health premium is increasing, and the dog is sick, we can lose perspective and our greater potential for handling the momentary crisis.

It does not have to be this way. We can do something about it. We can choose to raise our conscious awareness of the POWER of our thoughts. Practice affirmative thinking. Concentrate on improving the state of your mind. Affirm the positive. Create affirmations to support you in creating the conditions you are seeking. Then practice them. Affirmation practice can be likened to the physical exercise we do at the gym. The practice builds our "mind-muscle" and conditions us to be in positive form each day, moment to moment.


Life has ups and downs but we have the power to choose our thoughts no matter what life presents us. So make a decision to choose thoughts that will be for the brightest present and future that you can imagine. Make it possible for yourself through exercise and practice.




I deliberately choose my thoughts.

My mind is focused on the good of this moment.

My thoughts are positive and so is life itself.




            Live life positively this week!


                                      STEP BY STEP
            Take A Step...Experience the Difference
is designed to support people committed to making changes in their lives. Look for an issue delivered to your email each Sunday morning.              Take A  Step...Experience the Difference is a publication of                  Step By Step...Results! and written by Lindsley.
                   Lindsley Silagi       Step By Step...Results! 
          PO Box 51 Santa Teresa, NM 88008    915.494.7266

        Lindsley Silagi

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