Environmental pesticides and the risk of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) in infancy.
While the etiology of HPS is unclear, it appears that both genetic and environmental factors play a role.
It appears from an extremely large database of newborns where maternal demographics and clinical characteristics of the infants were noted and correlated to estimated use of agricultural pesticides that a close correlation exists between HPS incidence and "low", "moderate" or "high" use of pesticides.
Extended formula feeding (12months plus) and subsequent eating behavior
Prolonged formula feeding appears to negatively impact appetite, food responsiveness, enjoyment of food and satiation. It enhances slower and fussier eating. In addition it negatively impacts caloric intake from non-formula sources.
Pasteurized donor milk and microbiological purity for 4 days at 4ºC
"Most protective components in human milk are stable during prolonged storage at 4ºC." Pasteurization however reduces some of this beneficial activity. Current Human Milk Banking Association of North America guidelines recommend discarding frozen pasteurized donor milk 24 hours after being thawed.
A study of prolonged frozen pasteurized donor human milk, thawed and tested for microorganisms at 0, 24, 48, 72, 96 hours and 9 days indicates that prolonged stored pasteurized human milk defrosted and kept at 4ºC appears safe for up to 9 days.
Journal of Human Lactation
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Uncontrolled/problematic asthma - "getting the basics right"
A retrospective five year chart review of the underlying causes (in 142 children aged 5-17 years) of general practitioner reported "uncontrolled asthma", referred to a hospital-based pediatric asthma clinic, indicates that 37% are due to "poor adherence of therapy"; 28.2% from on-going "exposure to environmental triggers"; 19.7% from co-morbidities; 11.7% from incorrect utilization of inhalers; and 4.2% due to misdiagnosis.
With appropriate attention to the underlying reason/s for poor asthma control, almost all children's asthma can be well controlled (97.2%).
Maternal obesity and preterm infant development
An evaluation at 2 years of age of 852 extremely preterm babies (<28 weeks gestation) born to pre-pregnant overweight (BMI: 25-29) or obese (BMI >30) mother's indicates (compared to a normal group), that obese mothers' infants have significant mental and motor impairments at 2 years of age independent of a variety of confounding factors.
Protective effects of intimate partner relationships on adult depression among parents maltreated as children
"In 2012 alone an estimated 3.4 million allegations of child maltreatment in the USA were made". Associated outcomes of this as the children age include behavioral problems (e.g. violence, criminality and substance abuse), health-risking sexual behaviors, chronic mental and physical health conditions and poor academic achievement and economic well-being.
It appears that safe, stable and nurturing relationships are extremely important in preventing depression in adult parents abused as children.
Critical functional connectivity and a "Family Nurture Intervention" (FNI) program in preterm infants
It appears from a study of a NICU-based FNI program (to establish emotional connection between mothers and their preterm infants at 26-34 weeks), assessed by one hour EEG recordings between 37-44 weeks PMA, that FNI may accelerate brain maturation (compared to standard care) affecting particularly the frontal regions responsible for the regulation of attention, cognition and emotion.
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