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Tips for dieting during holidays.
Part 1.



These suggestions are for Phase 1, 2 and 3 dieters.  Next week, we'll have some tips for Maintenance dieters.  You don't have to gain weight during the holidays.  You should know how to manage your weight so that you can enjoy the desserts, but back off when you need to.
Recipe Idea:
Fresh Salad and Lemon Dressing
Make this delicious salad that is full of vitamins and nutrients.
Romaine lettuce; kale; leaf lettuce; sliced radicchio; sliced cucumbers, diced red, green and yellow peppers, sliced radishes, raw sliced red onion.
Cut up the lettuces and radicchio and dress with the lemon dressing and let sit before adding the other vegetables.  Add the remaining vegetables when ready to serve.
Lemon Dressing:
Whisk together 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice; 2 garlic cloves, minced; 2 tsp. Dijon mustard; 1 tsp. kosher salt; and 1/2 tsp. freshly ground black pepper in a small bowl.  Add 1/2 cup olive oil in a slow, steady stream, whisking constantly until smooth.  Makes about 1 cup. 
Help!  There is food everywhere!
How Do I Survive the Holidays? 

For anyone during the holidays, dieting can be tricky.  There are more baked goodies around than at any other time of year.  Even simple, nutritious dishes like vegetables get transformed into rich casseroles with lots of fats and carbs.  
Here are some tips to keep the weight off during phases 1 through 3 of the Ideal Protein diet.  (Tune in next week to get ideas for maintenance through the holidays.)
  • As with any time of year, you have to decide each day that you are on a diet.  You have to decide that it is more important to you to be healthy and skinny, than to eat that particular treat.  Make this a conscious decision each day.  Write it on a note and put it on your bathroom mirror, you refrigerator or in your car.
  • Think about the main reason why you went on the diet in the first place.  Was it a medical reason?  Were you just fed up with always being the "big" one?  Keep that reason in the forefront of your mind.  Be conscious of it.
  • Review your Phase 1, 2 or 3 sheet.  Make sure you know what is allowed and what isn't.  Reminders always help.
  • Try different vegetables and proteins that you haven't had much of.  Your taste buds may have changed and you may be very pleasantly surprised!
  • Use lot's of allowable seasonings on your foods.  Make your food interesting.
  • If you are going to a holiday party where there will be lot's of temptations, eat before you go.  Make yourself full.  Drink sparkling water with lemon or lime.  Talk to everyone you can at the party to divert your attention from the food.  
  • If you can bring food to the party, bring a veggie tray.  You can even bring a dip for the guests; just don't eat any of it yourself.  You'd be surprised how many people will actually be thankful that you brought raw vegetables.  (On a diet or not, they are also thinking about how much rich food they've been eating lately).
  • Keep in mind that you will not be on the Ideal Protein diet forever!  There is a beginning and an end.  Even though you may be giving up cake or chocolate right now, you will not have to do that forever.  
  • Buy the Ideal Protein Raspberry Chocolatly Bar.  It is beautiful and delicious and allowed one time per week. Others may ask you where you got that! 



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