Overcoming Your History
September, 2015

Someone who has had cancer is not cured, they are merely in remission. It has become part of their history and they can move forward. The same holds true with customer relationships. If you screw up and then fix it, the original black mark doesn't disappear, it merely fades with time.

Don't ignore the past, it's still part of the relationship. As you replace bad experiences with good experiences, the prior experience of your customer will begin to fade. The phrase "What have you done for me lately?" should come to mind. Recent experiences are more powerful than past experiences of the same magnitude.

Since the question is not whether you will screw up, but when, the answer is how you will handle it when you do. Create good memories.

To the Future, 

Dave Ferguson

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This Month's Insurance Tip:  

There are ways to use your health insurance that can save you money. With most plans, deductibles are tracked on an annual basis. If you've already used your deductible, schedule any additional treatments before the end of the year to take advantage of the coverage. If you haven't, and treatment can wait, schedule for after the first of the year to put the cost towards next year's deductible. Since every ACA compliant plan includes preventive care at no cost, if you haven't gotten a check up this year do so before the end of the year and do so again next year. It can't hurt and could save you money over the long term by finding and treating problems early.

If you know someone who needs expert help understanding their insurance and their options, have them call me at 847-502-2663. There's no cost or obligation. They can also visit my website.