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        Take A Step...Experience the Difference
                   A Newsletter to Empower You to Create Positive Change

    Week  2                                                                                                                          January 12, 2014         



                       Success Habit #2 for 2014


Flexible Thinking


It is day 12 of the New Year. Are you experiencing its "newness"? Is your energy and your attention on what's "new"? Or are you holding on to old ideas, beliefs, and points of view(POV)?


Perhaps you have an old idea that is simply worn out and holding you back from experiencing that which you truly desire. Perhaps it is time to shift your point of view.


Studies conducted on people who are most adept in shifting their perspective are most successful in solving problems and most aware of new possibilities.

 Wilma Koutstaal, psychologist and author of the Agile Mind asserts that it is the flexible mindset that promotes good health of our bodies and brains. 

So how can we become more flexible for our greater success and improved health and well-being?

Try one of these ideas!

1) Learn something new and spend time doing it. 

2) Practice the art of questioning your thoughts. Ask yourself "Says who?" Try to open up your thinking through self dialogue. 

3) Change a routine. Do something different in the way you start your day. Notice how it feels.

4) Allow for the novel.  Take a break,  take a walk, or take a new route to work.

Prepare yourself for greater success by developing your ability to change your point of view. Develop some agility in your thinking this week.

                      Develop a flexible POV.

                                      STEP BY STEP
            Take A Step...Experience the Difference
is designed to support people committed to making changes in their lives. Look for an issue delivered to your email each Sunday morning.              Take A  Step...Experience the Difference is a publication of                 
 Step By Step...Results! and written by Lindsley.
                   Lindsley Silagi       Step By Step...Results! 
          PO Box 51 Santa Teresa, NM 88008    915.494.7266

        Lindsley Silagi

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