Summit Center
Summit Center: Helping every child reach new heights
In This Issue
"Summer is a wonderful time to identify, explore, and nurture strengths and passions."

- Dana Cope, M.Ed.
Summit Center Update
July  2015

Summer can be an opportunity to spend some free time with your kids. Enjoy!
Summer is a Great Time to Develop Your Child's Superpower
by Dana Cope, Educational Consultant

For some children, their strength or superpower is easy to see at school. For other children, their superpower is hidden and reveals itself outside of the formal schooling experience. Summer is a wonderful time to identify, explore, and nurture strengths and passions. Summer also offers the opportunity to take an indirect route to practice an area of challenge while engaged in a preferred activity.


How can you help your child build his/her superpower?

1)  Take an interest survey with your child and talk about your similarities and differences.

2)  Enroll your child in a class or summer camp that peaks his/her interest.

3)  Learn by doing through an apprenticeship or volunteer work in an area of strength or interest.

4)  Practice a striving area such as reading, writing, or math facts through a preferred medium (art, science, technology, music, movement).

5)  Allow time for reflection or explore mindful meditation together as a family.


When strengths and challenges become a family conversation it helps your child to understand the unique gifts he/she has to share with the world. Superpowers become stronger as your child learns more about him or herself. This self-knowledge empowers your child to autonomously navigate his/her educational journey through middle school and beyond with confidence.


Dana Cope, M.Ed., offers educational consulting and advocacy services to help meet the needs of the gifted and/or twice-exceptional learners. Please call (925) 939-7500 or email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

SENG Conference This Month in Denver
Summit Center professionals will speak at the annual Supporting  Emotional Needs of Gifted Conference, July 23-26, on a variety of topics:
  • Recognizing Hidden Twice-Exceptionality (2E): Why the Role of Professionals and Parents is Critical - CE Workshop (Dan Peters, Barbara Gilman, Kathi Kearney, Mike Postma)
  • The Journey Lasts Lifetime after Lifetime (Sharon Duncan with Dr. Grace Malonai and Aubra Shepard)
  • Psychosocial Development of Gifted Children (Dr. Stephen Chou)
  • Who's in Charge: The Delicate Balance of Boundaries with the Gifted (Dr. Dan Peters & Lisa Van Gemert)
  • Applying Dweck, Gladwell and Gardner to the Gifted Student (Sharon Duncan with Dr. Joanna Haase)
  • Quirky Behaviors or Symptoms of Disabilities: Differentiating between Gifted and 2E (Lisa Hancock, MBA with Dr. Joanna Haase)
  • Supporting Canary Kids in The Coal Mine: Keeping it Simple in a Complex World (Larry Davis & Dr. Dan Peters)
  • A+ Parenting: Setting Up Your Gifted / 2E Child for Success (Dr. Dan Peters and Melanie Prager, CPE)
  • When You Hear Hoofbeats...Zebras May Be Lurking (Dr. Stephen Chou with Dr. Rosina Gallagher, Dr. Marianne Kuzujanaki, and Dr. James Webb)

Summit Center is proud to be a conference sponsor. For more information go to