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Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Vol. 1, Issue 3 (January 16/14)
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Become a Mentor!
himp logo The Hamilton Immigrant Mentoring Partnership (HIMP), matches internationally
trained professionals (mentees) with established professionals (mentors)
based on their professional background and work experiences. 



Employers: If we haven't heard from you yet...have your say today and complete the Hire Learning Survey

Thanks to the many employers who have already completed the Hire Learning Survey. Workforce Planning Hamilton is collecting local workforce data during the month of January. 
If you are a local employer or Human Resources professional please complete our 10 minute survey today.

The survey results will help Hamilton to plan around possible skills shortages, gaps and mismatches, and help to make our economy more prosperous for all.

Make a difference by completing our survey today. Thank you!

Please complete the survey here.
Will a surge of older workers take jobs from the young? Economists say the opposite is true 
computer_people.jpg Many economists say there is no evidence to support that increased employment by older people is going to hurt younger people in any way. The economy will expand to account for the increased number of workers. The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College has found that having older people active in the labour market benefits everyone and spurs the creation of more jobs overall.
Overcoming Barriers: The Mentorship Initiative for Foreign Trained Professionals
Akbar Durrani arrived in Canada with his family last year. Working as a lawyer for the Supreme Court in Pakistan for 21 years, Akbar believed that his extensive experience in Law and Human Rights advocacy would allow for an easy transition to the Canadian workforce, but soon he had to face many barriers to employment.
Learn more about the work of WPH. Call 905-521-5777

Business, Labour & Community: Planning for Prosperity

Visit our site: www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca