Maine Games Women's Field Hockey


Ninth annual Maine Games State Women's Field Hockey Championships to be held in Portland, June 21.
   Registrations are now begin accepted online. 
   Space is limited to the first 10 teams registered.

PORTLAND, MAINE; May 2, 2014 - What started in 2006, with nearly 50 women playing in a friendly, round-robin field hockey tournament with teams picked out of a hat, has grown into an outstanding competition which now attracts nearly 100 adult women of all ages and experience.

This year's Maine Games State Women's Field Hockey Championship will be held on Saturday, June 21, at Memorial Field, in Portland.

Registration is now open (online only) and organizers are encouraging teams to register early. The Maine Games is eager to make this event available to teams from all over the state, but if needed, marketing in New Hampshire and Vermont to fill out the field will begin Thursday, May 15.

Teams registered prior to June 1 will receive commemorative team T-shirts to be worn during the tournament.

Registrations received after June 1 (if still available) will not receive T-shirts from the Maine Games, however, they will still be required to have matching shirts (color specified by the Maine Games) for this tournament.

This year's venue boasts a turf field with a fast surface, making for a great competition. The tournament has a 7 v 7 format, and will be played without goalies. Players must supply their own equipment.

Many of the athletes who have competed in this event in the past are former high school and collegiate field hockey players, however, historically, it also attracts current Division I, II, and III field hockey players from Maine or who are student-athletes attending a Maine college or university.

The roster size per team is a minimum of 8 players and a maximum of 10 athletes. All athletes registered for this tournament must be at least 18 years of age, and must have graduated from high school.

The Maine Games, through its membership in the National Congress of State Games, has a special waiver with the NCAA allowing collegiate student-athletes the opportunity to play in their own State Games without any prohibition, and this event does not count towards their out-of-season restrictions.

All athletes must be able to provide their own insurance, and sign a waiver/release upon arrival at the venue.

Check-in begins at 10 a.m. at the field, and round-robin play will begin at 11 a.m. This event is scheduled to conclude at 5 p.m. and organizers are working to arrange a post-tournament party at a local establishment for all participants, starting at 6 p.m.

Awards will be presented to the top three finishing teams (gold, silver, and bronze) on the field, at the conclusion of the tournament.

Format is round-robin play in two pools with the top two teams playing for gold (and silver) and the second place teams in each division playing for the bronze medals. 

Entry fee is $400 per team and includes team T-shirts, and a team banner to be hung at the event.

Sponsorship opportunities are available for this tournament for any player or coach wishing to further support this tournament and the Maine Games. 

The event commissioner is Suzanne Parks Bourgault. For technical questions regarding rules and format of this event, contact her by email at: 

To register for this event or to learn more, go to the event registration page: Registration is available online only, with a credit/debit card, or with PayPal. No checks or cash will be accepted for this event.

1) Certified field hockey officials are being sought for this tournament. All Maine Games officials (for all sports) are volunteers, and are compensated with a meal, and other Maine Games gear.

2) General purpose volunteers are needed at the venue to assist with the smooth operation of this event from set-up to clean-up. Volunteers will receive a lunch and Maine Games T-shirt for their service. This is a great community service opportunity for high school and middle school field hockey players or teams.

To volunteer for these opportunities, contact event commissioner, Suzanne Parks Bourgault at the email address above as soon as possible.

Jeff Scully; Executive Director, Maine Games; 207-807-5959;
Suzanne Parks Bourgault; Event commissioner;


The Maine Games is the official State Games of the Pine Tree State. As a member of the National Congress of State Games, the Maine Games provides amateur athletes of all ages and abilities the opportunity to compete on a statewide stage, to develop and practice good sportsmanship, and to develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

The National Congress of State Games is a collection of more than 30 State Games organizations from all over the country offering more than 120 different athletic competitions and educational programs for nearly a half-million Americans each year. The NCSG is a member of the United States Olympic Committee's Multi-Sport Organizations Council, and since 1986, more than 300 future US Olympians and professional athletes have participated in their own State Games. Members of the NCSG are non-profit, 501c3 public charities with the mission to support grassroots sports opportunities to Americans coast-to-coast.  FMI: CLICK HERE

The State Games of America is the premier property and bi-annual amateur sports festival presented by the National Congress of State Games' and its member organizations. The SGA attracts qualified athletes (medal winners from individual State Games organizations), to compete in a large number of athletic competitions, tournaments, and events. The State Games of America have been held every other year since 1999.
  The next SGA will be held during the last week of July, and first week of August, in Lincoln, Nebraska, and is being hosted by the Nebraska Sports Council, and the Cornhusker State Games. More than 18,000 amateur athletes are expected to compete in the 2015 State Games of America, in more than 50 different events. FMI: CLICK HERE