Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing & Organizing
Global Monitoring System
Domestic Workers 
Weekly News Roundup:
Domestic Workers
6 January - 19 January 2014


Thousands of domestic workers and supporters of the Indonesian domestic worker at the heart of torture allegations rallied yesterday to demand justice and the prosecution of the employer.

Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia have signed an MoU on the protection of migrant domestic workers that will prevent employers from withholding passports.


WIEGO monitors global news coverage on the informal economy, highlighting "bright spots" (policy or organizational practice that led, or could lead, to inclusion of informal workers) and "hot spots" (places of concern where informal workers are being harassed and/or excluded). A compilation of this news is regularly distributed to WIEGO's team, its members and its partners. This content is not generated by WIEGO itself but reflects print and electronic media coverage on issues that concern the network and their partners. WIEGO is systematically analyzing this, alongside other information, to assess trends over time.

SINGAPORE. HOME calls for greater protection of foreign domestic workers' mental well-being. Channel News Asia (19 Jan 2014) by Saifulbahri Ismail. A migrant workers' group has called for greater protection of the mental well-being of foreign domestic workers (FDWs). The Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) said current laws in Singapore are not adequate in addressing the issue of mental health of FDWs.


HONG KONG & INDONESIA. New employee abuse victims emerge as thousands march for justice for Erwiana. SCMP  (19 January, 2014) by Phila Slu. Thousands of foreign domestic workers and supporters of the Indonesian maid at the heart of torture allegations rallied yesterday to demand justice for Erwiana Sulistyaningsih and the prosecution of the employer accused of abusing her.


LEBANON. Female foreign workers face appalling situation in Lebanon. Al Monitor (19 January 2014) by Saada Ouloua. The study documented violations committed against female domestic workers in Lebanon in the context of matching indicators of human trafficking and forced labor in the overall process of recruitment of female domestic workers from their country of origin to the host country.


PERU. Peru's domestic workers fight for rights. CCTV (18 January 2014) by Dan Collyns. Latin America's positive economic growth is bringing changes but its stubborn class inequality is still in evidence, particularly in the treatment of domestic workers. They often lack basic labor rights, like pensions and health insurance and, studies show, they are frequently underpaid and sometimes mistreated. Gradually, however, maids and nannies are starting to stand up for their rights.


INDIA. Mistreatment of Domestic Worker By Indian Diplomat Is Not Unique. The Huffington Post (17 January 2013) by  Rebecca Smith. The recent story of an Indian diplomat in New York arrested for labor abuses garnered national headlines, but the mistreatment suffered by her domestic worker employee barely received a mention. The worker, Sangeeta Richards, alleged she was required to work more than 100 hours per week, for a wage that amounted to just under $1.50 per hour.


USA. Recent case highlights need for domestic workers' bill of rights. The Boston Globe (18 January 2014) by Lydia Edwards. On January 9 the Globe reported that a couple from Harvard pleaded guilty in the trafficking of a 16-year-old domestic worker into the United States from Bolivia ("Couple admit to underpaying immigrant for 13 years," Metro). They paid her $3,000 for 13 years of work taking care of the children, cleaning, and even shoveling snow.


PAKISTAN. Call for protecting domestic workers thru ILO convention. Daily Times (18 January 2014). A new report by the International Labour Organization (ILO) says more than 21 million people across Asia-Pacific, with 80 percent of women, are employed as domestic workers, said speakers at a press conference on Friday.


INDIA & USA. Khobragade case highlights domestic workers plight in India, say rights groups. Gulf News (17 January 2014) via Washington Post. The diplomatic row over the Indian deputy consul in New York who was accused of underpaying her nanny may have been resolved, with her leaving the United States. But many Indians say the episode has laid bare the callous attitude toward domestic workers in the world's most populous democracy.


SRI LANKA & SAUDI ARABIA. Sri Lanka and Saudi Sign "Landmark" agreement on migrant Domestic Worker rights. Migrants Rights (16 January 2014) via Arab News, Colombo Page, Colombo Gazette.  Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia have signed an MoU on the protection of migrant domestic workers that will prevent employers from withholding passports.


CHINA. Heads of Domestic Service Training Bases Attend Class in Guangzhou. Women of China (16 January 2014) by Sylvia Liu. Heads of women's domestic service demonstrative training bases in 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions nationwide. They also explored effective ways to promote domestic service brands and women's employment, and how they can better their services to local citizens.  


PHILIPPINES. Call for additional benefits to domestic workers. Gulf Times (13 January 2014). A lawmaker has sought further strengthening of the Kasambahay law, by providing additional benefits to domestic law and granting tax incentives to employers who allow their maids to finish their education or undergo skill training.  


UAE. Ministry to launch mobile phone services for visit visas, domestic help cards and passport renewal. Golf News (13 January 2014) by Samir Salama.  The Ministry of Interior will soon offer services via smart phones to renew passports, 30-day and 90-day visit visas, as well as domestic workers card and entry permits among other services, a senior official said Monday.


MALAYSIA. Sabah project for domestic workers. New Straits Times (8 January 2014) by Kristy Inus.  IN an effort to reduce dependency on foreign workers, the state government is planning to hold more programmes to train locals as domestic helpers.

NETHERLANDS. Domestic workers could leave black economy with 'service cheques'. Dutch News (7 January 2014). Around 400,000 household workers could be taken out of the black economy if the Netherlands introduced 'service cheques', similar to the system used in Belgium and France, the Volkskrant reports on Tuesday.




WIEGO monitorea la cobertura period�stica global sobre la econom�a informal, poniendo �nfasis en "los faros de esperanza" (pr�cticas organizativas o vinculadas a las pol�ticas p�blicas que facilitan, o pueden facilitar, la inclusi�n de los trabajadores informales) y las "zonas calientes" (lugares que generan preocupaci�n ya sea porque los trabajadores informales sufren acoso o porque son excluidos). Una compilaci�n de esta cobertura period�stica se distribuye de forma regular al equipo de WIEGO, as� como a sus miembros y socios. Este contenido no es producido por WIEGO en s�, sino que refleja la cobertura de la prensa electr�nica e impresa sobre los asuntos que incumben a la red y sus socios. WIEGO analiza sistem�ticamente esta cobertura period�stica, conjuntamente con otra informaci�n, para evaluar las tendencias a lo largo del tiempo.

PARAGUAY. Importante iniciativa a favor de las empleadas dom�sticas. ABC (19 de Enero de 2014).   La legislaci�n vigente no basta para dar a esta actividad la misma importancia que a cualquier otra, sin ignorar sus caracter�sticas peculiares. Por eso, fue oportuna la presentaci�n en septiembre pasado de un proyecto de ley sobre el trabajo dom�stico.  


COLOMBIA. "Formalizar a la empleada dom�stica s� paga". El Colombiano (19 de Enero de 2014) por Juan Fernando Rojas T. "La trabajadora dom�stica que tenga todos sus aportes a seguridad social es m�s productiva y el empleador se cubre de posibles contingencias laborales que pueden resultarles muy costosas", advierte el viceministro de Empleo y Pensiones, Juan Carlos Cort�s Gonz�lez.


URUGUAY. Advierten "distorsiones" en el trabajo dom�stico en balnearios. El Observador (18 de Enero de 2014). El incumplimiento habitual de las normas que regulan el trabajo dom�stico en Uruguay se potencia en verano en los balnearios.  


BRASIL. R�o se planta frente al clasismo y le quita el uniforme a las dom�sticas. Noticias Terra (18 de Enero de 2014). Con uniforme blanco o sin �l, a partir de ahora las empleadas dom�sticas de R�o de Janeiro ser�n las que decidan su atuendo y no podr�n ser obligadas a entrar con esa marca social cuando acompa�en a su patr�n a un club social, una costumbre que en Brasil se arrastra desde la �poca de la esclavitud.


CHILE. Trabajadoras de Casa Particular: casi 70 a�os organizadas por la dignificaci�n de su labor. La Tercera (17 de Enero de 2014) por Javiera Vilche  Desde los a�os 40 existen organizaciones que re�nen a trabajadoras de este rubro. Sin embargo, a�n trabajan 72 horas semanales y, generalmente, sin cotizaciones de salud, previsi�n o seguro de cesant�a.


ARGENTINA. El Sindicato de Empleadas Dom�sticas entregar� �tiles. Diario el Comercial (17 de Enero de 2014).  La referente del Sindicato de Empleadas Dom�sticas en Formosa, Mart�nez, Di�logo con Radio Uno y El Comercial sobre la iniciativa organizada desde la entidad para la entrega de kits escolares para los hijos de dichas trabajadoras.


HONG KONG e INDONESIA. Hong Kong investiga tortura a trabajadora dom�stica indonesia. BBC Mundo (16 de Enero de 2014). La polic�a en Hong Kong informa que est� investigando alegatos de que una trabajadora dom�stica indonesia fue torturada por sus empleadores durante ocho meses, dej�ndola incapacitada sin poder caminar.


ARGENTINA. Empleadas dom�sticas retomar�n actividades en febrero. IAM Digital (15 de Enero de 2014).  El Sindicato de Empleadas Dom�sticas retomar� sus actividades en febrero, ya que "estamos en receso, despu�s de un a�o de mucho trabajo", expres� a AIM la representante de la entidad, Manuela Mu�oz, quien indic� que el tema a seguir difundiendo la ley del sector.


PARAGUAY. Trabajadoras dom�sticas realizan lobby parlamentario. ABC (7 de Enero de 2014). La coalici�n de organizaciones de trabajadoras dom�sticas intensificar� el lobby parlamentario para obtener la aprobaci�n a inicios del a�o parlamentario del proyecto de ley presentado por el senador Derlis Osorio, y consensuado con las organizaciones de trabajadoras, que establece la igualdad legal de condiciones laborales.



A WIEGO monitora a cobertura jornal�stica global relacionada � economia informal, destacando os "pontos altos" (pr�ticas organizacionais ou de pol�ticas que levaram, ou poderiam levar, � inclus�o de trabalhadores informais) e "�reas vermelhas" (locais nos quais os trabalhadores informais est�o sendo perseguidos e/ou exclu�dos). Essas not�cias s�o compiladas e distribu�das regularmente para a equipe, membros e parceiros da WIEGO. O conte�do n�o � gerado pela pr�pria WIEGO, mas reflete a cobertura da m�dia eletr�nica e impressa sobre quest�es relacionadas � rede e a seus parceiros. E a WIEGO analisa esses dados sistematicamente, juntamente a outras informa��es, para avaliar as tend�ncias ao longo do tempo.

HONG KONG e INDONESIA. China Hong Kong protesta contra abusos sobre empregadas dom�sticas. Noticias ao Minuto (19 de Janeiro de 2014).  Centenas de empregadas dom�sticas manifestaram-se hoje nas ruas de Hong Kong para exigir justi�a para uma indon�sia, Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, de 22 anos, alegamente torturada pelos empregadores durante oito meses, naquele que foi o segundo protesto numa semana.


BRASIL. No Par�, 87% dos trabalhadores dom�sticos n�o tem carteira assinada. G1 Globo (17 de Janeiro de 2014). Par� � o estado do Norte com o maior n�mero de empregados dom�sticos. Federa��o das Trabalhadoras Dom�sticas pede mais fiscaliza��o.


BRASIL. INSS altera margens para contribui��o das dom�sticas. Di�rio do Grande ABC (17 de Janeiro de 2014) por Pedro Souza. Os patr�es devem ficar atentos �s altera��es nos sal�rios de contribui��o do INSS (Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social) dos empregados dom�sticos. Esses valores subiram e podem exigir altera��o na al�quota descontada em folha de pagamento.


BRASIL. Quinhentas mulheres concluem curso do projeto "Temperando Sonhos". 180 Graus (16 de Janeiro de 2014) por Igor Leonardo. Durante 3 meses cerca de 500 mulheres foram qualificadas em culin�ria brasileira e estrangeira. A a��o foi promovida pelo Governo do Estado do Maranh�o, por meio da Secretaria de Estado da Mulher (Semu), em parceria com o Sindicato das Trabalhadoras Dom�sticas (Sindom�stico).


BRASIL. Site lan�ado pela Caixa facilita o recolhimento do FGTS para dom�sticas. EM Digital (9 de Janeiro de 2014) por Fernanda Borges e Silvia Dalben.  Nova ferramenta simplifica o processo e pode aumentar ades�o dos patr�es ao direito trabalhista.

BRASIL. Lei das Dom�sticas consolida novas rela��es de trabalho. Jornal do Comercio (8 de Janeiro de 2014) por Marina Schmidt.  Menos de um ano depois de ter entrado em vigor, regras modificaram o ambiente de atua��o de profissionais dom�sticos e j� n�o assustam tanto os patr�es.  



WIEGO suit la couverture des nouvelles du monde sur l'�conomie informelle, en soulignant les � points lumineux � (politique ou pratique organisationnelle qui a conduit ou pourrait conduire � l'inclusion des travailleurs du secteur informel) et les   � points chauds � (lieux ou pays o� ces travailleurs sont harcel�s et/ou exclus). Une compilation de ces nouvelles, r�guli�rement distribu�e � l'�quipe WIEGO ainsi qu'� ses membres et � ses partenaires, et bien que le contenu ne soit pas g�n�r� par WIEGO elle-m�me, refl�te la couverture que donnent la presse �crite et les m�dias �lectroniques aux questions qui concernent le r�seau et les partenaires

HONG KONG. Manifestation pour une domestique maltrait�e. 20 min (16 Janvier 2014) via AFP. Des dizaines d'employ�es de maison ont manifest� jeudi � Hong Kong pour r�clamer justice pour une Indon�sienne qui aurait �t� maltrait�e par ses employeurs.


LIBAN. Employ�es de maison : les tromperies commencent dans le pays d'origine. L'Orient le Jour (15 Janvie 2014) by Anne-Marie El-HAGE. C'est souvent sur base de mensonges et de fausses promesses que sont recrut�es les employ�es de maison n�palaises et bangladaises. Sous-pay�es, endett�es jusqu'au cou pour payer les frais d'agence, elles ne parviendront pas toutes � �ponger leurs dettes.

LA SUISSE. La commission CSSS du Conseil des Etats doit renforcer les droits des travailleurs et travailleuses de l'�conomie domestique. Presse Portal. (9 Janvier 2014). La Commission de la s�curit� sociale et de la sant� publique (CSSS) du Conseil des Etats d�bat d�s aujourd'hui de la ratification de la convention no 189 de l'OIT. Pour Travail.Suisse, l'organisation fa�ti�re ind�pendante des travailleurs et travailleuses, il est clair que cette convention concernant le travail d�cent pour les travailleuses et travailleurs domestiques doit �tre ratifi�e par la Suisse.

Additional-NewsAdditional News Links

More on USA.

http://goo.gl/MKtmMm. Foreign tensions.


More on INDIA & USA.

http://goo.gl/0DHWwo.  India shoes callousness toward domestic workers

http://goo.gl/KHnny9. Maid Calls on Other Domestic Workers to Fight against Exploitation.

http://goo.gl/j2Vfb4. In-person registration of diplomats' domestic help must: US



http://goo.gl/AQwlbX.  Sri Lanka & Saudi Arabia situation.

http://goo.gl/NPkUix. Saudi Arabian position.

http://goo.gl/89HTv1.  India & Saudi Arabia.  Confronting violations.


More on HONG KONG.

http://goo.gl/ADswT4.  Pushing for changes.

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