Dates to Remember:

May 23rd Tax free sale in Thrift Shop

May 24th Pentecost

May 28th -6:30 pm Analog - Formation Mtg 

Sunday Services
8:30 am
Rite I
In the Chapel
(no music)

10:30 am
Rite II
(with music)
In the Nave

Church Office
Monday - Thursday
Hours: 9:00 am to 
2:00 pm
The Midweek Connection
May 21, 2015

Inside this Midweek Connection:
  • Promise
  • Thrift Shop tax free sale
  • Wear red for Pentecost
  • Flower Guild Recruiting
  • Candidates for new Presiding Bishop submitted

Whenever we have seen wonder bubble up out of bewilderment, we have seen the resurrection. The day is indeed far spent and night is indeed approaching, but so too is dawn, and light and life and that is what Jesus promises us.

-Br. James Koeste

Society of St. John the Evangelist

Bargains Even Better At Thrift Shoppe
This Saturday, May 23rd,  the Thrift Shop will hold its Spring Tax-Free Sales Day from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm.

Shoppers won't have to pay the usual 8.25% sales tax.  Come shop and save.  

The Thrift Shop will be closed for Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th.  

Lana Beyer, Thrift Shop Manager


Adult Formation
Fr. Nathan Jennings will be teaching an Adult Formation Class each Sunday in May in Classroom 4, beginning at 9:30 am. Fr. Nathan is open to suggestions, and would like to hear if anyone has any special requests for content.
Candidates Submitted for Next Presiding Bishop
The nominating committee has submitted the names of four candidates for the office of the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. The new Presiding Bishop will be chosen at the General Convention on June 26th. You can see a photo of each candidate and read a brief biography of each by clicking on this link: 

The Flower Guild Wants You

Have you ever wanted to learn flower arranging? Or maybe you already have the knack. The ECR Flower Guild would love to have a couple more members who would help to do flowers for the altar, and for special days.

Contact Ann Harrington for more information regarding how to get connected at [email protected]  
Red for Pentecost

Remember to wear red, orange or yellow on May 24th for Pentecost, if you can, to symbolize the tongues of fire, and the coming of the Holy Spirit. 
Wednesday Bible Study Continues

Wednesday morning Bible Study continues at 8:30 am to 9:30 am at Genuine Joe's Coffee House at 2001 W. Anderson Lane. Our intrepid Bible scholars are now completing their study of the Books of Kings, and will soon begin the Wisdom Literature.
St. Francis in the Meditation Garden

St Francis watches over the new growth and the squirrels in the lovely meditation garden with all the rain.
Lost & Found
This lost earring was found after church on Sunday.

If you have the mate to it, please call the church office (see the phone number above) and we'll make arrangements for you to pick it up. 

Music for May 24th:
Anthem:  O Spirit Divine, Attend Our Prayers, Gilbert Martin
Processional:  507, Praise the Spirit In Creation (Bob Hutsko, trumpeter)
Gospel: 513, Like the Murmer of the Dove Song
Communion : 502, O Holy Spirit, By Whose Breath
516, Come Down, O Love Divine
Missional: 225, Hail Thou Festival Day!
Lay Ministry for May 24th: Click here for readings

If you are unable to fulfill your lay ministry, arrange for a substitute and let Marty in the office know of the change by noon on Thursday before. 

First Reading:  Ezekiel 37:1-14
Psalm 104:25-35, 37
Second Reading: Acts 2:1-24
Gospel:  John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15

8:30 am Service -
Lector: Granville Ott
Psalmist: Jim Ryan
Intercessor:Mariel Fox
Chalicist:  Michael Paulsen
Usher: Jim Ryan

10:30 am Service-
First Lesson: Sara Burden-McClure
Psalm: Noreen McMahan
Second Lesson:  Bob Beyer
Intercessor: Bob Beyer (?)
Chalicists: (GC) Michael Paulsen (C) Lana Beyer
Acolytes: Holly & Charles Davis & Douglas Foxworthy
Ushers: Carolyn & Jon Ellis,, Ann Harrington, Michael Paulsen
Altar Guild: Ann Harrington, Joan Medrano
Flower Guild: Ann Harrington
Lay Eucharistic Minister:
Bishop's Committee Host: Brian McElligott