
Coconut Chia Pudding- Chia seeds and coconut milk marry for a Paleo-friendly pudding that works great for breakfast.

 For full recipe, click here:

"My studies at UMS have enabled me to surpass my goals thus far and get new vision of something even better than I had imagined. 
It has allowed me to walk the path of becoming a master of myself in which I can really continue to help others to understand themselves more and reach their highest potential in life."
-Karin Kowlessar

"I have grown so much and I feel like it's just the beginning of my knowing. 

I have been using my gifts of laying hands, teaching and the best part is I have opened my heart."
-Kevin Benjamin  


"The coursework has aided me GREATLY in consciousness and awareness.  By practicing mindfulness and meditation daily I have changed into a being I am most taken with.  The thing I'm most grateful for though is my GRATITUDE.  It shines through and lights my path." 
- Stacy Thompson  


Newsletter looking for Student Submissions

It's been one year since the first edition of our revived newsletter. Thanks again to all the students and staff who help to make it possible.

Do you have a submission for our newsletter ?


Looking for Submissions for our future themes:




Giving Back  
Honoring Water   

Please feel free to submit any work you feel might be appropriate (such as poetry, artwork or articles) to the email address:

[email protected].  

We publish our school newsletter every month around the new moon, and are very excited about offering this publication as a way of sharing thoughts and inspiration from our students, and keeping our network aware of our goals and happenings. 


We humbly ask that you try to keep submissions under 350 words.


We look forward to receiving your submissions and to integrating the knowledge and creativity of our students into our publication.


Christine Breese, Ph.D.
Gaia Sagrada Retreat Schedule
Solstice Fun

Wild, Radiant, and Ready to Play!

By Devon Love, UMS Advisor

Wild Radiant Spirit by Airangale, airangale.deviantart.com 

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are approaching the Summer Solstice, also called Midsummer, Gathering Day, or Litha. This solstice marks the peak of summer. 


The earth is a riot of color and abundance, and the fruits are ripening on the vine. The natural energy of this time is infinite radiance, the burning away of all that is extraneous, and the revelation of the pure light of spirit. All of life comes out to celebrate this truth, with whatever level of awareness is held. The dance of creation is in full swing!


As we move toward the longest day of the year, we have the opportunity to pause, and look at what we are gathering to ourselves. Just as all the earth soaks up the recharging energies of the sun's rays, we too gather energy to radiate back out in the form of our creative expression.  With the energy of the sun reflecting our own inner radiance, we can finally cast all that is no longer serving us into the healing fires of transformation. The energies are high, and we can use this time to quickly and effortlessly release anything that may still weigh us down.

As the solstice energies peak, we can now embrace our own true freedom. We can fully surrender to our intuitive, wild nature. Now is the time to frolic, dance, play, sing, and join in life's celebration, with the total trust that our own innocence brings us. 

In this moment, as the light expands inside us, we can begin to witness more fully the magic that sings within all of creation, and to see more clearly our own place in the rhythmic dance of life. It is time to follow the children's example, to spring free from our stories and habits, and to laugh and play with abandon. For, deep within the truth of our own wild, radiant nature, lies the secret to creating the world we imagine, and allowing our dreams to crystallize into form. As within, so without...

This Summer Solstice holds a very special energy. Many have not yet emerged into the light, and are losing their faith in life, losing their understanding that life is a precious gift, and the mystery is in each moment's unfolding. Those who have this awareness, can hold it as the most sacred of possessions, and can share it freely and openly. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Now is the time.  

From this place of innocence, trust, and openness, what can you imagine? Can you envision a great and joyful wave of celebration infusing all of life? Can you see gentle rains falling on the earth? Can you see the beautiful spirit within all people waking, and beginning to imagine as well? What is the truth of life but freedom in connection, creativity, play, dance, song, and revelry? Together, we can gather the sun's vibrant energy to create the most beautiful world we can imagine...  


This solstice, feel the call of your Wild, Radiant Self. It says, "Come out, come out, come out and play!"

Our Metaphysical Connection
By Elizabeth Erenberger, UMS Advisor 

As the seasons change and the years pass, our UMS student body continues to grow and thrive. As advisors for over three thousand students across the globe, we (the UMS Staff) often begin to sense commonalities in the communications and concerns of our students, and our own personal needs and circumstances.

Maybe it's in the stars, or just the inter-connectedness of our humanity, but often when certain challenges arise for one, they will repeatedly arise for others. This is the beauty of our interconnectedness, the very essence of the beautiful golden threads which bind us all to one another beyond scientific explanation.


Reaching out, sharing our stories, and helping others are all very important and infinitely freeing. 

I am using my article this month to encourage you to take a second look at a school resource which has brought me significant spiritual messages, and priceless feedback which I am forever thankful for, our Metaphysical Connection.

Many students contact us wondering where to turn for spiritual advice and healing work.  The resources are many, but UMS itself has an eclectic spectrum of powerful healers within its midst. I encourage you to explore the format of this page as a resource for brainstorming and connecting with other students. The Metaphysical Connection is all about networking with others in your field, speaking your truth, and practicing the elements of spiritual counseling. We have so many talented, magical, and amazing people in this program. I encourage you to write about what is true for you, what you question, and what you fear. I encourage you to share, to put yourself out there and see what kind of responses await. We have so much to learn from our peers.

If you are a student who lives in a location where sharing your spirituality with others is complicated, or if you seek spiritual circle but are unsure where to turn, pay our page a visit and send your heart medicine out into the UMS ethers. You might be surprised at the wealth of knowledge that comes pouring back in. I know I have been. 

Visit the Metaphysical Connection.

The Rosicrucian Thanksgiving

By UMS Student Olisa Okanime, FRC, D.D., Ph.D.

In June, at the convocation nearest the solstice, Rosicrucians celebrate what they call "Thanksgiving Ritual." This ancient custom is their practice each year to thank the G+d of their Hearts for the privilege they have of living on Earth and being involved in G+d's Great Work. They give thanks and unite their souls with the four principals that make each of us a living being, animated by the same essence as the Great Universal Soul.

Mystics have always divided visible Creation into two worlds that we call the macrocosm and the microcosm. The first of these two worlds corresponds to the greater universe--all the stars and solar systems composing the cosmos. The second refers to the lesser universe and concerns the individual  human. Between them we find an intermediate universe that some philosophers call the mesocosm. In actual fact it concerns the planet Earth or, to be more precise, nature.

Rosicrucians believe that life owes its existence to a harmonious combination of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire - referred to by the term principals; each of these being one of the four major expressions of Spirit - the energy that is the source of the visible world. Therefore, these four principals have their source in the cosmic essence permeating the entire universe.

Many religions consider the earth to be not only the symbol of birth, but also the symbol of resurrection - for in its various forms, the earth is the basis from which all living beings develop, from the vegetable kingdom to the human kingdom. It is also the medium into which most of them return after death, for they then again become dust.

The other principal is air - it is this principal that transmits the cosmic essence which all living beings need to remain alive. In alchemy, air is seen as an active and heavenly principal, whereas Earth is considered to be a passive and earthly element.

This brings us to the other principal - water. On the physical level, 70 percent of the human body is made up of water, and blood is more than 90 percent water. As a principal, Earth represents the fertilizing power of nature, but it is water that allows this power to manifest. In its alchemical application, water is considered to be the Universal Solvent - by which many solids can be diluted and brought into a liquid state.

Finally, fire is considered to be the most transcendent of the four principals because it is the highest of all the visible manifestation of Spirit. In nature, its greatest expression is the sun, which radiates light and heat to the earth - there will be no life on our planet without it. Fire has come to symbolize the spiritual alchemy to which every human being must submit in order to be purified of defects and to transmute them into their opposite qualities. Fire also symbolizes the Divine Fire that illuminates the altar of our Inner Temple.

Friends, in the coming days - towards the solstice - I suggest that you meditate a few moments on the privilege of experiencing life on a planet so beautiful and so adapted to our needs. During your meditation period, remember to thank the G+d of your Heart for all the joys that nature provides, and promise G+d to respect it in every aspect. So Mote It Be!

Featured Student Creative Project  
"We Are All One" by UMS Student Kristine Morton 

"The first picture shows the world with all the people. The second picture shows that the light shining through one person's eyes is the same light in everyone else's eyes and is coming from the same Source. Hence, we are all one!

I was given this image in a meditation many years ago and knew right away when I read about the creative project that this is what I wanted to try to create."  

"I think creating this in a 3 dimensional art project has allowed me to more firmly embody, on a cellular level, my understanding of this concept.
I have always had a hard time looking into a stranger's eyes and holding their gaze for more than a moment but I find myself wanting to do this more, looking for myself in their eyes."   
The Universal Language 
By UMS Student Benjamin Martin  

Love is the universal language

When you love it becomes first language to you

It is the only language known from the very start

By heart all the way through

It is so easy to learn, you can't get it wrong

Because as soon as you love, the more love becomes strong

Strong love is the magnetism that causes all things to be

It is the cause of everything; it is the cause of you and the cause of me

We are to teach the language of love to others, we are to teach it to one and all

It is our individual commission to answer to this noble, global call

We are to live love and we are to give love, everywhere that we go

Each day just say, I love you to someone that you think you don't know

As you share the language of love with others as you go along your way

You will have implanted a seed in them that grows and grows, everyday

They then will know the language of love; they too will begin to share

Soon we will find the language of love being spoken everywhere

When we all speak a common language, when intentions are understood

The result will be for all concerned to experience only that which is good

There is no requirement for money; there is nothing that we can't do

The only required components are simply, love and me and you

So, let's make the language of love the most common language spoken on planet Earth

Very soon there will come a point in time, you will see its value and know its worth

There will be no more hunger and suffering for some neglected unfortunate few

The language love also teaches what happens to others, also happens to you...

Gaia Sagrada- A Place to Heal the Heart  

Close your eyes. Imagine yourself in a tropical paradise, deep in the heart of Ecuador.

You are surrounded by like minded spiritualists and singing birds, lush thriving gardens and delicious organic foods.  


Gaia Sagrada is as much a journey as it is a retreat. Come shelter yourself in the tranquility, and surrender to the sacred within yourself, through this rare transformative experience. 


Melt into whirlpools, experience ancient practices, and share impactual moments with skilled and capable Shaman. 


Gaia Sagrada welcomes you to come explore your potential, and create a stronger connection with your self, your purpose and with your spirit guides.


Check out the Gaia Sagrada website at: GaiaSagrada.com