  December 10, 2013

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IB Gallery
Leadership Greater Madison (LGM20) met on Nov. 26 to examine how to put leadership skills to work and how arts and culture benefit the community.

Business Report



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David Blaska
Bring It!  A conservative blog by David Blaska

Jody Glynn Patrick
After Hours  A personal blog by Jody Glynn Patrick
Open Mic
Open Mic  A guest blog by Lauri Binius Droster 

Nathan Brinkman
Taking Stock  A finance blog by Nathan Brinkman 

Open Mic
Open Mic  A guest blog by Steve Squires 

Resolve to Get Fit in 2014!

Ten individuals and 10 executive-led teams will be selected to participate in In Business' Get Fit Challenge. With help from local fitness and health care experts, challengers will gain the knowledge and support necessary to live a healthier, fitter lifestyle. Those who show the biggest improvement at the end of the competition period will be named the winners! Apply today!

IB Poll
One year from today, how will Obamacare look
to the public?
A. Like an even bigger disaster than it is today
B. Better and better as its benefits become clear

To cast your vote, click here and then scroll down to the IB Poll on the right-hand side of the page.

Results from last week's poll question:
Does receiving a gift card offend you?
Yes, it shows how little thought went into it.  
No, it allows me to buy for myself. 

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Dec. 16

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"Consumers lose billions each year to scammers, and this statistic doesn't even take into account the nearly half of all scams that go unreported." 
- Kimberly Hazen

As quoted in "How to avoid the hidden costs of scams"

Phone: 608-204-9655

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