   3% Down Payment Program
Did you know that first time homebuyers can finance up to 97% of the purchase price of their new home?  First Time Homebuyer status is defined as AT LEAST ONE of the buyers not owning a property in the past three years.
Tips for First-Time Home Buyers

Good Credit

In order to qualify for a mortgage, you'll need good credit and a pattern of paying your bills on time while still saving money.


Know your budget

Rather than guessing how much you can borrow, set up an appointment to discuss your actual debt to income ratio.  


Get Pre-qualified

Sellers typically prefer to deal with a buyer that has a letter from their lender saying they have been pre-qualified for financing.

Robyn Edwards   
Robyn Edwards - (815) 207-6206
Purchasing your first home may seem confusing. 
Let me make it easier! 
Know someone who is a first time home buyer?
3100 Theodore St. Joliet, IL 60435 PH: 815-207-6200
1226 W. Jefferson St. Shorewood, IL 60404 PH: 815-207-6262
Member FDIC - Equal Housing Lender
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