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Heard it through the GrapeVine...

Sue Ann Says Column
Check out some of our posts:
Save the Date
The Dialogue
Women & Aging:  The Impact of Dementia
8:00 - 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, October 11
Concourse Hotel
Madison, WI
Friday, October 12
Italian Conference Center
Milwaukee, WI
Pathways for Parish Nursing - Sponsored by the Wisconsin Faith Community Nurse Coalition, a mutual interest group of WNA.

Thursday, October 17
8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Madison Marriott West, Middleton
GVP Trainings
We held a training on our new unit  the Healthy Aging Brain Wednesday, September 18th in Wausau.
We will be holding two more trainings in:
Thursday, October 10
The Concourse Hotel following the Dialogue
10:45 am - 2:30 pm
Friday, October 11
The Italian Conference Center following the Dialogue
10:45 am - 2:30 pm
      Register here
Use of Information
If you use the Sue Ann Says column, we ask that you include the following:  "This column is reprinted with permission from the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation (WWHF). WWHF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help Wisconsin women and their families reach their healthiest potential. For more information, please go to"
If only using part of the column, use the words "in part" after the word reprinted in the above sentence.
September 2013

School is back in session and September marks the end of the third quarter of the year.  Please remember that as a Faith Community Nurse involved with the GrapeVine Project, you agreed to hold two educational sessions per calendar year.  If you have not already done so, please be sure to get them scheduled by the end of the year.  If you need help, please let us know.  You pick the time and place, and we will help with advertising and getting people there.
Program Updates
GrapeVine Sessions
In July, one session was held by Lori Rudolph in Sauk County reaching 4 women.

Thank you Lori for keeping our streak alive.  We have held at least one session every month so far this year!


If you presented in August, please be sure your paperwork has been sent in so that the information is available for our next newsletter.

Participant Comments from June Healthy Aging Brain Sessions - Have you taken any action or made changes to improve your brain health?   crossword

06/02/13 - Write, read, crossword puzzles."
06/12/13 - "Trying to eat healthier foods and challenge my brain."
Please share any ideas you have for improving our education sessions.
05/21/13 - "Need to hear personal stories."
This is not the first time a participant has mentioned how personal stories resonate with them. The DVD of personal stories in the heart unit is a great example. We will keep this in mind when moving forward.
Health Information
Flu Season Approaching

Flu season is just around the corner.  Click here for an article.

Underage Drinking
The Substance and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has an underage drinking prevention PSA campaign entitled "Talk. They Hear You", which helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children early-as early as nine years old-about the dangers of alcohol.
Please visit the campaign website for resources and a campaign toolkit with brochures, posters, and talking points.
Health Observances
October Observances

Please see last month's newsletter for links and information on the following observances:

     National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

     National Dental Hygiene Month

     National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month

     Domestic Violence (DV) Awareness Month


Note there is a GrapeVine Project unit on each of the October observances mentioned above.  Plan ahead to hold a session in October on one of these topics. 
Other October Observances:

     Health Literacy Month

     National Bullying Prevention Month


November Observances

National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

Every 70 seconds, another American family is affected by Alzheimer's.  Click here for more information or visit


American Diabetes Month

This year the American Diabetes will continue to grow the campaign they started last year entitled "A Day in the Life of Diabetes." For more information, visit the American Diabetes Association.

National Family Caregivers Month
In celebration of those who care for provide care to family, friends, neighbors, and loved ones.  Visit the Strength for Caregiving website or
National Healthy Skin Month
Encourages individuals to take care of and protect their skin, hair and nails.  Visit the American Academy of Dermatology for more information.
Lung Cancer Awareness Month

In the United States, lung cancer is the leading cancer killer of both women and men. Visit the American Lung Association  or to receive educational materials or a toolkit contact the Lung Cancer Alliance.  


Great American Smokeout 

The American Cancer Society (ACS) created the Great American Smokeout in 1976 to inspire and encourage smokers to quit for a day.  They also encourage smokers to commit to making a long-term plan to quit smoking for good. Visit ACS's Great American Smokeout link for more information.


Thank you for all you do for the GrapeVine Project.
Nora Miller
Program Manager, EveryWoman's Journal/GrapeVine Project
Grants and Awards Coordinator
Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation | 800-448-5148 
2503 Todd Drive, Madison, WI 53713

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