National Hispanic Council on Aging 

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Thursday, May 7, 2015



Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado to offer Opening Remarks at NHCOA 2015 Miami Open Forum


We are excited to announce that  Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado will be joining the NHCOA Miami Open Forum as we moderate a solutions-oriented discussion on the issues most impacting Miami's Hispanic older adults and families. The offices of  Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, Senator Marco Rubio, and Senator Bill Nelson have also confirmed their attendance. 


2015 is of great significance for the country and the field of aging as we commemorate the anniversaries of Medicare, Medicaid, the Older Americans Act, and Social Security. We will also celebrate later this year the first the White House Conference on Aging (WHCoA) of this decade. (Nora Super, Executive Director for the White House Conference on Aging has been invited.)

These celebrations and events are at the forefront of the 2015 Promoting Communities of Success Regional Meetings.  During our upcoming NHCOA Miami Open Forum, we will report back to the community on data collected during past regional meetings  and through individual responses from Latino seniors across the country, setting the stage for engaging discussions on retirement security and healthy aging. We look forward to  your insight and expertise as we  offer our abuelitos and families the support and empowerment they need to thrive and prosper.



DATE:  Thursday, June 4, 2015


TIME:   8:30 AM -1:30 PM


PLACE: Miami-Dade College (InterAmerican Campus)

  Room 3103

       627 SW 27th Avenue 

       Miami, Florida 33135


Please RSVP to Abimarlee Mart?nez by calling 202-347-9733 or replying to this e-mail before May 25, 2015 as spaces are limited. Breakfast and refreshments will be provided.



NHCOA is the leading national organization working to improve the lives of Hispanic older adults, their families, and caregivers. For information, visit


NHCOA es la organizaci?n nacional principal que trabaja para mejorar la condici?n de vida de los adultos mayores hispanos, familias y cuidadores. Para mayor informaci?n, visite