The 2015 Passover Pledge
Every year, Ar iel's friends around the world  come together to give every Ariel resident the opportunity to celebrate Passover with dignity. From sponsoring Passover food packages to a table at the Ariel Seder, you can step into the Ariel story by assisting the city's residents in relivng the story of redemption from slavery.
What we need
This year, you can help us provide:
130 Passover food packages  providing the most basic Passover goods for needy families. With a $50 contribution we can match funds and deliver a package worth $135.  



1000 food coupons for senior citizens, largely Russian immigrants who live on Social Security. The packages cost only $18.  


A community Seder for 120 Ariel residents who cannot make a Seder on their own or who have no family with whom to share the holiday. Your contribution of $36 will  sponsor one person. 

You're not alone

Friends of Ariel is pleased to partner with Ariel Development Fund, Ariel's Council for Religious Affairs, and the Department of Social Services on this critical project. Together, they will provide $17,000 towards this project. We're turning to you, our friends, to close the gap so that no one is left behind.



FUNDED = $19,220



Click here to make a donation. Your secure, on-line contribution is tax-deductible in the US.

Please help us make up the $9,600 required to support Ariel's neediest families this Passover. Your secure, on-line contribution is tax-deductible in the US.

How you can help

Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean you can't join our community. "Like" the Ariel Passover Pledge on your Facebook page, join us on Facebook, and spread the word via e-mail and all your networks.

Remember to like our Facebook page!
Step Into Our Story
Israel Office, [email protected] , 972 (3) 936-4406
Avi Zimmerman, Executive Director,  [email protected], (956) 956-7080