Traveling to Nepal

Currently scheduled beginning May 29th - June 16th, Gayle and Rich will be traveling in Nepal working on two projects (a community center and children's education) for a charitable foundation they support.  Not to worry, our travels in Katmandu are limited to two days.  And, yes, while we will see the devastating destruction in that area, we will not be located in that part of Nepal for the majority of our trip. There is a possibility that the trip may be cancelled or postponed within the next two weeks if the infrastructure damage is greater than currently thought.


Assuming Gayle and Rich do leave for Nepal, Colman Knight will continue to operate as always. Marc, Jessie and Shannon will be attending to any calls and actions that require attention for you.  Gayle and Rich continue to marvel at how the devotion, competency and dedication of all Colman Knight members allow them to continue with their charitable works. Marc, Jessie and Shannon are highly skilled and committed to the work of Colman Knight.  We thank them profusely.


Gayle and Rich

The Upper Uppers


What does it take to be a "one percenter?"  How much do you have to earn before you fall into this rarified zone?....


Read More 



Government Leaders and Leading Salaries


You probably know that the U.S. President makes $400,000 a year in salary.  But do you know how that stacks up with elected leaders in the rest of the world?...




Somatic Finance TM Tele-Conversation

Somatic FinanceTM is a path of practice, where money and body unite in service of our development. This approach calls our attention toward the body as a whole, as a source of intelligence, intuition and insight in all matters of money. Specifically, we look to three major areas of the body: the head, the heart and the belly. Each of these areas warrants a full articulation, understanding, and practice; these body centers are the locations of deeper meaning and insight and the source of lasting financial confidence.


Join Gayle in a lively and instructive conversation, including experiential activities, to gain a taste of knowledge and simmer with new curiosity. The first of four Tele-Conversations this year happens on Thursday, April 30th from 6:30 to 7:30 pm U.S. Eastern Time. Click here to RSVP and receive your dial-in instructions via email. 


Thanks for connecting and being a part of the conversation.

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