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Heard it through the GrapeVine...

Sue Ann Says Column

January: Pursue Healthy Habits in the New Year 


December: Community Health Grants 


November: Emily's Fund 


Save the Date
15th Annual Spring Gala
Saturday, May 3, 2014
State Capitol Rotunda
Madison, WI
13th Annual Gathering
Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014
Saint Joseph's Hospital
Marshfield, WI
Use of Information
If you use the Sue Ann Says column, we ask that you include the following:  "This column is reprinted with permission from the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation (WWHF). WWHF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help Wisconsin women and their families reach their healthiest potential. For more information, please go to"
If only using part of the column, use the words "in part" after the word reprinted in the above sentence.
January 2014

Happy New Year!  I hope you were able to enjoy the holidays with family and friends and are surviving this frigid weather.

Be sure to watch your mailbox for a mailing from WWHF with 2013 statistics and new Memorandums of Understanding for Faith Community Nurses involved in GrapeVine.
Program Updates
GrapeVine Sessions
In November, 11 sessions were held  reaching 108 women.  They were:
  • Green County - Vicki Evenson & Kris Wisnefske (3)
  • Iowa County - Shirley Bennett
  • Marathon County - Lenore Grosinske & Mary Omernik
  • Milwaukee County - Marcia Isherwood, Linda Radder and Pat Shapiro
  • Sauk County - Lori Rudolph

Thank you educating individuals in your communities!


If you presented in December, please be sure your paperwork has been sent in so that the information is available for our next newsletter.

Participant Comments from November Sessions - Have you taken any action or made changes to improve your health?      

11/05/13 (Mental Health) - "Putting time aside to take care of myself."
11/07/13 (Heart Disease) - "Trying to improve eating habits and activity."
11/14/13 (Mental Health) - "Staying connected with people and volunteering."  
Health Information
Cold weather - This latest cold blast due to the "polar vortex" has people talking about frostbite and hypothermia.  This article has information and tips to help people survive those chilly days and nights. 
Awards and Scholarships
The 2014 Call for Champions in Women's Health Nomination is Open!
You should have received information via email on The Champions in Women's Health Awards, which honor individuals who have demonstrated exemplary leadership and devoted themselves to improving the quality of life for women and families. Nominees may include consumer advocates, volunteers, health care professionals, employees of non-profits, and individuals who have overcome a significant health issue and inspired other women to become advocates for their own health. Past champions have been instrumental in raising the level of awareness about women's health issues, and have impacted the quality of care that women in this state receive.

Champions will be honored for their work during a private dinner reception on Saturday, May 3, 2014 at the Madison Concourse Hotel, and also during our Spring Gala at the beautiful State Capitol Rotunda later that evening.


Please consider nominating individuals for this prestigious honor.   Nominations are due to the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation on Friday, January 31st

Faith Community Nursing Scholarships
Application Guidelines are now available for our 2014 Faith Community Scholarships. Two scholarships for up to $750 will be awarded. Applications are due January 15, 2014.  Please share with any nurses you feel would benefit from the course.
Health Observances

February Observances


Please see last month's newsletter for information on the following February observances or click on the links below:



March Observances


American Red Cross Month - The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.  Contact your local chapter to donate blood, volunteer your time or take one of their many training classes.


Brain Injury Awareness Month - Most of us have heard of concussions and Shaken Baby Syndrome, but there are many more types of brain injuries.  For more information visit the Brain Injury Association of America website.


Hemophilia Month - Visit the National Hemophilia Foundation to learn more about Hemophilia, which is a genetic bleeding disorder that prevents the blood from clotting normally.


National Colorectal Awareness Month - Colorectal cancer is cancer of the colon or rectum and is as common in women as it is in men.  For information on risk factors, prevention and early detection, symptoms and treatment visit the Prevent Cancer Foundation.


National Developmental Disabilities Month In the United States, almost one in six children have one or more developmental disabilities or other developmental delays. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information. 


National Eye Donor Month - The Eye Bank Association of America is the oldest transplant association in the United States.  Visit their website for more information.


National Kidney Month - 1 in 3 Americans is at risk for kidney disease due to diabetes, high blood pressure or a family history of kidney failure.  Visit The National Kidney Foundation for more information.


National Nutrition Month - Nutrition plays a major factor in every individual's health.  Visit the academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' website to learn about dietary guidelines, food labels, eating right on a budget, shopping and meal planning, as well as cooking tips, trends and recipes.


National Poison Prevention Month - For steps to help prevent accidental poisonings and tips for promoting community involvement in poison prevention visit The Poison Prevention Council or the American Association of Poison Control Centers.


Save Your Vision Month - Visit the American Optometric Association to learn about various eye and vision conditions as well as how to care for your vision. 

Thank you for all you do for the GrapeVine Project.
Nora Miller
Program Manager, EveryWoman's Journal/GrapeVine Project
Grants and Awards Coordinator
Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation | 800-448-5148 
2503 Todd Drive, Madison, WI 53713

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