Grace Episcopal Church
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
News for November 27, 2013

Cookout at the Christmas Parade

Our Kindergarten Board Chair, Tom Schmidt, has acquired space in the shelter at Founders Square for a fund-raiser for the Kindergarten and Pre-school on Saturday, December 7, during the annual Hopkinsville Christmas parade.  Phillip Merritt and crew will be cooking up ribs, chicken, pork chops, hamburgers and hot dogs--as well as various side items--for taking out or eating there.  Phillip is taking orders prior to the event, so, if you would like to have a special cut of meat, let him know and he will cook it for you! We also could use additional help during the day--even for an hour or two. Also, if anyone has a kerosene heater we could use, it would probably help us to stay reasonably warm on cookout day!  Please let Tom know if you can be available to help at the event.  Support our school!

What is the meaning of Christmas?

A few weeks ago, Eli Pace editor of the Kentucky New Era called various clergy in Hopkinsville and asked for statements addressing the question, "What is the meaning of Christmas?"  The statements were appropriately published today--the day when the most advertisements for holiday shopping, especially Black Friday sales, are also published.  Just in case you don't get the KNE, here is my (Alice's) statement:

What is the true meaning of Christmas?  One of the most basic tenets of the Christian faith is the "incarnation" of Jesus Christ.  Since the earliest days of the church, Christians have believed that, in Jesus, God entered in to humankind and became fully one with us.  The way this is often articulated is that God became fully human in Jesus so that all humanity might have the potential for becoming divine.  At Christmas, we celebrate the belief that God is completely with us-in complete solidarity with us-suffering with us, rejoicing with us, healing our brokenness, using us for God's purposes and possibilities, urging and sustaining us to follow the path that Jesus traveled.  At Christmas, we see quite clearly how God works in the most unexpected ways in the most unexpected places to enter into creation-through the birth of a baby to a teenage mother-in a stable, with a feeding trough as a cradle.  That scene invites us to reflect on a God who brings down the powerful and lifts up the lowly, who fills the hungry and sends the rich away empty.  That vision can change our lives.   

Bible Challenge

On November 17, the group that has taken the Bible Challenge this year held its final meeting.  Most have either finished reading the entire Bible this year or are almost finished.  What a journey!  We have found the experience challenging, enlightening, frustrating, inspiring--and we could add many other adjectives.  If you would like to do this on your own in 2014--or any time you choose--the Rector can give you more information or you can go to for further exploration.  This year's group highly recommends the experience.   

Advent I

This Sunday, December 1, is the first Sunday in Advent and the beginning of our new liturgical year--Year A, focusing primarily on the gospel of Matthew. We will begin this observance by having our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd children and teachers do an Advent presentation for us during the 10:15 service.  Please join us for this special occasion.  

Save the Date!


After the Sunday morning Eucharist on December 15, all are invited to a Christmas Open House at the Rector's home at 2250 South Main St.  This will take the place of our regular refreshment time after the service.  Save the date! 

Christmas Giving Opportunities


There are a few more names on the Angel Tree for kids from Aaron McNeil House, and, of course, we can always use more monetary donations to buy other gifts for them.  Also, if you would like to donate money for Christmas flowers for the church, there are forms available in Sunday service leaflets and on the wall outside the sacristy.  If you are unable to be at church but would like to donate, please call the church office for a form.  There will be a list of memorials and thanksgivings in the Christmas service leaflets.  

Stewardship and Thanksgiving!


We are finishing up our yearly Stewardship Campaign, and the response thus far has been very encouraging.  We would appreciate receiving pledge cards from those who have not yet submitted them.  As we celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow and through this weekend, may we take this opportunity for rest and relaxation, and may we also focus our thoughts on all the many blessings of our lives and all the gratefulness that we enjoy.  Have a happy one!  

Kroger Cards


Use those Kroger gift cards as you are shopping for the holidays!  Support Grace Kindergarten and Pre-School!  

Mark Your Calendars


December 1--10:15 am--Holy Eucharist for Advent I

December 1--11:30 am--Missions Group and Youth Group

December 4--4:00 pm--Kindergarten Board

December 7--Cookout at Founders Square for Hopkinsville Christmas Parade 

December 12 & 13--Madrigal Feaste

December 15--11:30 am--Christmas Open House at Rector's home

December 15-- 4:00 pm--Aaron McNeil Christmas Party in All Saints

December 24--4:00 pm & 10:30 pm--Holy Eucharist for Christmas Eve

December 29--10:15 am--Lessons and Carols for Christmas 

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