Live Earth Farm (Com)Post
Live Earth Farm Community News                                           Week 25 - 18th Regular Season
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What's in the Boxes

Large ShareBox

Apples, Gala
Asian greens, Pac Choi
Cabbage, Red Express
Dry-farmed Tomatoes
Peppers, Sweet

Medium ShareBox
Apples, Gala
Asian Greens, Pac Choi
Cabbage, Red Express
Dry-farmed Tomatoes
Peppers, Sweet

Small ShareBox
Apples, Gala
Asian greens, Pac Choi
Cabbage, Red Express
Dry-farmed Tomatoes
Peppers, Sweet
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Farm News & Tom's Reflections

A "SLICE" of Magic and Inspiration   
The setting in the middle of our apple orchard for the Discovery Program's 5th Annual Fundraiser was graced by amazing weather, and all the hard work for this challenging event culminated with an outpouring of community support by an amazing crew of volunteers, chefs, winemakers, staff, friends, sponsors, and the approximately 100 guests in attendance.  My heartfelt thanks to all who participated, contributed and inspired to make this our most successful fundraiser event yet. 
     The Fall Equinox is this Sunday, the length of night and day are equal, commencing the return of shorter days. I invite you this week - either when you pick up your share or prepare a meal - to just stop for a moment and reflect on how much of what we do on this farm and in our lives is directly linked to the very cyclical rhythms of our planet, which turns once a day on its tilted axis, wheeling around the sun once a year, circled by its own large moon. 
 Continue reading on our web site

Crop & Field Notes

Fall crops are planted, the Winter squash, both Delicata and Sweet Dumplings, have been harvested with only the Kabocha and Butternut varieties still curing in the field for a few more weeks.
We have a nice crop of Cauliflower ready for harvest next week, the leeks are still abundant, beets with beautiful tops will be back in a week or so. The next block of carrots are a couple of weeks away, they are long enough but still too thin to snack on. The Gala harvest is coming to an end next week - we have enough stored in the cooler now to offer them until December or January. We are moving on to the next apple variety, the Newtown Pippins, and then into the final stretch of our apple harvest with Fuji's in October. Plan to take a Saturday in October to join us on the farm to enjoy your own Apple U-harvest in the Fuji orchard. Maybe you can make it coincide with our Annual Fall Harvest Celebration on October 26th.

Community Farm Day

Dry-farmed Tomato U-Harvests
Saturday, September 21
Saturday, September 28

10:00 AM - 3:00 PM  
Due to continued popular demand, great weather, and plenty of ripe dry-farmed tomatoes, we're going to keep the Saturday U-Harvests going through the end of September. So bring family and friends for a farm outing to harvest and explore the fields, enjoying the seasonal transition from summer into fall. This is your chance to preserve some of the summer flavors we know you'll enjoy during the cool dark months of winter.
 Continue to our web site for more info

Rebecca's Recipes 

Rebecca Mastoris is a chef/teacher at Bauman College, and a partner with Karen Haralson in Vibrant Foods Catering. Both Karen and Rebecca teach cooking classes here at the Farm and at Let's Cook! Santa Cruz. Go to for more information and to register.

Apple, Beet, and Kale Salad 

Our Farm Stand is Open

Come visit the Farm on a Saturday and go home with fresh produce.  Our Farm Stand is open Saturday's from 10am - 3pm at our Green Valley Barn at 1275 Green Valley Rd near Watsonville.
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Live Earth Farm
PO Box 3490
Freedom CA 95019-3490
831.763.2448  [email protected]