January 2015
A monthly newsletter to keep you informed.

Keeping Your Resolutions in 2015
It's that time of year again - New Year Resolutions! People across the United States are committing to make personal improvements: lose weight, quit smoking, stick to a budget, and more.


Goal setting involves much more than making a promise to do something. It also involves equipping ourselves with the right tools and mindset to ensure our success. Here are a few things to help you get a head start on sticking to your resolutions this year:
  1. Identify Your Why. It's great you want to lose weight or quit smoking, but you also need a clear, strong reason for wanting to do so. What will you gain by making these changes in your life? Be honest with yourself - and get really clear about your "why." Write it down and post it somewhere you will see every day.
  2. Determine Action Goals. Setting a goal to lose thirty pounds is not a goal at all - it's an outcome. The action goal should be to exercise and eat right - which will result in the loss of weight. Make a list of the actions that will help you meet your goals, then reward yourself when you accomplish them.
  3. Believe You Deserve It. It's common to struggle with low self-esteem and feel we don't really deserve success. Unfortunately, if we don't believe we deserve it, we may unconsciously sabotage our own efforts or resist it when it arrives. We must truly believe that we deserve success and happiness and be willing to accept that success when it arrives.
  4. Commitment - One of the greatest secrets of success is simply not giving up. When we look at successful people, we usually don't see are the years of hard work, dedication and commitment that got them to where they are today. Are you that committed to your goals? Make a promise to yourself that you will continue working toward your goals. Don't beat yourself up if you make mistakes, simply get up and begin moving forward again.
  5. Patience - Forming new habits takes time and practice. The good news is that countless people have proven it can be done. If they can do it, you can do it too. Give it your best effort, but don't expect perfection from yourself. You may stumble and you  may fall. However, remember that anything worthwhile takes effort. Your goals and dreams are worth fighting for, no matter how long it takes.
Most importantly, believe in yourself. Believe that you have the skills, ability and determination to make your dreams come true.

If you or a loved one is in recovery, or wanting to get into recovery, and are looking to set a resolution for 2015 and don't know where to start, let us help. Please call our Resource Center at: 502-456-1025.  


The Morton Center would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! 

Alumni Pre Superbowl Party!!!

Join Our Cause
We're just like you. We're teachers, business executives, parents, retirees, students...you name it. But the one thing we all have in common is our dedication to change. And the more volunteers we have, the bigger impact we can all make. Together. Learn more.

Save the Date!

Inaugural Spring Festival


Date:         March 7, 2015

Time:        11am - 3pm

Location:  Morton Center Parking Lot


Bring the family to enjoy food, entertainment, activities and music while supporting the Morton Center. More details to come.

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